ICCF-22 this September in Italy

The 22nd International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science ICCF-22 convenes September 8-13, 2019 in Assisi, Italy, celebrating thirty-years since Drs. Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons founded the discipline.

Registration is now open for five-days of CMNS experimental and theoretical reports, workshops, and panel discussions. The registration fee includes meals and accommodation at the Hotel and Conference Centre Domus Pacis. There is an early-bird €100 discount for the first 40 registrants before May 31. The price is then €800 per person.

Abstracts are being accepted through July 31. Parameters for submission are (from the website):

Experimental papers that report nuclear events will be given precedence including transmutations and radiation.

Correlation of excess heat with consumption of fuels, production of ash, generation of nuclear signals, consistency with theoretical models, are also welcomed.

In addition the conference invites papers on instrumentation, applications, relevant materials.

Theoretical papers must include a clear description of the model under discussion as well as what experimental result(s) the model is intended to address, and what novel predictions are made.  In particular, the model should discuss how radiation is or is not expected. The goal of a theoretical paper should be to make progress on the evaluation of a model, to understand its strengths and weaknesses as it applies to observable phenomena. It should suggest the way forward for future experiment and verification.

In June 2018, ICCF-21 presented a stunning procession of reports on bigger heat results from multiple labs around the globe, and new hybrid fusion-fission reactors in development by NASA. A special effort was made to present a wide variety of the top theoretical models that seek to explain this Rumpelstiltskin Reaction. Cold Fusion Now! was there capturing photos and audio.

This past year, labs have continued the march on increased power, and we expect these advances will be reported on at ICCF-22. For the many models of this reaction, we hope panel discussions will focus on synthesis, and bring a common vocabulary to theoreticians, that links theory with the experimental facts.

Cold Fusion Now! will be reporting from the conference and capturing video for a documentary film to begin production in 2020.

Ruby Carat will also present to the community yet another Amazing Special Project seeking to create the narrative for a new generation about the heroic effort to bring cold fusion to the world, produced in honor of Drs. Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons for the courage they demonstrated 30-years ago.   Stay Tuned for more!

Conference updates will be available on the ICCF-22 website at http://iscmns.org/iccf22/.

Is the Crop Formation that appeared in Northern Italy related to LENR developments?

A large wheat formation was reported June 30, 2013 in Italy, east of Turin. Here is how it was reported on an Italian website:

From lanuovaprovincia.it: (article)

Crop Circles in Robertsbridge.
Work of a joker or alien hand?

Italian Crop Circle2Big surprise Sunday morning when you wake up the citizens of Robertsbridge. In a field of wheat in the valley, in the vicinity of the former highway, appeared different geometric designs, concentric circles into triangles and strings that will conjoined. All perfect and developed over several square meters. Resurface therefore the most varied conjecture on so-called “crop circle”, the “crop circles”: the alien hand to that of some bontempone which has a half-plane to descend, “draw” and leave without a trace. Among the first to be alerted Mayor Joseph Turino who called the owner of the land and then went in person, on a hill, to see the work in the valley. But not unbalanced in manifesting his explanation to this phenomenon.

(view picture)

The speculation is the binary 8-bit ASCII code means the four chemical elements potassium K, hydrogen H, deuterium D, and sulfur S. (follow cropcircleconnector comments)


This author and the Coldfusionnow! website hasn’t got an opinion on the subject – what do you think?

