Energy Shortage?
Not so far.. In the near distant future…
The next generation will look back on our generation as the last of the “Fire Era” and know in fact, that “Energy Shortage” was a term for un-enlightened minds. -‘gbgoble2009
I am a Knowledgable Poet. A sub-genius of the birth year 1958, I dropped out of school as did many bright minded individuals at the far end of the ‘Peace and Love’ generation (Woodstock), an in-between time. I became a Gypsy, experiencing “Retirement Living” long before retirement. I enjoyed travel and basking in creative relaxation from town to town. Tune In – Drop Out; which I did, gladly enough. Our company name was “The Beadniks” making many a beaded jewelry design that pleased folks wherever we went. We made our living, bartering our creative line of leather beaded pouches, crystals, and jewelry to live and travel nicely in the State and National Forests of the U.S.A. Lakes, Rivers, and Hot Springs Galore. YES!!!
Why do I break Cold Fusion stories? Guess why I am incensed with the study of exposure? I revel in it.
I for one, sorely miss a Global Energy Corporation presentation at both the annual Global Breakthrough Energy Movement symposium and the International Conference of Cold Fusion research. Why are their findings not presented?
The board of directors of the Global Energy Corporation include three U.S. politicians.
What do they say?
Cold Fusion Now Looks Into This…
Global Energy Corporation
PACIFIC ISLANDS REPORTPacific Islands Development Program/East-West Center
With Support From Center for Pacific Islands Studies/University of Hawai‘i |
Wary commission weighs Global Energy’s approach
By Gaynor Dumat-ol Daleno
HAGÅTÑA, Guam (Pacific Daily News, April 12, 2012) – The Guam Power Authority management is seeking guidance from the Consolidated Commission on Utilities in light of interest expressed by at least two companies to open power plants using nuclear energy.
According to the minutes of the March 13 CCU meeting, one commissioner, Eloy Hara, told commission members that a Global Energy Corp. proposal “is worth a second look.”
The Global Energy Corp. proposal states it would offer “hybrid fusion technology,” but CCU had learned it has not been tried yet.
The minutes of the meeting also indicate that Hara said GPA should keep the doors of communication with Global Energy Corp. open.
GPA and CCU have seen Global Energy Corp.’s presentation on its proposed power plant, but CCU Chairman Simon Sanchez has said neither the CCU nor GPA has requested proposals from nuclear power companies.
The power agency is instead launching energy projects that harness solar and wind technology.
According to the minutes of the meeting, Hara wanted CCU to send a letter to Global Energy Corp. that thanks the company for its presentation and at the same time mentions a possible memorandum of understanding.
Hara said in the meeting Global Energy Corp. invited GPA management and CCU to participate in further discussions in San Diego, but GPA needed to sign a memorandum of understanding before taking part in any further presentation by Global Energy Corp., according to the minutes.
Commissioner Joseph Duenas voiced concern, however, that a mention of an MOU would be construed as a request for proposal, according to the commission’s meeting record.
Hara did say at the meeting that a mention of a possible MOU for the trip to San Diego was cleared by a legal review, but the commission did not go for Hara’s proposal, according to the minutes.
Chairman Simon Sanchez and other commissioners were clear that they only want to send a letter that thanks Global Energy Corp. for its presentation, the meeting minutes state.
Global Energy Corp. made a presentation to CCU in February but the meeting was closed because it contained proprietary information, Sanchez has said.
Global Energy Corp.’s presentation to the CCU should not be viewed as an intention to bring this specific kind of nuclear power to Guam, Sanchez said before the meeting took place.
Before GPA could seriously pursue nuclear energy, it would need to study the feasibility of this technology — which can be expensive and dangerous on Guam, Sanchez has said.
“I think the most important question has to be if the community is comfortable with nuclear energy,” Sanchez has said.
According to its website, Global Energy Corp. is a Virginia company that promises a new kind of nuclear reactor that uses natural uranium and does not produce hazardous waste. Sanchez noted that the company has not actually built any of these reactors — so the proposal has a “guinea pig element.”
The other company that has contacted GPA, Q-Power Corp., also proposes a concept for a new kind of nuclear reactor, according to its website.
Pacific Daily News:
Copyright © 2012 Guam Pacific Daily News. All Rights Reserved
THE Consolidated Commission on Utilities and the Guam Power Authority are investigating a new type of “generation five” nuclear power generator – one that could potentially reduce power costs for Guam ratepayers by half or more.
The Variety has learned Dr. Jay W. Khim, CEO of Global Energy Corp. (GEC) based in Annandale, Va., made a presentation to the utilities commission, GPA officials and Navy engineers last month and will make another tomorrow afternoon.
CCU member Eloy Hara, who says he is “spearheading” the project on behalf of GEC, told Variety: “After the presentation that Dr. Khim gave to the CCU and the Guam power management team, and almost an hour-long discussion afterward … we were all awed by the technology.
“And if it is for real, this technology really could be the answer to our program of One Green Guam; and also it fits right into the alternative energy that we are participating in right now.”
The company, in conjunction with the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Department of Energy, says it has developed a “hybrid fusion-fast-fission” reactor called GeNiE which, according to GEC, “is compatible with the decades-long development of very high temperature, helium cooled reactors.”
The reactors being built now, including the two licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission last week for the State of Georgia – the first in the U.S. in more than 30 years – are based on generation three technology.
Generation five
“We’re generation five,” Dr. Khim told the Variety during an exclusive interview, “and first of all this is a brand new concept.” He said safety is the first consideration, and that cannot be ensured by building higher walls around reactors, as Japan saw last year with Fukushima.
“You have to change the basic science of nuclear power,” Khim explained. “We’ve been working with the U.S. Navy for about 22 years and the basic science phase is now over. Now we’re going into commercial development, which the Navy is not going to do.” But Khim says the science has been repeatedly duplicated by the Navy, and has been proven, recognized and published.
Officials of the Navy on Guam, including Capt. John V. Heckmann Jr., CO of Naval Facilities and a professional engineer, attended the GEC briefing.
The GEC board of directors, Khim says, includes some well-known Washington D.C. Players, including former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci, former Congressman and Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta, and former U.S. Congressman Tom Davis, among others.
“The biggest problem I see on Guam,” Dr. Khim told Variety, “is that power is too costly, way above average, and way too dependent on fossil fuel. Those costs have nowhere to go but up.” He says the clean nuclear technology offered by GEC is the only solution for a place like Guam.
According to Dr. Khim, the GeNiE reactor burns natural uranium which doesn’t require enrichment. It creates no nuclear waste, he says, thus eliminating the need for nuclear waste storage – a major problem wherever nuclear generation using old technology is used. In fact, the reactor can use spent fuel from current plants as a fuel source, although there is no plan to use such fuel for the Guam reactor, he points out. Since there is no nuclear chain reaction involved, no nuclear meltdown is possible and there is also no weapons proliferation risk. It is clean nuclear technology, Dr. Khim contends.
“The key to this technology,” Khim explains, “is that the GeNiE reactor actually burns uranium 238 in a hybrid fusion-fission process that is clean, utterly safe, and secure. The reactor is cooled by helium gas – rather than water – which cannot become radioactive. There is no need for a separate heat exchanger or secondary loop, which greatly simplifies the reactor, increasing safety and reducing costs.”
Global Energy Corp. is proposing to build a 50-megawatt plant as a pilot project on Guam, on a build, operate and transfer basis for which GEC would obtain its own financing. Guam ratepayers would pay only for the electric power generated. Khim says he will finance the estimated $250 million plant himself. “No initial money for Guam at all,” Khim assured. “I’ll pay all the money; I’ll run it; and give Guam cheap electricity.” He says once his company and the CCU enter into a memorandum of understanding, other issues, such as the location of the reactor, will be explored.
“Our plan is to fuel the generator only once, and the fuel would last for 50 years,” Khim said. The fuel will be natural, unenriched uranium ore, which is mined in various countries including the U.S. and Australia.
“This concept is simple,” Khim added. “We’re tsunami-proof, earthquake-proof, and typhoon-proof. There is no chance of a major catastrophe because there can be no meltdown. This is clean, green nuclear energy. This is the future … where we are going. This is a dream come true for all humankind.”
Enformable Nuclear News – By Lucas W. Hixson – March 25th 2013
Former governor of the Northern Mariana Islands, Benigno R. Fitial stands alone in history as the first governor of any U.S. territory to be the subject of impeachment, but only the ninth United States governor to be impeached and removed from office. On August 28th, 2012, while Governor Fitial was in the United States for the Republican National Convention, an impeachment resolution was filed in the Northern Mariana Islands House of Representatives, which accused the governor of multiple felonies, multiple acts of public corruption, and neglecting official duties. It was even included in the impeachment filed that the governor had allowed a federal prisoner released in order to bring him to the governor’s private mansion to give him a massage.
It is now being discovered that former governor Fitial and then Attorney General Edward Buckingham signed a deal in June of 2012, which would’ve constructed nuclear power plant in partnership with Global Energy Corporation. The deal was only discovered last week by newly elected Governor Eloy S. Inois, who assumed his post on February 20th of this year, even though since August of last year the Saipan Tribune had been questioning the Fitial administration about rumors of a possible nuclear energy agreement, but had been stonewalled in response.
According to the dates on the document, Fitial and Buckingham signed off on the nuclear energy document around the time GEC scientists and officials, including CEO Dr. Jay W. Khim, visited Saipan during June of 2012.
The terms of the deal sound eerily similar to a deal which Global Energy Corporation offered to Guam in February of 2012, in which the location of the reactor was not even discussed until after a memorandum of understanding had been signed. Later that month, the press reported that Global Energy Corp. was proposing to build a 50-megawatt plant as a pilot project on Guam, on a build, operate and transfer basis for which GEC would obtain its own financing. The reports argued that Guam ratepayers would pay only for the electric power generated. GEC CEO Dr. Khim even said that he would finance the estimated $250 million plant himself. “No initial money for Guam at all,” Khim assured the press. “I’ll pay all the money; I’ll run it; and give Guam cheap electricity.” He added that once his company and the CCU enter into a memorandum of understanding, other issues, such as the location of the reactor, will be explored.

The Global Energy Corporation is a nuclear industry corporation established in Virginia, with a mission to develop and commercialize proprietary fast-breeder reactor technology it dubbed “GeNiE”, which features a logo incorporating an atom atop of a Genie’s Bottle. Although the document signed does infer the willingness of Fitial’s administration to invest in fast-breeder technology, it would be hard to hold the Marianas Commonwealth to the terms of the document, considering that the GeNiE reactor has not been licensed for commercial use and is still in the experimental research stage, despite 20 years of efforts by multiple industry organizations.
“From my initial review, it doesn’t look like it’s a firm contract. It was essentially memorialization of a desire of the Commonwealth government to avail of that technology but there are conditions precedent to entering into that contract like securing financing and studies, approval of the technology which has yet to be approved, and so forth. It’s long ways from being a contract that can be executed in terms of the provisions but it is interesting that we have that,” Inos said.
House Speaker Joseph Deleon Guerrero (IR-Saipan) also said in his view the document “does not bind the CNMI to anything.”
The Inos administration has expressed no interest in a nuclear power project and has instead issued orders to conduct a study on the integration of alternative or renewable energy into the existing Commonwealth Utilities Corp. power grid. Governor Inos is going to send the document to the Office of the Attorney General to ensure that there is not any liability or obligation to fulfill under the document that the former governor and former AG signed.
Quantum Rabbit Labs and The New Energy Foundation
These groups developed a crowd funded research and radioactive elements experiment protocol that developed LENR Induced Transmutation of Nuclear Waste. If SPAWAR had published and shared their tax funded research in 2007, this group and many others would already be remediating the nuclear waste problems of the world through LENR energy science and engineering.
Edward Esko
Abstract —
Quantum Rabbit (QR) research on the low-energy fusion and fission (low-energy nuclear reactions, or LENR) of various elements indicates possible pathways for applying that process to reducing nuclear materials. In a New Energy Foundation (NEF)-funded test conducted at Quantum Rabbit lab in Owls Head, Maine, QR researchers initiated a possible low-energy fission reaction in which 204Pb fissioned into 7 Li and 197Au (204Pb → 7 Li + 197Au).1 This reaction may have been triggered by a low-energy fusion reaction in which 7 Li fused with 32S to form 39K (7 Li + 32S →19K). These results confirmed earlier findings showing apparent low-energy fusion and fission reactions.2 Moreover, subsequent research with boron indicates apparent low-energy fusion reactions in which boron fuses with oxygen to form aluminum and with sulfur to form scandium.3 At the same time, the QR group has achieved what appear to be low-energy transmutations of carbon using carbon-arc under vacuum and in open air.4 The research group at QR believes these processes can be adapted to accelerate the natural decay cycle of uranium-235, plutonium-239, radium-226 and the fission products cesium-137, iodine-129, technetium-99 and strontium-90 with the long-term potential of reducing the threat posed by radioactive isotopes to human health and the environment.
The Navy LENR – A Four Part Series
You are viewing Navy LENR Part III