Interviews with Rossi and Xanthoulis

Defkalion Green TechnologiesNearly a week after Defkalion Green Technologies S.A. held its press conference in Palaio Faliro, there appears to be no mention of the event in the mainstream media, perhaps the nearest thing being mentions of Andrea Rossi and the E-Cat in the comments to a CNET article on high-energy plasma fusion at MIT. Even DGT itself, which promised a video of the event with English subtitles on Monday or Tuesday of this week, has failed to deliver so far. The company has, however, recently released some information regarding press conference attendance on its website.

Meanwhile, Phizero, the producer of “Low Energy Nuclear Revolution”, has released a new video containing footage of interviews with Andrea Rossi and DGT board member Alexandros Xanthoulis, conducted after the press conference:

Two short interviews recorded after Defkalion’s press conference. from Giacomo Guidi on Vimeo.

The first interview, with Andrea Rossi, is very brief, and mostly concerns his research contract with the University of Bologna. According to Rossi the research will be conducted over two years, with the first results expected in one year. The study will consist of research and development to improve the E-Cat technology, and will involve running the reactor for 24 hours a day over a period of six months. Afterwards a metallurgical analysis will be conducted to examine the transmutation of the metals in the device.

The interview with Alexandros Xanthoulis revealed some new information. Among the highlights:

  • DGT is in discussions [with Ampenergo?] to sell their products in the USA.
  • DGT’s investors are a group of friends of the Greek diaspora who attended the same university in Canada.
  • The 5 to 30 kW modules are all the same size, the only difference being the pressure, so they will cost the same.
  • The 1 MW reactor is now being tested, and DGT is working on producing a 3 MW reactor.
  • DGT is only producing the units, not distributing or marketing them.
  • It will take five years of production for DGT to meet the demand of the orders they’ve received so far.
  • Every six months the units will be serviced by technicians employed by the distributors, but trained by Defkalion.
  • The reactors have twelve levels of security; nevertheless, somebody will break the security sooner or later. Defkalion is depending primarily on legal protections and the low cost of the units to discourage competitors from producing Hyperion knock-offs.

Thanks to Phizero for the video!

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