Cold Fusion Energy, Inc. debuts at World Green Energy Symposium

A new company called Cold Fusion Energy, Inc has procured a booth at the World Green Energy Symposium to be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA this upcoming Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday October 19, 20, and 21.

They will be handing out information about LENR/LANR/cold fusion science and technology from a “prime location” at Booth #5 on the floor of the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Included in the giveaways will be free Cold Fusion Now stickers and printed materials compliments of Infinite-Energy magazine, a continuing supporter of cold fusion outreach events.

World Green Energy Symposium 2011Attending the Symposium will be scientists and researchers involved in green energy, sustainability experts, industry leaders and top government officials from countries around the globe. Representing the cold fusion field will be Peter Hagelstein, electrical engineer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and cold fusion theorist. Joining him are Georgy Miley, a nuclear and electrical engineer from University of Illinois, and Xing Zhong Li, a fusion physicist from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China and current President of the International Society of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science ISCMN.

All three are scheduled as speakers and have long-time experience in LENR research, including attendance and presentations at the ISCMN conferences where new-energy researchers from around the world gather to share results of their innovative work. The most recent ICCF-16 was held in Chenai, India this past February. ICCF-17 will be held in Daejeon, South Korea next August 2012.

The Symposium agenda has Peter Hagelstein leading the discussion “Cold Fusion” on Day 2 Thursday October 20 at 3:30PM Eastern time. The talks will be recorded and available on the Cold Fusion Energy, Inc blog afterwards.

Keith Owens, the CEO of Cold Fusion Energy, Inc. will also be speaking at the event. A passionate activist for a new energy paradigm, Mr. Owens recently asked the Department of Energy DOE to clarify their policy towards cold fusion research. The response, from the Office of Fusion Science, the hot fusion group, misstated the conclusion of the DOE’s 2004 review of the LENR field saying “that review reached essentially the same conclusion as the 1989 review.”

The 1989 review recommended against funding LENR/LANR/cold fusion research. However, the 2004 DOE review claimed “The nearly unanimous opinion of the reviewers was that funding agencies should entertain individual,well-designed proposals for experiments that address specific scientific issues relevant to the question of whether or not there is anomalous energy production in Pd/D systems, or whether or not D-D fusion reactions occur at energies on the order of a few eV.”

To date, not one proposal has been funded by the DOE.

While the Review states “The reviewers believed that this field would benefit from the peer-review processes associated with proposal submission to agencies and paper submission to archival journals”, conventional science journals refusal to publish cold fusion research is based on the DOE’s lack of recognition of the field, a veritable catch-22.

Mr. Owens, who says “Cold fusion is here, and needs to be taken seriously”, formed Cold Fusion Energy, Inc as a vehicle to liaison between scientists and engineers involved in cold fusion research and the business community in an effort to fund development of clean new-energy technology. Their presence at the World Green Energy Symposium is their first official exhibit, and is a result of a press contact encountered at the 2011 LANR/CF Colloquium at MIT held this past June.

If you are interested in supporting Cold Fusion Energy, Inc.’s mission, contact Keith Owens here.

Related Links

Cold Fusion Energy, Inc Conference page

2011 LANR/CF Colloquium at MIT from Jet Energy-Cold Fusion Times

International Society of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science homepage

ICCF-17 homepage

Infinite-Energy magazine homepage

History of DOE Review of LENR from LENR-CANR Library

Department of Energy policy continues to ignore revolutionary new energy by Ruby Carat from Cold Fusion Now September 20, 2011

New Energy Outreach – in the Mall! by Ruby Carat from Cold Fusion Now April 10, 2011

David J. Nagel on Ca$h Flow: A Reasoned Approach to Funding by Ruby Carat from Cold Fusion Now August 24, 2010

8 Replies to “Cold Fusion Energy, Inc. debuts at World Green Energy Symposium”

  1. No surprise, all the piggies with snouts in the trough are going to attack any rival, regardless of how cheap and regardless of how beneficial any new energy technology is for the environment. I would not be surprised that even clean energy lobbies oppose LENR Ni-H.

    On the other hand, it is just a matter of time, and as I read somewhere, once LENR Ni-H is recognized as the silver bullet solution, and the trump card of energy technologies, the time it took to break through the membrane of ossification will be a blink of the eye compared to the time it will dominate.

    God bless those who are trying to bring this energy technology to the public’s consciousness. Soon our options will be so bright we’ll have to wear shades! We’ve got to stop the Sixth Great Extinction now underway.

  2. My main concern is the psychological immaturity of science, from the year dot things have been known and excepted as facts, things that where learned generation to generation and used for survival.
    Skepticism is clearly an important part of the process of advancement, holding within bounds the possible versus the presently impossible.
    But from the first time that it was discovered that an elder may be mistaken or have limited knowledge I find it impossible to understand how ever again people can not have open inquiring minds on every subject.
    It is clear in all cases that current knowledge is an approximation of reality ( in our excepted reality) and everything is temporary knowledge to be added to and improved as time goes by.
    This to me is the essence of humanity to strive to find the answers and not be afraid or hide progress, Rossi like so many other things is just a step forward to investigate
    open-mindedly, if true then wonderful, if false then hay-ho move on.
    Main-line science seems to be caught in a circle of closed-minded fear of the unknown, instead of joyfully looking for new-science it cowers behind excepted knowledge.
    Excessive skeptasism is rife in science, why, there appears no justifiable reason, beyond some form of psychological barrier in many people.

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