“President Obama and Cold Fusion LENR” Is an October Surprise Immanent, Eminent, and Imminent?

Outline an Article

Definition of  Immanent

1 : indwelling, inherent <beauty is not something imposed but something immanent — Anthony Burgess>
2 : being within the limits of possible experience or knowledge — compare transcendent

Definition of EMINENT

1 : standing out so as to be readily perceived or noted :conspicuous
2 : jutting out : projecting
3 : exhibiting eminence especially in standing above others in some quality or position : prominent

Definition of IMMINENT

1 : ready to take place; especially : hanging threateningly over one’s head

“In American political jargon, an October surprise is a news event with the potential to influence the outcome of an election, particularly one for the U.S. presidency. The reference to the month of October is because the Tuesday after the first Monday in November is the date for national elections (as well as many state and local elections), and therefore events that take place in late October have greater potential to influence the decisions of prospective voters.”



I.   Is an October Surprise immanent? Yes.

II.  Is Cold Fusion/LENR immanent? Arguably yes.

Definition of IMMANENT

“Being within the limits of possible experience or knowledge.”

1)   Indwelling (definition)

  • a)   Existing or residing, as an inner activating force or principle.

2)   Inherent (definition)

  • a)   Existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.
  • b)   Vested in as a right or privilege.




III. Is an October Surprise eminent? Yes.

IV. Is Cold Fusion/LENR eminent? Arguably yes (in some ways).

Definition of EMINENT

“Standing above others in some quality or position.”

1)   Standing out so as to be readily perceived or noted.

2)   Jutting out.

3)   Exhibiting eminence especially in being prominent.

Prominent (definition)

  • a)   Standing out so as to be seen easily, conspicuous, or particularly noticeable.
  • b)   Leading, important, or well known.




V.  Is an October Surprise imminent? Yes.

VI. Is Cold Fusion/LENR imminent? Arguably Yes.

Definition of IMMINENT

“Hanging threateningly over one’s head.”

1)   Ready to take place, especially as in ‘danger’.

Danger (definition)

  • a)   Liability or exposure to harm or injury; risk; peril.
  • b)   An instance or cause of peril, menace.
  • c)    Existence of power, jurisdiction, or domain. (Old usage)


Post Script


Sometimes the outline of an article is more inspiring than the fully fleshed out ‘Real McCoy’. A shadow, outline, or barely observable phenomenon can inspire thought, curiosity, and investigation; powering up that wonderful pondering machine (the engagement of  others).

When first posting the beginnings of this articles’ creative process I thought, “Why this premature public exposure of the ‘process’?”

Shortly after the thought, Brad Arnold commented that I may just be trying to impose a ‘self fulfilling prophecy’…

Brad, you are right! Thanks, I hadn’t  realized that and to tell the truth… now I know that… I realize this…


The outline IS the article.


Continued moments of thanks are due…


Dr. Eugene Franklin Mallove  (June 9, 1947 – May 14, 2004)

Dr. Martin Fleischmann (March 29, 1927 – August 3, 2012)

Dr. B. Stanley Pons NOW from August 23, 1943 (age 68)

Cold Fusion Now

LENR Science

 My Heart Always

My heart always goes…

To the mountain fastness.

My heart overflows…
With joyful gladness.

My heart always shows…
Peace through the madness.

My heart gently holds…
All painful sadness.

My heart always knows…
Love is the way.

Just say yes…

Love is!

The way.

Yes Yes Yes

Just say


Love is





5 Replies to ““President Obama and Cold Fusion LENR” Is an October Surprise Immanent, Eminent, and Imminent?”

  1. My heart always goes…
    To the mountain fastness.

    My heart overflows…
    With joyful gladness.

    My heart always shows…
    Peace through the madness.

    My heart gently holds…
    All painful sadness.

    My heart always knows…
    The way. Yes, yes, yes…

    My heart always

    1. they were perplexed by the amuont of tritium, but went on any way to ignore the logical consequence of tritium. Tritium showed nuclear reactions were going on. Excess heat was being explained away as error or fraud. Gary Taubes, a science writer and fiction writer decided he could disprove tritium as fraud. John Brockis, one of the best electrochemists in the world, was getting good tritium results at Texas A&M. Taubes thought he saw a pattern where new tritium results corresponded to lab visits by interested scientists. Despite this weak premise and a lot of evidence to the contrary he got an article published in Science accusing John Brockis of fraud. Like Taubes, Science had to ignore scientific evidence that actually spiking with tritium produced a different result than Brockis was seeing. Texas A&M investigated the allegation and found no evidence to support the Taubes accusation. Complete details of the story are given in the “Gary Taubes Witch Hunt” portal at New Energy Times.However tritium results did not correlate well with other parameters. Tritium was not always seen and did not correspond with excess heat. It seems to me that the Widom-Larsen Theory could explain the tritium found by John Brockis and others in LENR deuterium palladium experiments if ordinary hydrogen contamination was present.d = deuteriumn = neutrone* = heavy electronv = neutrinoe = ordinary electronp = protont = tritiumHe4 = Helium 4In a deuterium experiment:d + e* = 2n + vd + 2n = He4 + e + 26.852 MEVp + e* = n + vd + n = t + 6.257 MEVDeuterium and tritium are also possible in an ordinary hydrogen experiment:n + n = d + e + 2.224 MEVn + d = t + 6.257 MEV

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