Cold fusion reactor photographed on New York tabletop

Advertising is the greatest art form of the 20th century.”
–Marshall McLuhan

As advertising grew up post-WWII North America, it attracted the best and the brightest of the society to work on campaigns that sold consumer products to a giddy nation looking audaciously towards a future of plenty for all. The new technology of television swelled the ranks of consumers and changed the message of advertising: simplistic, straight-forward information about a product was replaced by iconic image evoking an environment. One didn’t buy the product, you purchased the image that the product summoned.

If that was true in the 20th century, how about the 21rst?

Cold Fusion Device Used in FedEx CommercialPsychology, brain imaging, and market focus groups are all elements of advertising research that seeks to penetrate and forecast the purchase habits of a consumer society using all available digital technology. With billions of dollars spent in marketing research, is it then surprising that cold fusion is found in the imaginative elements of the TV landscape? The talented “creatives” that put these moments together on shows like Fringe and commercials for FedEx are tapping into a collective unconscious that now resides outside our bodies in data clouds amongst the noosphere.

A recent FedEx TV commercial called Test Shipment aired on the Golf Channel and featured a glowing blue cold fusion device that would test the integrity of transport before sending the real treasure of golf clubs.

Thanks to BBDO New York for sharing these photos of the device that was designed and built by Station Film.

Cold Fusion Device Used in FedEx Commercial

Cold Fusion Device Used in FedEx Commercial

In Understanding Media: Extensions of Man, McLuhan wrote:

“Ideally, advertising aims at the goal of a programmed harmony among all human impulses and aspirations and endeavors. Using handicraft methods, it stretches out toward the ultimate electronic goal of a collective consciousness.

When all production and all consumption are brought into a pre-established harmony with all desire and all effort, then advertising will have liquidated itself by its own success” [pg 202]

Cold fusion has seeped out into the commons, soon to be as familiar as Coca Cola. Two decades of labor without positive recognition will be just a memory when The Product materializes from the marketplace, and high-density ultra-clean energy from the hydrogen in water spawns a merchandise line that Billy Mays could only dream of.

Cold Fusion Now!

“Ads are the cave art of the twentieth century.”
–Marshall McLuhan

Main Chamber at Lascaux, France
Paleolithic Caver Art Main Chamber at Lascaux, France dated 15,000BCE-9000BCE

Related Links

FedEx flies cold fusion device by Ruby Carat August 31, 2011

TV show “Fringe” Features “Cold Fusion” in Opening Title Sequence by Eli Elliott February 25, 2011

Understanding Media: Extensions of Man by Marshall McLuhan from Wikipedia

Media Dopplers by Chad Scoville from C-theory

FedEx flies cold fusion device

I hear this FedEx advertisement aired on the Golf Channel.

Watch “Test Shipment” from FedEx. They’re carrying quite a cargo.

Wherever that device is, let’s hope full shipments begin soon!

Who wrote this script?

Ads of the World shows this info:

Advertising Agency: BBDO New York, USA
Chief Creative Officer: David Lubars
Executive Creative Directors: Mike Smith, Greg Hahn
Creative Directors: Peter Kain, Gianfranco Arena
Creative Director / Copywriter: Peter Kain
Creative Director / Art Director: Gianfranco Arena
Executive Producer: Elise Greiche Pavone
Producer: Kimberly Clarke
Production Co: Station Film
Director: Harold Einstein
Executive Producers: Stephen Orent, Thomas Rossano
Producer: Eric Liney
Director of Photography: Jonathan Freeman
Editorial: MacKenzie Cutler
Editor: Ian MacKenzie
Assistant Editor: Nick Divers
Executive Producer: Sasha Hirschfield
Sound Design: Sam Shaffer
Mix: Sound Lounge
Sound Mix: Tom Jucarone
VFX: Mass Market
Exec Producer: Nancy Nina Hwang
Producer: Hilary Downes
Telecine: CO3
Colorist: Tim Masick

Thanks to the writer for spreading the meme through the TV body. Nice job by whoever did the model; I love the luminous blue light.

I can see that mock-up unit in a public service piece for …

Cold Fusion Now!

Thanks to Carol for spotting this.

Related Links

BBDO New York


Fun with Beadwork

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