Vote for LENR-Cars now!

VIDEO: Nicolas Chauvin presenting LENR Cars as part of Entrepreneurial Efforts at the 18th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-18).

future-energyNicolas Chauvin, research scientist, innovator and entrepreneur, is up for the Future Energy Startup Investment opportunity with his LENR Cars, and he needs your vote now.

Say YES to LENR here with your vote:

Chauvin is an EPFL engineer licensed in business school and co-founder of two other start-ups before LENR Cars. He has worked for NASA, Nestlé and Logitech.

Steel-glass Celani-style cell is MFMP's newest by Nicolas Chauvin, together with Mathieu Valat and Ryan Hunt.
Steel-glass Celani-style cell is MFMP’s newest by Nicolas Chauvin, together with Mathieu Valat and Ryan Hunt. (From the 2014 History of Cold Fusion Calendar)
He is currently working with the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (MFMP), an open-source science group collaborating across continents to reproduce LENR experiments. Chauvin recently completed a steel-glass cell design derived from the Francesco Celani-style reactor, a picture of which is the December photo for the 2014 History of Cold Fusion Calendar.

LENR cars might be an early entry into this nascent technology, but engineering applications will drive the science forward, too.

From the LENR Cars entry page:

LENR Cars is developing two technologies to reduce carbon emission: – Waste heat recovery system producing electricity from heat based on Rankine microturbines – Condensed matter hydrogen fuel cell that can consume 4000 times less hydrogen than conventional fuel cells for the same electrical output power thanks to LENR process LENR Cars is currently focusing on the transportation market with high tech collaborations in motor racing. Rankine microturbines are expected to reduce the fuel consumption of vehicles (cars, trucks and boats) by 15% while being affordable for mass production. On a long term, condensed matter hydrogen fuel cells are expected to be able to power electric vehicles for over 20’000 km per hydrogen charge with a lower cost of ownership compared to fossil fuel vehicles.

Vote LENR Cars here:

The clock is ticking!
