
Fusion-in-all-its-forms-200x303Fusion in All Its Forms
by Jean-Paul Biberian

Published 2015

Book Website: Infinite Energy Press

Jean Paul Biberian Home

See also: Fusion in All Its Forms


Cover-Eng_vertical-200x334E-Cat – The New Fire
A Biography of Andrea Rossi

by Vessela Nikolova

Published October 2014



Front-cover-240x358 The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction: An Examination of the Relationship Between Observation and Explanation
by Edmund Storms, with a Foreward by Michael McKubre. 240×358

Published July 2014 by Infinite Energy Press.



Dr. Edmund Storms Explains LENR with John Maguire

Edmund Storms Interview with Christy Frazier


cover-1Developments in Electrochemistry: Science Inspired by Martin Fleischmann
edited by Derek Pletcher, Zhong-Qun Tian, and David Williams, with the chapter on cold fusion written by Melvin Miles and Michael McKubre.

Published June 2014 by John Wiley.



Science Inspired by Martin Fleischmann


NEW! from John P. Wallace and Michael J. Wallace
Yes Virgina, Quantum Mechanics Can Be Understood

The Principles of Matter
by John P. Wallace and Michael J. Wallace.

Published October 2014



An-impossible-invention-cover-200x279An Impossible Invention:
The true story of the energy source that could change the world

by Mats Lewan.

Published April 2014 on tictail.



Mats Lewan Interview with John Maguire

Review by Brian Josephson


cover-image-9789814436489_p0_v1_s260x420Life at the Center of the Energy Crisis: A Technologist’s Search for a Black Swan
by George Miley.

Published June 2013 by World Scientific



New Book Tells of Miley’s Career, Energy Crisis

Life at the Center of the Energy Crisis: A Technologist’s Search for a Black Swan by George H. Miley


La-fusion-book-coverLa Fusion dans Tous ses États: Fusion Froide, ITER, Alchimie, Transmutations Biologiques (Fusion in All Its Forms: Cold Fusion, ITER, Alchemy, Biological Transmutations)
by Jean-Paul Biberian, with a Foreward by Stanley Pons

Published December 2012 by Guy Tredaniel



Stanley Pons’ Preface from J.P. Biberian’s La Fusion dans Tous ses États translated


The Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction: A Comprehensive Compilation of Evidence and Explanation of Cold Fusion
by Edmund Storms

The most comprehensive scientific summary of research through 2007. Includes history and background on crucial early experiments.


Kozima-HideoThe Science of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon: In Search of the Physics and Chemistry behind Complex Experimental Data Sets
by Hideo Kozima

Published October 10, 2006 by Elsevier

Hard science survey and analysis of experiment and theory.


Excess-Heat-Charles-Beaudette-338x500 Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Prevailed
by Charles Beaudette

An analysis of the early controversy, and why one of the greatest discoveries of the twentieth century was erased from mainstream scientific consideration.


Nuclear Transmutation The Reality of Cold Fusion by Tadahiko Mizuno Nuclear Transmutations: The Reality of Cold Fusion
by Tadahiko Mizuno


Fire From Ice by Eugene Mallove Fire From Ice
by Eugene Mallove

The first book documenting the timeline of events as a breakthrough discovery is announced, chronicling those in the science community who effectively delayed a revolutionary new energy technology decades with a decidedly un-scientific backlash. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.


The Secret Power Beneath
by Frank Acland


Energy from the Vacuum
Series featuring Tom Bearden

One Reply to “Books”

  1. I have several issues (incl Vol1, No1) of “Cold Fusion” that Wayne Green published starting 5/1994. Please direct inquiries to email above.
    Thank you,
    Scott Owsley

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