Online petition supports cold fusion

A new online petition from Quinton Crawford believes that “Cold Fusion atomic energy (non-radioactive) has been ignored and pushed aside in discussions/ presentations about alternative energy for too long.”

In his Overiew, Quinton has a link to a video describing the Palladium-Deuterium system as it is excited by Superwave.

Online Petition from Quinton Crawford

You can digitally sign his online petition that states:

“World leaders in nations/unions such as Japan, The United States of America, Russia, South Africa, The European Union, and so on have the ability and power to fully engage in the building mass energy production plants now. Solar, Wind, Wave, Geothermal, etc., are not the only alternative energy resources.” –Quinton Crawford Petition

Perhaps, if you are inclined to sign the petition as I was, you could post your favorite new energy video link. (You can choose to Show your signature, or not.)

Thank you Quinton.

We expect that cold fusion technology will be released for public use at some point in future, but we’d like to see it as soon as possible, and with a free and open development and implementation. Politicians should not decide what we use for energy.

We decide what we will use for energy.

Sign Quinton Crawford’s Cold Fusion Energy Petition here and show support for the public campaign towards a cold fusion technology targeting politicians and “world leaders”.