Cold Fusion Now! podcast with Andrew Meulenberg

Nuclear physicist and LENR theoretician Dr. Andrew Meulenberg talks about deep-orbit electrons as an explanation for LENR, and how this model addresses the vast variety of data in LENR experiments.

After retiring from Draper Laboratories, Dr. Meulenberg was visiting professor at the Indian Institute of Science, where he again met up with former colleague Dr. K.P. Sinha, a theoretical physicist and solid-state scientist, beginning a 10-year collaboration on cold fusion theory.

Ruby Carat hosts the third episode of the Cold Fusion Now! podcast series that surveys the present state of knowledge in cold fusion/LENR.

Listen at our website or subscribe in iTunes.

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Cold Fusion Now! podcast with Michael McKubre

The second in our series surveying the cold fusion landscape features Dr. Michael McKubre, former Director of Energy Research at SRI International, previously Stanford Research Institute, where there continues an-almost-thirty-years program of experimental research in LENR/cold fusion. Dr. McKubre semi-retired to New Zealand in March 2016, and is currently consulting informally with several international research groups.

He speaks with Ruby Carat on the general state of experimental research, and what needs to be done to fully-map the many LENR reactions.

Download and listen at ColdFusionNow or subscribe in iTunes.

Cold Fusion Now! Podcast with David J. Nagel

Cold Fusion Now! says Happy New Year with a brand new podcast series featuring Ruby Carat speaking with leaders in the field of cold fusion/LENR.

It will be 29 years this March since scientists have been laboring to tease out the mysterious reaction that promises an ultra-clean, energy-dense source of power.

What is the level of theoretical understanding? How close are we to a model? Are engineering efforts succeeding?

The 2018 season of the Cold Fusion Now! podcast surveys the experts on the frontlines of research to find out.

David J. Nagel speaking at the 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium

First in the series, we ask Dr. David J. Nagel of George Washington University, Washington, D.C. to give us an overview of the level of scientific understanding in the LENR community.

Listen at ColdFusionNow or subscribe in iTunes.

The biggest thing we can do for our global future is develop a new paradigm of living, and a green energy source to power it. Planet-wide peace and human evolution require freedom from the tyranny of division and dependence caused by dirty and dangerous fossil fuels. Can cold fusion develop in time? Let’s find out!

Edmund Storms HYDROTON A Model of Cold Fusion

Ruby Carat and the Cold Fusion Now! collective have released a new video documentary, this time tackling cold fusion theory with Edmund Storms HYDROTON A Model of Cold Fusion.

The 28-minute science special continues where the book The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction left off. It features Dr. Edmund Storms describing his theory of the cold fusion/LENR reaction that focuses on the unusual form of hydrogen that can form in the nano-spaces of materials.

Nano-cracks in materials will have a high negative-charge along the walls of the space, allowing positively-charged hydrogen nuclei to be closer than they normally could.

Subject to resonance, the hypothesis proposes a linear array of hydrogen nuclei and electrons in the nano-crack that can engage in a “slow fusion” process, whereby the smaller bits of mass turn to energy by releasing coherent photons.

If true, the mechanism would be an extension of conventional nuclear models which only describes fusion in a hot plasma, where nuclei collide violently to fuse.

The action is animated by artist Jasen Chambers who modeled all the isotopes of hydrogen in the unique LENR process.

Ruby Carat has had multiple interviews with Dr. Storms since 2011, most recently in the offices of Cold Fusion Now! in Eureka, California, US. That video composite describes the Nano-gap Hydroton Model and its development.

Hypotheses of the Nano-gap Hydroton model are currently being tested for confirmation.

See Edmund Storms HYDROTON A Model of Cold Fusion on the Cold Fusion Now! Youtube page here:

Edmund Storms’ book The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction: An Examination of the Relationship between Observation and Explanation is available from his website

Dr. Edmund Storms website

HYDROTON animation by Jasen Chambers

Title animation by Augustus Clark and Mike Harris

Music by Esa Ruoho a.k.a. lackluster

ICCF-18 video by Eli Elliott

Filmed, edited and narrated by Ruby Carat

Our work supports Cold Fusion Now! and Eugene Mallove’s Infinite Energy Foundation. We hope you will too.

Stanford Energy Club LENR panel, dinner next Wednesday

SEC Nuclear Energy Community Kickoff: LENR Panel
Wednesday, January 25, 2017 6:15 PM to 8:45 PM
655 Knight Way, Stanford, CA 94305
Stanford Graduate School of Business Gunn Building, Room G102
Stanford Energy Club Nuclear Energy Community

Join the Stanford Energy Club for the launch of our newest community, the Nuclear Energy Community, at a panel discussion and networking dinner on recent developments in Lattice Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR). The panel will discuss the latest trends in this novel field of nuclear physics from around the world, and will be followed by a dinner that will outline upcoming plans for the community.
For more information on the Nuclear Energy Community, please email Nathan Kong at
Location: Stanford GSB, Gunn Building, Room G102
When: Wednesday, January 25, 6:15 – 8:45pm
Food: Dinner will be served after the panel
Posted from Stanford Energy Club¶meters=id%3D5838%26model%3DEvent
