What if?

Peter Gluck, a long-time researcher in cold fusion/LANR/LENR and contributor to the first issue of Infinite Energy magaizine with his “Why Technology First”, asked a simple question: What if twenty-three years ago, the scientific authorities moved to fully investigate and develop cold fusion technology?

What would have happened?

It’s your chance to write a sci fi story.

From his EgoOut site:

An alternative history of Cold Fusion.
November 1989- the state authorities for research in
the US and in all the other industrialized countries take a
historic decision: “We will go Cold!”.
That means- all the funding and forces used for Hot Fusion
will go starting from now to search and develop Cold Fusion.
Great money, thousands of scientists, many hundreds
of labs worldwide, a million of Pd-D cells (soon) all
specialized and dedicated to cold fusion. The best theorists
worldwide publishing Cold Fusion papers in peer reviewed
journals. Patent Offices following the example of US developing
fast methods for the approval of the Cold Fusion patents.
Cold Fusion has successfully climbed all the Everests of high priority.
So it has started, can you tell how it has continued up to today? –Peter Gluck


An early paper from 1992 from Dr. Peter Gluck attempting to identify the nuclear active environment:
Understanding Reproducibility: Topology is the Key download .pdf