A Story of Cold Fusion Power

The long cold fusion summer is heating up nicely. The transmutation era is readying to be launched. LENR engineering is entering the business world.

As I ponder this fact, I reflect with amazement at the amount, quality, and wealth of actions undertaken by “cold fusioneers” informing governments and politicos, activists and environmentalists, and many others about state of the art cold fusion; gratitude blossoms in my heart.

As the message conveyed by the likes of Cold Fusion Now .org and other media wizards reaches more and more people an exponential growth of understanding is inevitable. Big thanks to you all.

This novella was just published and is another example of exciting cold fusion media. It is also a “perfect kick back, relax, and read” story for this long cold fusion summer.

The story lends insight to intrigue, providing repast to the tension this summers’ suspense brings. Its’ cleverly crafted plot takes the reader thru a few twists and turns in the world of politics, cold fusion, and national security.


Fiction by Joe Shea

(Joe Shea started the American Reporter in April 1995, and has served as Editor-in-Chief ever since. This is his fourth novella, and only the second long fiction piece to run in AR. Write Joe at amreporter@aol.com, or call him at (941) 462-2616.)


Dedicated to Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann

“Who saw their careers deliberately destroyed by other scientists after their discovery of cold fusion.”


“A Story of Cold Fusion Power Barack Obama and the New Green Energy”

Vol. 18, No. 4,525 – The American Reporter – August 10, 2012 (read)

from the novella…


“President Obama, perhaps a few months too late (only time will tell), finally realized that energy and gasoline prices and their control would be the defining challenge he would face in his fight for re-election…”


“someone was supplying selected small utilities with a controversial device…”


“someone was out to kill King Coal again!”