Photo: Tesla Roadster Model S
We walk backwards into the future.
—Marshall McLuhan
Greater than the digital revolution, a new energy technology will change the mental imprint of humanity beyond a global village, beyond a global theater, with the opportunity for a new humanism that recognizes the invisible, and walks a path through the impossible.
We are at the start of the New Energy Age and the creativity has not even begun.
The intersection of art and science, from Nicolas Chauvin CEO of LENR Cars is but a transitory step.
“Nicolas Chauvin, innovator, entrepreneur, EPFL engineer and licensed in business school, co-founder of two other start-ups before LENR Cars, worked for NASA, Nestlé and Logitech.
Highly involved in new technologies across many different fields of engineering and strongly addicted to cars for style, performance, sensations and technology.
Kick-boxing elite athlete, musician and portrait artist.”
Eventually, we won’t have cars, that unique technology evolved from a service environment of fossil fuels; we’ll have something completely different.
But in the meantime, transition products will continue.
Unleash the powerful yearnings of a people hungry for change,
Cold Fusion Now!
Presentation slides by Nicolas Chauvin from the ILENRS 2012 conference. [.pdf]