Pamela Mosier-Boss on the Cold Fusion Now! podcast

The sixteenth episode of the Cold Fusion Now! podcast features Dr. Pamela Mosier-Boss, an analytical chemist who spent a career working at the Navy’s SPAWAR laboratory developing environmental sensors and working on LENR.

As an experimentalist, Dr. Mosier-Boss used the co-deposition method, pioneered with her partner in the lab Dr. Stanislaw Szpak to reveal nuclear effects and an at- or near-surface reaction.

Tiny craters indicating mini-explosions on the surface of the cathode, video of real-time heat-producing flashes, neutrons and alpha particles detected by CR-39 are just some of the published work generated since 1989.

Dr. Boss and her colleagues presented at ICCF-21 proposing LENR-generated neutrons to fission uranium, eliminating the need for radioactive neutron source.

Pamela Mosier-Boss speaks on these topics as well as her career as one of the few woman in the CMNS field, and what needs to happen next to solve the LENR reaction mystery.

Listen to the Cold Fusion Now! podcast with Ruby Carat and special guest Dr. Pamela Mosier-Boss at or subscribe in iTunes.

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