Energy Secretary Chu “looking” at LANR/CF?

“Dr. Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy is looking at Lattice-assisted Nuclear Reactions (LANR) Cold Fusion as a part of implementing President Obama’s ambitious agenda to invest in clean energy, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, address the global climate crisis, and create millions of new jobs.”

“This weekend at (MIT) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, a global group of scientist and entrepreneurs met to discuss the latest advancements in LANR and CF.”

“On target with Dr. Chu vision to devote his recent scientific career to the search for new solutions to our energy challenges and stopping global climate change – a mission he continues with even greater urgency as Secretary of Energy. The event held at MIT brings together key players in the Cold Fusion LANR and other types of Nuclear Reactions.”
— from Steven Chu looks at Lattice-assisted Nuclear Reactions Cold Fusion

We sent Secretary Chu a few Cold Fusion Now stickers last fall with our letter signed with 30 signatures collected over a rainy energy outreach event. Check his bumpers!

We also sent a wad of stickers to Dr. Arun Majumdar, the Director of ARPA-E. I wonder where he slapped his?

It’s hard to understand the article. Did Secretary Chu actually attend the MIT conference?

This would be big news: LANR/Cold Fusion in the Secretary of Energy’s sight, and admitting it in public! This is just about as official as you can get. Can funding be far behind?

Let’s hope recent progress isn’t derailed, at the least.

Related links

New Energy Outreach a Success by Ruby Carat October 10, 2010

Letter to the Secretary of Energy and Others by Ruby Carat October 14, 2010