Michio Kaku informed on new developments in cold fusion

Jeremy Rys of AlienScientist.com asks Dr. Michio Kaku his thoughts on cold fusion science, and alerts him to the accelerating development of the field since the first announcement of the discovery 25 years ago.

Dr. Kaku is a teacher and author of numerous popular science books as well as textbooks on high-level theoretical physics.

He held a Q&A for the public on April 7, and Jeremy seized the opportunity to inquire about cold fusion energy. Initially ignored, Jeremy was able to persist and solicit a few answers from Kaku that showed an unfamiliarity with the recent advances.

A link to the 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT presentations was provided to him, and hopefully, Dr. Kaku will take the opportunity to see that the future is truly green and bright – if we have the clean energy to fuel it.

Watch the story unfold here.

It’s activism like this that will bring ultra-clean energy from the hydrogen in water to a usable technology ASAP.

Talking about cold fusion with your friends, family, teachers, legislators, and media is the most important thing anyone of us can do to bring awareness and support for a green technological future on Earth.