Edmund Storms: At peak efficiency “no other source of power will be necessary”

John Maguire, a writer for J.C.M., interviews Dr. Edmund Storms, author of The Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction: A Comprehensive Compilation of Evidence and Explanations about Cold Fusion.

Storms discusses his early career at Los Alamos National Lab, and how in 1989, his team there got positive results, confirming the nuclear nature of the phenomenon. A brief primer on the early successes moves into a discussion on struggle to understand the science behind this reaction, and on efforts to commercialize this technology despite the lack of a definitive theory.

Storms talks about why this technology is so important to develop, and examines how the lack of a definitive, agreed upon theory slows the commercialization from this discovery.

“We have succeeded over the last twenty-four years in proving the effect is real, that the claims are not based upon incompetence, fraud, or error, they are based upon a true behavior of nature,” says Storms.

“Now the challenge is to make this happen at commercial levels, make it reproducible, because presently it is difficult to reproduce – not impossible – but difficult; it takes great skill, and it has to be produced at a rate with high enough power to be useful as a commercial application, and that aspect of it is presently underway by several companies.”

“Once the phenomenon is understood, and can be manipulated at will, then engineering will be applied to make it totally and most efficient. We haven’t reached that stage yet.”

“The efforts underway to make commercial power using nickel and light-hydrogen by Rossi and Defkalion are trying to improve the engineering, to improve the efficiency, but even they haven’t come close to the efficiency that will be possible.”

“Once this [reaction] is understood, the efficiency will be 100%.”

“In other words, these devices will make energy simply by sitting there. You’ll have to apply hydrogen, and you turn them off by taking the hydrogen away, you turn them on by putting more hydrogen in; no other source of power will be necessary.”

“We’ll have a source of power that will stay hot for years and years, or until you turn it off by pumping out the hydrogen.”

Asked why so many still ignore or belittle the science, given the huge benefits of clean, dense, power, Storms says this environment will continue because “This phenomenon will be immensely disruptive.”

“It’s a conflict of self-interest. Those people who are naturally threatened by it, will fight it. It’s a very large threat, and it’s a very large fight.”

Listen to the interview Dr. Edmund Storms: Cold Fusion, Nuclear Active Environments, and New Energy on Foks0904 Channel.

John Maguire also contributes essays on alternative energies to Blue Science.

Edmund Storms on “The Nuclear Active Environment and Metals that Work”

Dr. Edmund Storms, cold fusion energy scientist and author of The Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, spoke to Cold Fusion Now last summer.

This segment has Dr. Storms discussing the idea of the Nuclear Active Environment, an idea that consolidates elements of the cold fusion/LENR/LANR/CANR reaction, through both geometry and processes, in an attempt to describe the reaction theoretically.

Related Videos with Edmund Storms On:

*Federal Support and the ‘Rossi Effect’ October 28, 2011

*Biological Transmutation October 27, 2011

*Transition October 24, 2011

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