Cold fusion counter-argument with Crowley

A letter to which I subscribe, LeMetropole Cafe, publishes a daily quotation at the top of each communique. A few days ago, the quote was by Aleister Crowley.

The conscience of the world is so guilty that it always assumes that people who investigate heresies must be heretics; just as if a doctor who studies leprosy must be a leper. Indeed, it is only recently that science has been allowed to study anything without reproach..” …Aleister Crowley, author ( 1875-1947)

I thought about that and wondered whether Aleister was being sarcastic or was in fact sincere. I wanted to write to the editor MIDAS and tell him about the cold fusion experience, but got busy and didn’t.

The next day’s letter contained a response from a fellow subscriber regarding the “evil nature” of Aleister Crowley, and I was compelled to then respond to the content of the quote.

This is an excerpt of what I wrote to MIDAS published in today’s letter.

“The Quote of Crowley’s”

“Greetings MIDAS, Regarding the Aleister Crowley quote, I was actually going to write you on that, too, but not to say Aleister Crowley was an “evil guy”….

……regarding Mr. Crowley’s point on science: he was living at a time when science in the western world had entered the electric age. Quantum mechanics and relativity both shifted the institutions from which they arose as electric technology altered perceptions………

……..Twenty-one years ago, the discovery of a new kind of nuclear effect was effectively shut down by a newly empowered mass media and a scientific community that rushed to judgment when results didn’t fit the conventional paradigm. Since then, low-energy nuclear reactions, or cold fusion as it has been called, has been completely ignored by scientists organizations and the department of energy…….

Well, I guess it’s pretty ridiculous to think Aleister Crowley to be sarcastic about science like that.

What’s funny is that I would even think he was joking.

Letter to the Secretary of Energy and others …

Last Sunday, at our 10/10/10 event, Cold Fusion Now engaged in direct action outreach in the streets. Talking to passersby about energy, we also collected 30 signatures for our letter to Energy Secretary Chu, Under-secretary Koonin, and Dr. Holdren of the President’s Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Here’s our letter, with signatures withheld. We are very excited about sending this letter with so many signatures in support of LENR research.

There is little more important than ending dependence on fossil fuels. Resource depletion, pollution, climate change, and companies like BP make it imperative we develop new ways to live.

Support a clean energy future. Write your letter to the Energy Secretary today!

Office of Science and Technology Policy
Attn: Dr. John Holdren
725 17th Street Room 5228
Washington, DC 20502

U.S. Department of Energy
Attn: Under Secretary Steve Koonin
Attn: Secretary Steven Chu
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20585

Dear Sirs,

During the summer of 2010, out-of-the-box thinking operated in a fast-paced emergency where life and death hinged on every decision. We are grateful for your work on the BP catastrophe and we ask that you continue to generate innovative energy solutions for our future: fund basic research in low-energy nuclear reactions.

With a plentiful fuel derived from seawater that has the capacity provide all of Earth’s energy wants for millions of years, there is good reason to support this science. A source of energy that uses a fuel easily obtained would alleviate the dependence we have on foreign sources of oil. With no radioactive waste and no carbon emissions, power generated by LENR is the cleanest solution to deliver all the energy we need for building a new infrastructure for our future.

Further, this country needs a place for young scientists. Create jobs right now, along with a whole new dynamic and sustainable energy industry: fund a research and development program to study this new energy-producing effect and be the leader in creating innovative energy technologies.

The two decades of research is undeniable. The nuclear effect is real and conditions for reproducibility have accumulated. A new form of nuclear physics has been developing that needs support to continue to advance. Only your department and ARPA-E can fully implement the kind of dedicated effort needed for this new science. A five-year program starting at $20 million a year, with an average of $30 million a year for five years, would bring this research to the next phase.

That is a modest investment to make for something that has the potential to solve so many complex problems. Please give the past two decades of research due respect and an honest look. I am sure you will see that this research deserves support.

Thank you for your attention and best wishes in all your efforts to bring new energy technologies to good use.
Yours sincerely,

(Signatures follow)

We support research and development of energy from seawater and funding for new energy technologies that are non-polluting, non-radioactive, and plentiful for the whole world. Fund LENR research and create a whole new energy industry with jobs for young scientists and innovators to develop the generation of power production technologies.





New energy outreach: Success

The 10/10/10 Global Work Party happened all around the world, and Cold Fusion Now represented here in Eureka, CA. The forecast was Cold – and it was – raining, with a gusty Pacific breeze.

Still, we set-up at the downtown Gazebo with a table full of new energy info, initially covered from the rain.

Cold Fusion Now
Cold Fusion Now homemade banner for 10-10-10 Outreach Event

A little droopy from the drizzle, but people saw us from down the block with this homemade banner.

These are some of the materials people looked at. Some people wrote down the names of the books and authors.

Cold fusion books and materials
Cold fusion books and materials were on display.

Finally the rain stopped enough, and people came strolling by. We had about 35 people actively discussing energy issues and got 30 signatures for our letter to Energy Secretary Chu. Three people stopped to talk here, but only the young man signed the letter.

Cold Fusion Now talked with people about new energy from cold fusion in the streets.

We gave away “new energy starter kits” with some info on the basic physics of energy, a Cold Fusion Now sticker, and a few lucky (the most interested) got a free issue of Infinite-Energy compliments of Infinite-Energy.

Fun giveaways
Learning is a pleasure with the free cold fusion energy fun pack!

I used diagrams to explain what deuterium was.

A diagram showing hydrogen and its isotopes
A diagram showing hydrogen and its isotopes helped people see the fuel of tomorrow.

People were overwhelmingly receptive and supportive. Everyone who stopped to speak with us is really ready for change. We had some wonderful conversations about energy, and the differences between types of nuclear power. I think this is an issue I will pursue further at future outreach events. People just are confused at what the word “nuclear” means.

People were excited at the possibilities of a clean energy future.

Cold Fusion Now did what they could today to communicate the importance of funding LENR research. And we look forward to more events where the focus is on real solutions to our energy crisis in the future. It wasn’t just about doin right, it was fun, too!

Scientists and citizens want your input

Another group of scientists and citizens, this time in Spain, engaged in seeking energy solutions – and this crew wants your input! You must register and login to comment.

Another opportunity to bring up cold fusion! Will it turn someone on to the possibility of ultra-clean energy from seawater?

Go to and submit your comment about LENR.

From the website:

……This website is dedicated to interfacing scientist and societies in a discussion over the global energy crisis. The discussion supported here is intended to facilitate the discovery of potential, feasible, desirable solutions to the global energy crisis of the 21st century.

…….We want to perform an innovative experiment in Extended Peer Review, where the scientific information that we present here is evaluated by an extended community of peers, including scientists from various different disciplines and/or laypersons from outside of scientific society.

The aim is to develop a conversation about energy future scenarios between scientists and general publics throughout the world, using a combination of face to face discussion and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) – including Blogging, videos and radio and television broadcasts. To carry out this experiment we have created this interactive website, in order to open up and advance a public conversation on energy futures.

It serves as a forum for the internet based part of the conversation and also as a staging platform for collecting the cyber-space based interventions from experts and laypeople from around the world, which will be presented and discussed at the ‘on the ground’ Event Day part of the experiment “Fossil Energy Dependence and Our Energy Future: A Public Conversation” – set to take place on the afternoon of 22 Oct., 2010 at the Cosmocaixa Science Centre (the science museum of the city of Barcelona), Barcelona, Spain.

One response

Sadly, since school started I’ve been grading papers instead of writing letters in support of cold fusion. But over the summer, our Cold Fusion Now team did several large mailings of letters to legislators and agencies, accompanied by a Cold Fusion Now sticker, asking for attention and funding for LENR research.

The letters varied, each one unique to that senator’s accomplishments, but all of them discussed funding for low-energy nuclear reactions research using the vocabulary of “clean energy”.

This is the first response from any senator regarding those letters, and it comes from my home-state Senator Feinstein. Interestingly, I have telephoned, sent an email, and written a letter to Ms. Feinstein. This response below came through the email and is regarding my “letter” which did not contain an email address. So I guess they’ve got me sewed up all which ways!

Though the response is stock (it does not mention LENR, LANR, or cold fusion), I have to wonder, where did she put her Cold Fusion Now sticker???

Dear Ms. Carter:

Thank you for writing to express your support for passage of a clean energy and climate bill through the United States Senate in the 111th Congress. I appreciate hearing from you, and I welcome the opportunity to respond.

The “Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Company Accountability Act” (S. 3663) was introduced by Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) on July 28, 2010. This legislation combines a number of proposals that I support to address energy efficiency, climate change, oil spill response and accountability, and funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). Although Senator Reid did not bring the bill to the Senate floor for a vote in July, please be assured that I support debating the bill on the Senate floor.

The “Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Company Accountability Act” includes five billion dollars for the HOMESTAR program, which provides incentives to promote greater residential energy efficiency. You may be interested to know that I have cosponsored the “Home Star Energy Retrofit Act of 2010” (S. 3434), which provided the basis for the HOMESTAR provisions in S. 3663.

The “Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Company Accountability Act” also addresses oil spill response and accountability issues observed during the recent Gulf Coast oil spill. It would increase the liability caps on those who cause oil spills, require oil spill response plans to be far more specific, mandate that oil companies invest in technologies that help to prevent and respond to oil spills, improve the Federal government’s ability to respond to catastrophic oil spills in deepwater, and reform the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (known previously as the Minerals Management Service) to prevent mismanagement and corruption.

Lastly, the “Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Company Accountability Act” would fund the LWCF at $900 million each year for the next five fiscal years. I am committed to preserving our nation’s natural resources. As Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies, I have worked with my colleagues to secure funding for the LWCF each fiscal year.

I remain committed to working with my Senate colleagues to advance legislation that will address oil spill response and accountability, climate change, job creation, and increasing our energy security. During this Congress, we have not yet been able to put together a comprehensive climate and energy bill capable of gaining the 60 votes necessary to pass the Senate, but I will continue to work with my colleagues to enact meaningful legislation in this area.

Again, thank you for your letter. If you have any other questions or comments, please contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841. Best regards.

Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

PS. I have telephoned my senators, as well as others on key committees, and that’s the easiest way to get the “clean energy” meme in their heads. Go ahead and make your call!
