Infinite Energy Magazine issue #51 Joseph Papp’s Noble Gas Engine Rises from September/October 2003 reports comprehensively on the events surrounding the Hungarian-born Josef Papp‘s creation of an engine powered by plasma sparked from small amounts of noble gases.
Many credible witnesses to the demonstrations, including aerospace engineers, defense contractors, and Navy researchers, were skeptical of the claims about this “wonder engine”, at first.
They came to be convinced the claims were true by the indisputable experimental facts before them: a lot of energy was being created, with no heat, no toxic emissions, and no understanding of how it was operating.
According to Papp, it was Feynman’s pulling of a plug that caused the deadly explosion, though Feynman speculated it might have been conventional explosives planted in the device.
Feynman was represented with his employer in the ensuing litigation and science institutional giant Caltech settled, never finding any evidence of any explosive material, chemical or otherwise. Caltech claims to no longer have records on the tragedy.
For a full story on the noble gas engine and its controversial inventor, read The Mystery and Legacy of Joseph Papp’s Noble Gas Engine by Eugene Mallove from IE issue #51.
The German-born engineer now lives in California and works with inventor Tamerlane Sanchez developing a line of multi-cylinder engines based on the pulsing of plasma generated from plain air. They call their core technology the Pulser.
Lightning Harnessed by Heinz Klostermann from IE #51 describes his engine design and how it differs from Papp’s.
The reaction begins when air molecules are momentarily ionized into a plasma and then hypothesized to collapse back to air molecules. A small 12Volt battery charges a capacitor providing 500 Volts across a pair of electrodes. When the air between the electrodes is ionized, the plasma allows current to pass through the electrodes, discharging the capacitor with each pulse.
Klostermann and Sanchez maintain that high-frequency cycling of this process up to the Megaherz range causes “plasma shockwaves” that translate into kinetic energy to move a piston. A moving piston can produce power for transportation or electricity.
“Controlling the plasma shockwave is the key, because then you have the ‘push’”, says Klostermann.
One afternoon in the end of August, I visited their lab in Palo Alto, California. Klostermann and Sanchez demonstrated a plasma engine core test unit, shooting a free piston outwards.
Flying alongside a board with squares, the speed of the piston could be computed, giving an estimate of its energy out of the chamber.
Klostermann believes the Pulser is over-unity, but admits that “more instrumentation is needed” before he “can definitely show it”.
Opening the door to new energy possibilities beyond cold fusion reveals an array of exotic technologies designed to extract energy from our surroundings. Some utilize magnets and gravity, some work to capture virtual photons from the quantum vacuum, and some use circuits and plasma sparks. Harvesting this always-available energy located in our ambient environment is the focus of “free energy” research.
While cold fusion may be the closest to becoming a usable product by the public-at-large, plasma pulse generators based on the work of Joseph Papp are closely paralleling development.
Like cold fusion, the lack of funding hampers efforts needed to both scale up and control the Papp reaction into a commercial product.
The lack of innovative and usable energy solutions from the current hardware monopolies are driving interest elsewhere, and the handful of companies currently working to make new energy generators a commercial reality are finding renewed interest and support.
The grassroots public is slowly awakening to aid the field with buzz and crowd-funding, replacing what should have been a Marshall Plan with a decentralized but spreading meme: There are an array of solutions to our energy problems, and we choose them now.
Related Links
The Dream Machine by David Ansley San Jose Mercury News August 1989 courtesy Rohner Group
Cold Fusion Now UPdate by Ruby Carat September 13, 2012
Good luck, an impressive introduction to shake up a new direction for alternative energy.
Well after keeping it a secret for the past few months, we hope this will generate the interest in the needed Capital for us to get this to market. We only need a little bit of funding for now so we can produce the special head conversions and the controllers to be built. In the first Quarter we should have a major fund come to light. I have been working on this technology for 2 years now. I hope we now will move forward and bring this to the World!
Ron Williams
Sorry for saying this, but I think that what you need is just showing that there is (just a little) truth in your claims (and Papp’s). After that you will find all the funds you want.
It doesn’t require a completely functioning prototype or an advanced one, but only some proof of concept good enough to be submitted to rigorous and accurate tests made by credible and qualified scientists (with skeptics too) or institutions in order to correctly measure input and output energy. No silly theories needed to explain the phenomenon or elaborated papers to be submitted on scientific magazines. Only something working enough to be submitted to accurate and rigorous test all around the world.
Instead what we see is patent wars, someone that ask Youtube to delete videos made by someone else, industrial secrets that delay for decades any development and stupidity like this.
We see videos made in the 60s-70s with Papp engines completely working and what did Papp do? He brought his secret in the tomb, a great example of altruism.
If the Papp engine worked as claimed, what Papp had to do was to call Feynman to do _measurement_ on his engine and not to attend to a silly demonstration.
Dear Ruby you really should check out Russ’s work at rwgresearch, He has no financial interest, he’s just trying to get to the truth
Thanks for this great interview … Pow… Pow! I kept watching that trying to figure it out and as I understand it the force of the plasma pulse if focused with magnetics to punch the cylinder.. Pow!
Thanks Mr Heinz Klostermann,
Sometimes none of us can not quite figure out what we see… or if we see it!
WOW The heart of science. Once again… thank you, I hope you enjoy this.
This certainly has helped me wrap my mind around it all.
Magnetic Möbius
Möbius track for magnetically levitating train (Uploaded by MOSEMwp7 on Jun 18, 2011)
A friend of mine used to say, ..
“Find the mobius strip of your heart and the mobius strip of your mind and you’ll do alright.”
Thanks for showing us this video. Heinz has always seemed very truthful to me, and it’s nice to see the results of his work. I’ll hope he gets the finance needed to bring this to market as soon as practicable.
Could the following reactions be taking place in Klostermann and Sanchez’s engine?
O(16) + O(16) > He(4) + Si(28) 9.6 MeV
O(16) + O(17) > He(4) + Si(29) 13.9 MeV
O(16) + O(18) > He(4) + Si(30) 16.5 MeV
N(14) + N(14) > He(4) + Mg(24) 17.2 MeV
N(14) + N(15) > He(4) + Mg(25) 13.7 MeV
This is what I was thinking, except don’t forget the possible (and to me more probable) reaction of Hydrogen to Helium. I am still trying to get my head around the idea that the energy released is just pressure and not heat.
Yeah, unlike a convention internal combustion engine where a liquid is turned into a larger volume of gasses, the moles of nitrogen and oxygen in the Pulser engine would essentially remain constant since next to nothing of the gas would be used in a nuclear reaction. The heat of the plasma would rapidly expand the air and the expansion itself would cool the air making it ready for the next cycle.
There is no such thing as pressure without heat. The ideal gas law relates the variables as PV=nRT. As P on left increases, since n and R are constants in a closed reaction chamber, T will rise.
Interesting to see someone else working on the Papp engine…
Ever since I heard pesn was claiming plasmerg as a scam, now I see they have a ces booth… It puts this tech back into believable category.
E = 600 Joules
M = 0.5 kg
E = 0.5 x M = 175 km/h
Nothing odd going on, just electric energy into kinetic energy
Nice experiment though, but the over unity claim is plain scientific fraud
Great article. I didn’t know this guy was into this plasma technology too.
I am convinced by the reading I have done that the Papp engine produced clean over-unity power.
It’s not cold fusion, but I am hopeful this team, or one of the other teams currently attempting to re-create that power, will be successful.
Thanks for the feed-forward.
Cold fusion using plasma of deutrium gas and hydrogen-absorbing electrode. Look at Belgian patent (lapsed) BE1002780 having an English translation on the e-Cat Site under the title
Belgian LANR Patents