IEEE Meeting on “LENR Phenomenon” well attended

The IEEE Meeting on “LENR Phenomena and Potential Applications” with Professor Peter Hagelstein and Dr. Louis DeChiaro was on Sept. 23 at Teradyne in North Reading, Massachusetts.

It was sponsored by the Boston Reliability Chapter and ESD Group (Electro-Static Discharge).

LENRIA attended and captured these photos.

“The meeting registration had reached capacity and online registration had been closed,” said Steve Katinsky. “There were about 62 pre-registered, and 52 in attendance.”

Dr. Peter Hagelstein’s presentation slides for his talk Research issues associated with excess heat in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment are

Dr. Louis DeChiaro“s presentation slides are here.

Dr. Louis DeChiaro presenting:
Lou and IEEE Sign1

Dr. Mitchell Swartz and Dr. Louis DeChiaro facing:
Lou and Mitchell2

Professor Peter Hagelstein and Mitchell Swartz in the foreground:
Peter Background, Mitchell Foreground3

Dr. Brian Ahern on bottom left of the meeting room:
Room Shot II Brian Ahern, Peter4

The meeting room:
Room Shot II5

Next LENR Event:

ras22nd Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation of Chemical Elements and Ball Lighting

Chairman of the RCCNT&BL-22 Organizing Committee Yury Bazhutov

Vice-Chairmen Vladimir Bychkov, Nikolai Samsonenko
Sept 27-October 4, 2015

Dagomys, Sochi, Krasnodar region, Russia

See all Upcoming Events here.

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