The second annual Global Breakthrough Energy Movement conference is on schedule to bring energy innovators together from around the world next week in Boulder, Colorado, in spite of the floods that have destroyed parts of the area.
Originally to be held at the University of Colorado Boulder campus, an angel named Darek Zurek has, as they say, “stepped up to the plate”, and a new venue for the event has been announced:
The Days Hotel
5397 South Boulder Road, Boulder, CO 80303
Telephone: 1-303-499-4422
MORE Breakthrough POWER TO YOU, Darek Zurek!
Darek owns the Days Hotel in Boulder, and “has lovingly offered us his entire property, including rooms, restaurant, parking lots and catering at a generous rate.”
“Our team has come together to plan out a more festive event with beautiful tents, art, healing, as well as a premier lineup of global change agents,” says Jeroen van Straaten, co-organizer of the event.
“With such a planetary tribe of focused individuals, nothing can stop the inevitable roll out of Breakthrough Energy technologies.”
van Straaten also says that, “Included in the conference plans are considerations for displaced flood victims and the surrounding city of Boulder. Help us get the word out to all of Colorado and surrounding states: The Global BEM schedule, talks, demonstrations, art, and projects are accelerating this October 10-12 as planned!”
New energy researchers and paradigm-changing architects of our future energy infrastructure will be present to share their successes and challenges in engineering a 21st century global civilization.
Overviews of cold fusion, breakthrough energy technology, and vortex mathematics will give context to updates from researchers in zero point energy (ZPE), magnets, anti-gravity and more exotic energy sciences and technology.
Financial and economic models presented by Catherine Austin Fitts, Mike Waters, and Mike Upstone, focus on crowd-funding mechanisms in support of new energy technologies, and how these resulting breakthroughs will assist global economic recovery and renaissance.
Also speaking will be Joel Gabon, co-author of Breakthrough Energy and New Energy Movement organizer and Sterling Allen of Pure Energy Systems Network, will speak on the recent discoveries in the top exotic technologies, as well as better gauge achievements through standardizing evaluation criteria and engineering benchmarks.
The discoveries of Ken Shoulders and Mark LeClair will be examined by Moray King, and LeClair will join King on Skype for an additional conversation on ZPE and cavitation afterwards.
Veteran insider Tom Valone will be there to survey the energy and propulsion landscape. In 1999, Valone lost a job at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for his part in organizing a conference on cold fusion.
Ruby Carat of Cold Fusion Now will open the conference Thursday morning 10AM inventorying key events in cold fusion history that delayed its success, and the Live Open Science initiative that’s driving momentum for research today. David Niebauer follows, discussing potential scenarios for commercialization of technology based on cold fusion, also called low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), amongst other names.
James Martinez of Cold Fusion Radio will speak on Saturday morning, some of the impending changes built-in to any radical new technology as described by Marshall McLuhan. Writers such as Jeane Manning, environmentalists, engineers, and artists will be speaking and performing a variety of messages about history, technology, and the social implications of disruptive energy technology.
For a complete listing of all participants, see the program.
Check out the promo video, the program, the speakers.
Secure your ticket!
Early bird hotel rates are available.
For more information, go to the Global BEM website or email
From the Global Breakthrough Energy Movement:
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete”
I await the contents of the lectures and am curious about new developments in Ni-H transmution, especially the “catalyst”. I like to draw your attention to my fusion-vortex Belgian patent BE904719, abstract available through Espacenet, European patent data base. According to said patent the radius of the fusionable nuclei is expanded in an increasing magnetic field (Lenz’s law) with the result of weakened Coulomb repulsion. No full text in English available, Sorry..
Please have a look at the articles “Belgian LANR Patents”,” LANR by Coulomb Explosion” and “Cold Fusion Catalyst” on e-Cat Site now with Cold Fusion Now. Belgian patent BE1002780 contains a theory about fusion of deuterium in palladium lattice through “electrostatic wetting” resulting in orbital broadening of protons and fusion in the presence of an excess of electrons. BE1002781 describes on pages 3-4 the origin of mass of protons and nature of electric charge being a function of the reverse value of the product of mass and radius of the elementary particle (proton or electron); that product being constant all the time. Nuclear fusion in a vortex of plasma containing fusionable ions such as deuterons is described in BE904719 (see Espacenet). Said patent contains calculations based on the Schrödinger equation and proof that the radius of the spinning electron is half of the orbit of the electron in the hydrogen atom. It contains also based on Lenz’s law a method to expand the radius of elementary particles weakening at their circumference the Coulomb repulsion, so lowering the Coulomb barrier for interprenetration and nuclear fusion.