An article on Andrea A. Rossi‘s visit to the Massachusetts State House was published today in the Boston Globe business section.
Republican Bruce Tarr, a Massachusetts State legislator from Gloucester active in alternative energy, invited Mr. Rossi to discuss possibilities for manufacturing E-Cat units within the state.

Entitled “Hope, skepticism for cold fusion“, the piece by D.C. Denison described a “roomful of skeptical people”, including Mr. Tarr. Nevertheless, the legislator is open to the economic potential that this new science and technology can generate.
“My thought process was pretty simple: If it works, I want this technology to be developed and manufactured in Massachusetts,’’ Tarr said.
He is not alone.
States across the US are experiencing budget shortfalls that have affected counties and cities with severe cuts to social services. Dropping property values and high unemployment has ground state revenues down further, even as costs increase. Unemployment funds have reached extreme lows and some states are close to running out of benefits for jobless workers.
Fresh technology based on a new kind of physics is a godsend to State budget committees. Cold fusion technology is in the nascent stage, and Mr. Rossi’s steam generator is the first step in a wide-open field of research and development that will generate new roles and jobs for people worldwide.

As a thermal energy generator, the Energy Catalyzercan be used for heating work spaces or as a hot-water heater at a fraction of current costs, and its clean, a welcome development for environmental programs which have seen their budgets slashed too.
The fuel is hydrogen, the main element in water, and the reaction occurs in a powder made of nickel, the same metal that is in a US 5 cent piece. There is no carbon dioxide emitted by this reaction and there are no radioactive materials used.
Further developments will integrate thermo-electric generators that can turn the steam into electricity. When electrical costs are one-tenth, or even one-hundredth, of what they are now, global economies will be rocked by change, with local economies standing to benefit. Cold fusion energy technology does not need to be connected to a grid system.
It’s easy to see why states are courting the inventor of the first cold fusion energy technology to be released. As Dr. Michael McKubre noted in his recent public talk, “Energy is currency.”
Since States can’t print their own money the way the US federal government can, cold fusion power will have to do.
Related Links
Hope, skepticism for cold fusion by D.C. Denison from Boston Globe November 28, 2011
E-Cat North European Sales Division
SRI International: “What happened to cold fusion?” video of a public talk by Dr. Michael McKubre posted by Ruby Carat November 21, 2011
Millions of so called scientists, billions of dollars spent on so called science, dozens of so called scientific journals and a State Government has to get it’s information on Cold Fusion from a lone independent scientist.
Does academic and establishment science notice anything wrong, no, but when Cold Fusion is established and not censored these same Dumbo’s will be on TV telling everybody how clever science is.
It’s kinda like David and Goliath, huh?
What people think is impossible provides the blind spot to perception.
The bureaucratic institutions just don’t see it coming.
Only the military and DoD had the wherewithal to be apprised of developments, and participate in research.
Mitigation is happening now. We need to be prepared to defend this technology as a people’s technology. The monopoly on fossil fuel energy and money is past the expiration date.
I have been pondering sound, or harmonic phenomenon (like cavitation), as being the catalyst in the Rossi – E Cat reaction chamber. This can also be harmonics in the radio frequency bandwidth, Knowing your interest I am sending you this. You will find enlightening leads in this piece I have been doing flash crowd education with.
A bit of research and I come across this item. Rossi is associated with these folks who are experts in the cavitation phenomenon.
Different frequencies may cause cavitation and focus heat within the nickel and hydrogen lattice, specific frequencies oscillating through a harmonic may create standing waves weakening the lines of resistance between subatomic particles. Is vibration the catalyst in the Rossi E Cat reaction chamber? Related information see Sonofusion
Are the radio frequencies creating a micro-cavitation within the nickel hydrogen lattice? This is the first post I found where Rossi mentions radio frequency generation as part of the reaction process. “In the self sustained mode, a one megawatt plant can operate at full power, while consuming a miniscule amount of electricity to operate fans, pumps and radio frequency generators”, Andre Rossi.
Further harmonic speculation in a recent CBS News article “Cold Fusion Debate Heats Up After Latest Demo” -By Natalie Wolchover- “Peter Hagelstein, an MIT professor of electrical engineering and computer science and one of the most mainstream proponents of cold fusion research, thinks the process may involve vibrational energy in the metal’s lattice driving nuclear transitions that lead to fusion.”
“Not so far in the distant future, the next generation… will look back at our generation.. and know that the term ‘energy shortage’ was a term for unenlightened minds” gbgoble-2008
which company you are buying nickel??