Cold fusion economy supported by Greek government

“…SPIEGEL ONLINE has obtained information from German government sources knowledgeable of the situation in Athens indicating that Papandreou’s government is considering abandoning the euro and reintroducing its own currency.” [4]
Christian Reiermann Athens Mulls Plans for New Currency, Greece Considers Exit from Euro Zone Der Spiegel Online

By indirections find directions out.
— Shakespeare

There is a category of inventions called disruptive technology. Funding streams allotted to this sector award designers who innovate based on radical departures from incremental change. A cursory search of disruptive technology will yield many examples, most of which are IT-oriented, such as breakthroughs in social networking, cloud computing, and cyber security.

You will find little to no mention of the most disruptive technology of all, cold fusion, even as the first commercial device is poised to be installed later this year. Defkalion Green Technologies based in Athens, Greece holds the world rights, excepting the Americas, for Andrea A. Rossi‘s Energy Catalyzer, or ECat, a new energy reactor based on cold fusion technology, which Mr. Rossi prefers to be called low-energy nuclear reactions. A factory located in Xanthi, Greece plans to use an array of smaller models of the publicly demonstrated 12 Kw ECat, linked together, to generate 1MW power for the purpose of manufacturing more ECats.

Steven B. Krivit of New Energy Times published on his blog the possible board of directors for Defkalion as:

– Sortikos George, businessman, born 1942, President
– George Xanthoulis, student, son of Alexandros Xanthoulis, born 1987, Vice President
– Aurel Christian David, Managing Director, born 1969
– Christos Stremmenos, University Professor, born 1932
– PRAXEN L.T.D., Company based in Cyprous, will be represented by Alexandros Xanthoulis, born 1954
– John Chadjichristos, business consultant, member of the board, born 1958
– Andreas Meidanis, industrialist, member of the board, born 1953
– Muafak Sauachni, medical doctor, (Israeli), member, born 1961
– Andreas Drugas, business consultant, born 1945

Member Christos Stremmenos is a University of Bologna professor who was interviewed recently on Radio Città del Capo in Bologna, Italy about the ECat technology. Portions of the interview have been translated from Italian by Alex Passi in a piece on the website entitled Stremmenos: “cold fusion will solve many problems of humanity”. [1]

In the interview, Professor Stremmenos mentions “his mediation with the Greek government to make an industrial plant possible. For this purpose, Defkalion Green Technology was formed, a business venture of which he is vice-chairman — on “honorary terms”, he says.

When asked about the role of the Greek government in the formation of Defkalion and the initiation of the factory in Greece, Professor Stremmenos replied with some background:

“When I retired, I wanted to set up my own lab and quietly continue my research. But I did inform George Papandreou, the current Prime Minister, who at the time was President of PASOK. In the Convention which elected him, there were these commissions working on various aspects of the Greek economy. These were supposed to lay down the most favoured Party’s platform for government. So I told him, “George, look” — I explained — “I’m still working on this”. So at the Convention he says: “You know, I believe in this thing too, but who knows when it will come about” “I don’t know”, I said, “ truth and fate we haven’t got, but we must support and pursue this line.”

When the recent breakthrough in energy production came with Mr. Rossi’s catalyst, Professor Stremmenos says he wrote to Mr. Rossi “I’d like to follow this thing up in Greece too, because right now there are serious economic problems in my country”. Later, he states,

“In short, considering the climate, the mindset of the present government in Greece …let me tell you, even the opposition has now asked to be informed on this issue, too. Therefore in Greece this matter is treated without prejudice, no one is uncommitted. Here, Rossi is right, there is not much one can do about it…”

Whatever the veracity of the report by Der Speigel Online that Greece would like to “exit’ from the Euro Zone, if a factory in Greece has the rights to manufacture the biggest breakthrough energy technology since the burning of wood, and the government has confidence that it’s ready to be commercialized, these events would influence any decision to leave the Euro behind, and speculate on perhaps creating their own currency backed by profits of ECat manufacturing and licensing, estimated in the hundreds of trillions of dollars? [5]

Separated from the European Central Bank, the people of Greece could be able to keep this wealth derived from energy, close to its shores. Where over two-thousand years ago, the roots of modern science, math, and democracy first emerged, we may now see a next-generation energy technology that will extend globally, for the first time in history, the opportunity for all humans to be equally self-sufficient.

The reality is that once the technology is spread, the opportunity for a change in living arrangements will be immediate, and a boon to the entire planet. New and better devices will be developed with applications we cannot think of today; an entirely new service environment with new roles for humans to play.

In a Wall Street Journal update after the secret meeting held last night in Luxembourg, Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou has refuted the notion that Greece will leave the Euro Zone, and there are other points to factor in. But as Greece roils from a year of financial crises that continues to bring its people into the streets protesting, the European Union won’t let Greece go easily, as revealed in the dire predictions for its economy should Greece ever depart.

One clothed, and two naked, Energy Catalyzers.
It may look like an old bathroom pipe, but this invention defines disruptive technology. Photo: Mats Lewan NY Teknik

As this technology emerges into the public awareness, “there will be a stampede” for cheap, clean, energy generated by the hydrogen in water. Our current global industries of oil, gas, and coal will be obsolesced by a small, portable, self-contained energy reactor that can supply all personal energy needs for about a quarter to a third of current prices, and eventually, even cheaper.

The dollar, once “as good as gold”, became a petro-dollar linked with the currency of oil and as cold fusion technology permeates society, the dollar will not retain its status as the world’s reserve currency. Corporations, and all levels of government that exist for these non-entities, will see profits landslide. Cold fusion, and all new energy technologies, challenge the power that existing networks of money and hydrocarbons have, and after reigning for a hundred years, it won’t go down easy.

The public must be prepared to defend this ultra-clean energy technology. Be prepared for the assault by the diehards on this the most disruptive of technologies.

Challenge energy policies that do not include cold fusion relentlessly.

Support young, independent new-energy companies designing next-generation technologies.

Defend your right to clean energy.

And begin transitioning to the next phase in human existence.

Cold Fusion Now!

Related links

1. interview with Christos Stremmenos at translated by Alex Passi and Alfredo Knecht.

2. Cash-Flow interview with Dr. Edmund Storms: “There will be a stampede.” excerpts transcribed by Ruby Carat.

3. Defkalion Green Technologies

4. Der Spiegel Online Athens Mulls Plans for New Currency Greece Considers Exit From Euro Zone.

5. Infinite-Energy Cold Fusion and the Future Part 2 – A Look at Economics and Society by Jed Rothwell

6. New Energy Times blog Possible Listing of Defkalion Board Members by Steven B. Krivit.

7. Ny Teknik Ny Teknik tested the energy catalyzer by Mats Lewan.

8. Pure Energy Systems Andrea Rossi with Sterling Allan on Coast-to-Coast AM by Hank Mills.

9. Wall Street Journal UPDATE: Greece must plan next steps for 2012-2013.

A letter to Ed Markey

After the biggest oil disaster in US history, there was one man who relentlessly barked at both US and BP spokestrons. He is by no means a perfect politician (who is?), but Congressional Representative Ed Markey gave some comfort to those of us who watched in horror as our ocean and wildlife was assaulted, again, by reckless drilling practices. He relentlessly pursued BP to release the video showing the leak gusher at the bottom of the sea, and was seemingly The Lone Ranger in Washington, DC as he pushed for accountability from one of the largest corporations in the world.

Recently, he was at the forefront of an effort to require gas companies to disclose the chemicals they use during the practice of “fracking”. This report reveals dangerous carcinogens that are being injected into aquifers that supply drinking water to millions. (See our recent post: “What the Frack is Going On?” and read the Hydraulic Fracturing Report)

He also led a panel looking a nuclear safety in the US after the tragedy in Japan, which is still ongoing, and is a trauma that our friends in that island nation will have years, if not decades, to work through. (See our recent post: Dangers of Nuclear Fission Plants..)

But this sometime maverick, outspoken more than most about energy and the environment, has never spoken of the solution staring us right in the face – cold fusion and LENR technologies. Surely he must know. So why not speak out on this issue?

We can only speculate. But as we have learned in the past year of our existence, all the answers are complicated.

In the last year, we have written many letters to our elected officials in the US urging them to lend their support to low-energy nuclear reactions research, and find funding to fast-track the development of ultra-clean nuclear power from hydrogen.

Since we began our energy advocacy in the wake of the BP oil catastrophe, which is still not over, despite the lack of media coverage (See Project Gulf Impact and BP Oilslick), we have assimilated so much information on this topic of clean nuclear power.

And as we have learned more, we wonder now at the worth of sending letters to politicians. Does it really make a difference? Deep water permits for oil drilling in the Gulf, temporarily suspended, have been continued, and there is no evidence at all that multi-national corporations such as BP have developed any tools capable of responding to a similar disaster, which makes it only a matter of time before another one occurs. As the largest consumer of fossil fuels, the US has done little to create a clean energy policy.

Is it be better to throw our efforts at wealthy private individuals, angels, and venture capital firms, and direct that money towards the blossoming number of private companies who might rather stay under the radar of meddling politicians? Perhaps US officials get involved, they will ruin the opportunities that exist today for young scientists and start-up companies to create a new world?

We are conflicted.

In any case, though our letter writing has diminished in recent months (due to the demands of daily classroom activities), we have not stopped the activism.

We have spoken with colleagues who work at colleges and universities, educating them about the recent advances in LENR, most of whom knew nothing about it. We have spoken to our students, and showed them the papers and videos of these emerging technologies.

I have personally done math problems in algebra class adapted from this science. Yes, that’s right, energy out/in ratios, mass-to-energy equations, and many more LENR topics that I can simplify to basic algebra. And students loved it.

Today, we send Representative Ed Markey a letter thanking him for his accomplishments in holding Big Fossil accountable and pursuing justice for the environment. We also sent Representative Henry Waxman and House Energy and Environment Committee Chairman a letter as well. Each letter asks for support for LENR research and includes a Cold Fusion Now sticker.

As we mailed these few letters today, not knowing if it is helpful, or possibly hurtful, we continue to keep talking, and keep typing. (See archived post: Jan Marwan: “Start talking.”) And if your so inclined, and you feel it helps, copy and paste portions of this letter in a message to send to your Representative.

Worldwide, we must hold our leaders accountable, demanding action when they do wrong, and rewarding them when they do right. The fragile life that exists on this planet deserves no less from us.

Cold Fusion Now!

April 20, 2011

Representative Ed Markey
2108 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative Markey,

Thank you for continuing the fight to hold oil and gas companies accountable for the environmental damage done by reckless drilling practices. Your work on the Energy and Environment Subcommittee, including the recent hearings exposing, again, the dangers of radiation contamination, ranks you as one of the most respected supporters for our natural environment, admired around the country.

Now I ask you to put your powerful voice towards a truly clean energy, low-energy nuclear reactions, also called cold fusion, a type of ultra-clean nuclear power generated by hydrogen. If you have dismissed this research in the past, please do not miss this opportunity to get ahead of this two-decades-old science, just about to emerge as a technology. Research and engineering has been limping along with virtually zero federal support, other than military, yet the successes are increasing. It may be as soon as the end of this year that we will see a working device, manufactured in Florida, to be installed in a factory – in Greece.

Already there are numerous small businesses involved in LENR-related research and development around the country, several in your own state, each employing a handful of people. These companies need funding to hire more young scientists and increase productivity. Private investment has been inhibited by the United States Patent Office’s refusal to accept patents relating to this technology, a practice that should be reversed immediately.

LENR technology will create a renaissance of new businesses, jobs for young scientists, and more importantly, a clean energy to build a future on. We should make every effort to explore all avenues of clean energy quickly as possible to mitigate the effects of declining fossil fuels and aging nuclear fission power plants.

This technology will emerge eventually, with or without federal support, but public support means public ownership. Please sir, consider hearings on the state of the science and technology with the goal of funding research and development in this truly sustainable area of green nuclear power.

Thank you, and best wishes for continued success in the area of clean energy and the environment.


Your Name Here!

Letters and stickers also went to Rep. Waxman and Chairman Upton.
If you’re in their district, see if they sport em anywhere!

Technocrat: “No-money society” uses energy credits.

James Martinez produced another hour of far-out radio in his recent Ca$h Flow interview with Ron Miller of
Download full .mp3
April 7 interview with Ron Miller from the Cold Fusion Radio Audio page.

Defined by Wikipedia:
“Technocracy is a form of government in which engineers, scientists, health professionals and other technical experts are in control of decision making in their respective fields. The term technocracy derives from the Greek words tekhne meaning skill and kratos meaning power, as in government, or rule. Thus the term technocracy denotes a system of government where those who have knowledge, expertise or skills compose the governing body. In a technocracy decision makers would be selected based upon how highly knowledgeable they are, rather than how much political capital they hold.”

Ron Miller is a retired engineer who now educates about technocracy conducting workshops for kids at schools and colleges. One of his students described technocracy as “a cross between Star Trek and Nova”, which may be as accurate as Wikipedia.

James, whose show looks at issues of money and society, asked about the support shown for a “no money society” from poll participants. Mr. Miller responded:

What the organization proposed was that the amount of energy that is required to produce every single thing that society needs should be accounted for, and everyone would be given their share, simply by dividing between the population, of the amount of energy over a given budgeting period.

An then when you go into a store, that amount of energy would be deducted so that we could keep track of what’s going where, and so on and so forth. You still have to have a feedback mechanism, for instance, so that the warehouses know that their beginning to run out of a particular product and the warehouse can tell the manufacturer they need more and the reason we chose energy is because energy is the most fundamental constituent of anything physical.

In the universe, there is really only two things, matter and energy, and without energy there is no motion and no movement. It requires energy to dig materials out of the ground, it requires energy to turn them into products, and so forth. Most of the time we don’t measure it, but we certainly could.

One of the real problems, too, that you have when we talk about money, and this is one of the things that I make sure to explain to kids in the classroom, is that money is not wealth. Money is not wealth at all.

Wealth is the chairs they’re sitting in, the buildings they’re sitting in, the houses they go home to, the cars they drive in. That’s wealth. Money is just a pile of paper.

James asked Mr. Miller what would life look like with this different type of living arrangement, and how would a country operate under this system?

“There would be numbers of things that simply wouldn’t change much,” Mr. Miller said. “People still have to have homes, some place to live, they still have to eat, and so on and so forth, and go about their business.”

But when you no longer have a price system, there’s a whole bunch of things that you don’t need anymore. You don’t need Wall Street. In fact it becomes worthless, pointless, it can’t exist. Neither can corporations exist. The banking systems becomes obviously non-existent, just an empty building. Most of the financial structure that we have now essentially would disappear.

We certainly wouldn’t need the advertising that we have anymore. There’s going to be huge numbers of things connected with the financial system that we are not going need.

A great deal of what is left can and should be automated, very quickly in some cases. Immediately, what the organization proposed was that a person should start work about the age of 25 and retire by the age of 45. I think that even with a framework of only 20 years of working, I think you’d have trouble finding work for alot of people.

Now, that having been said, we’re going to have to completely rebuild our infra-structure. It’s at a minimum inadequate, if not downright dangerous. It needs to be drastically converted into something that uses far less energy.

Mr. Miller offers solutions like transportation systems like high-speed magnetically levitated trains, which would replace polluting airplanes. People would work only 4 hours a day, 4 days a week, leaving more time for them to engage in creative pursuits. He describes “an explosion” in the arts and sciences “because people will want something to do with their time and lives of value.”

He believes the transformed society would have personal transports that are diesel-driven, which means there is a huge hole in this model, but he does say overpopulation is the biggest issue that must be dealt with whether or not a technocracy was established.

M. King Hubbert Original Technocat

M. King Hubbert was an original Technocrat. We recently wrote about Mr. King’s interest in nuclear power and his time at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, then the Atomic Energy Commission. Those who claim Carbon Currency is an outgrowth of the Technocracy, Inc are missing the point by limiting credit to carbon, though perhaps it is not surprising that this is so in a world where governments are indistinguishable from fossil fuel corporations.

A free-energy society operating on energy credits may sound radical, but low-energy nuclear reactions LENR technology is poised to drop on world culture within the next couple of years, and questions such as how our economy can and should be shaped will be important to stabilizing the effects.

It was Marshall McLuhan whose theories of communication expressed the importance of understanding our technology so that we do not become slaves to it. Laws of Media, written with his son Eric McLuhan, models a system that allows an inventory of effects when new technologies are introduced in society, in order to better mitigate the inevitable disservices.

In the discussion of how to create a new living arrangement on a planet-wide scale using cold fusion technology, one model is proposed by Technocracy, but you decide. In a no-money society, how would we operate with free-energy credits?

Download full .mp3
April 7 interview with Ron Miller from the Cold Fusion Radio Audio page.

Senate debates now on Patent Reform Act of 2011

If you are concerned about the United States Patent and Trademark Office USPTO practices, the window is closing to contact your senator, as well as those on the the Judiciary Committee, in regards to the Patent Reform Act of 2011.

They have opened the debate on the Patent Reform Act of 2011 to the full senate. Full text of the bill is available here.

Members of the Judiciary are listed here.

Contact your Senator here.

A list of supporters of this bill is located here.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office has been criticized for failing to issue patents related to cold fusion technologies, thereby suppressing the free-flow of information on new energy research and hampering the development of clean energy devices. For some cogent thoughts on this issue, see the recent post “Robert Duncan Interview on Cash-flow: ‘Public Investment means public ownership.’ “

The following is from Senator Patrick Leahy’s Press Release:

Leahy Opens U.S. Senate Debate On Patent Reform Legislation
Legislation Is Result Of Six Years Of Debate, Consideration In Congress

WASHINGTON (Monday, Feb. 28, 2011) – The Senate Monday afternoon began debate on long-pending legislation to make the first comprehensive reforms to the nation’s patent system in nearly six decades. The legislation is authored by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.). Leahy first introduced bipartisan patent reform legislation in 2006, and as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he has pressed the Senate to take up the legislation.

“The Patent Reform Act is a key part of any jobs agenda,” said Leahy. “We can help unleash innovation and promote American invention, all without adding a penny to the deficit. This is commonsense, bipartisan legislation.”

Patent reform legislation has been introduced in the Senate and in the House in each of the last four Congresses. Earlier this year, the Senate Judiciary Committee reported the Patent Reform Act to the full Senate for consideration for the third consecutive Congress. The Committee voted 15-0 to send the legislation to the full Senate.

“This country’s first patent was issued to a Vermonter. Thomas Jefferson, the Secretary of State, examined the application, and President George Washington signed it,” Leahy said. “A balanced and efficient intellectual property system that rewards invention and promotes innovation through high quality patents is crucial to our nation’s economic prosperity and job growth.”

The Patent Reform Act will improve and harmonize operations at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; it will improve the quality of patents that are issued; and it will provide more certainty in litigation. In particular, the legislation will move this nation’s patent system to a first-inventor-to-file system, make important quality enhancement mechanisms, and provide the PTO with the resources it needs to work through its backlog by providing it with fee setting authority, subject to oversight.

The Patent Reform Act is supported by cross-sector manufacturers, innovators, small businesses and inventors, high-tech, universities, pharmaceuticals and biotech, labor, bar associations, financial planners, and others.

The legislation is cosponsored by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), and Senators Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), Al Franken (D-Minn.), Joe Lieberman (ID-Conn), Christopher Coons (D-Del.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Herb Kohl (D-Wis.), and Tom Harkin (D-Iowa).

The Senate will debate the Patent Reform Act this week.

Download full text of the bill is here.

A Brief History of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Patents here.

Kids clue-in the President

Next time you call the Whitehouse Comment Line 1-202-456-1111, mention the students of Beaverton School of Science and Technology.

They know – there is no time to waste!

President Gives Speech at Intel
by By Ryan Widdekind

BEAVERTON, Ore. — President Obama will be in Oregon Friday. He’s meeting with some lucky seniors at the Beaverton School of Science and Technology.

The students plan on giving the President a kind of crash course in clean energy. They’ve been working on a cold fusion project for two years and think their experiments could one day create clean energy for all of us.

He then gave a speech on education at Intel’s Hillsboro campus.


Listen to these kids talk cold whatever-you-wanna-call-it fusion!!!
