ICCF21 Day 2 Heat, Transmutation, Rydberg Matter, Theory

Day 2 of the 21st International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science ICCF21 at the Colorado State University began early and sadly, yours truly was on sub-standard , and I missed several of the talks, including the first one, which I was really excited about.

Fran Tanzella presented Nanosecond Pulse Stimulation in the Ni-H2 System at 8AM. Unfortunately, I was late, and Tanzella was already in full-swing. He was showing a diagram of the 4th generation Brillouin Hot Tube (Isoperibol) which operates in an H2 gas, runs at a constant pressure and uses two types of calorimetry. The action begins with an automated sequence of low voltage pulses. The temperature is also varied from 200-600 degrees C in fixed intervals.

Sadly, I forgot my glasses, and could hardly see the screen of data. I had to leave and run to get them in the dorm room, quite a distance away.

Upon returning with full sight, Mitchell Swartz was already speaking on Aqueous and Nanostructured CF/LANR Systems. His quasi 1-dimensional model begins with the flow of deuterons in the lattice, but the take-away is that if you see bubbling in an aqueous systems, you will not succeed.

He then showed a graph of an improved system called Phusor. The light-water system which uses a gold anode and nickel cathode are ohmic controlled and at ICCF10 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT, it demonstrated a 2.5x energy output live over three days.

Swartz has controlled “heat after death” and gotten massive excess heat. A JET CF Engine was the inspiration for DTRA to fund work in this space.

Swartz asked Melvin Miles for his voltage data (only electrical current was published) and when Swarz computed the energies using his model and Miles’ voltage numbers, agreement was made. Swartz said he has no doubt that what Miles discovered with the heat-helium correlation was correct.

There are two states in th pre-loaded nano-materials for the NANOR design, where energy gains at yet another live demo at MIT were 12x input power.

Swartz tries to characterize the material by starting at low-voltage and increasing the voltage until an “avalanche” episode downwards, which matches the Ohmic control. It is found that coherent optical beams interact with phonons to increase power in these systems.

Two states of the system, active and inactive, have been confirmed by spectroscopy, the excess heat, and another method. Mitchell Swartz works with Peter Hagelstein of MIT to understand the science through theory-driven experiments and they are continuing to collaborate on the NANOR design to achieve robust excess heat.

I had wanted to get a picture of Mitchell Swartz but he resisted as he had a black eye from bumping his head on the very square and hard wood bed frames in these dorm rooms! I’ll get that picture tomorrow.

Francesco Celani was next with Steps to Identification of Main Parameters for AHE Generation in Sub-Microscopic Materials Measurements by Isoperibolic and
Air-Flow Calorimetry

He first acknowledged Brian Josephson (among others) who wrote to the National Institute for Nuclear Physics INFN in Italy in support of the continuation of Celani’s research, despite the fact that he was at the working age limit and should be retired.

Celani’s work focused on Constantan materials. Since 2011 he uses gaseous Hydrogen with the thermocouple inserted within the Ni nano powders and not the Ni itself. Fe-Constantan is the best to work with at <700 C. To increase the surface are of of CNM wire, several hundred electric pulses (50ms duration) are applied. He showed a diagram of the cathode wires with "knots" in them. A video camera on the wire during activation showed the pulses actually flexing the wire wildly. The knot regions are significantly hotter than the regular straight wire, and, the chemical composition of the wire also changed. He found the active area of the wire is in the sub-micrometric surface. The anomalous heat generated is inversely proportional to the diameter of the wire. Putting glass sheaths around the wire also proved to increase the heat effect and in at least one case melted the glass.

M.R. Staker then spoke on Coupled Calorimetry and Resistivity Measurements, in Conjunction with an Emended and More Complete Phase Diagram of the Palladium- Isotopic Hydrogen System

He had a huge outline of material first focusing on H-induced Vacancy Formation.
SAV are the most stable structure of all M-H alloys, a “true equilibrium form”. The same thermal de-sorption occurs for nickel, copper and other materials.

Then, E.J. Beiting of spoke on Investigation of the Nickel-Hydrogen Anomalous Heat Effect reproduced from The Aerospace Corporation’s paper Investigation of the Nickel-Hydrogen Anomalous Heat Effect.

Get the report on the Aerospace Company’s Library page by referencing the number ATR-2017-01760.

Beiting spent 20 years investigating electric propulsion. Most satellites are launched with electric propulsion. Cold fusion /LENR will revolutionize this space, allowing more high-power communication and dropping the large, bulky and weighty solar power systems.

He noted that NASA has developed a Stirling engine with a 20-year lifetime.

Aerospace Corporation IRAD Limitation Resources are scarce in the skeptical environment there, and Beiting had one experimental shot to try an investigation.

He chose to replicate the Arata/Ahern Sample Preparation, using thermal triggering and a DC power supply.

Sample preparation was similar to that in yesterdays Technova presentation. Nanometer Ni-Pd particles are added in micron-sized particles. He deviated from Arata/Ahern by adding small magnetic materials.

Two experiments used two cells each, an active and a control cell. Details are in the Aerospace report, but Beiting saw excess heat in both cells, and more excess heat with the magnetic particles. He recorded power in, pressure, and temperature. X-ray tomography (excellent equimant at Aerospace Corp.) on the cell revealed the internal structure of the loaded cell, and how the material was situated.

20 grams of active material were in each cell and the active cell received about 20 grams of magnetic materials.

The gas-loading period was 2 days, the heating-triggering period was 4 days. Total run time of the experiment was 10 weeks.

At 950 hours (40 days), excess energy appeared to be greater than chemically possible with a 7.5% excess power. He feels confident that he has verified results of Arata/Ahern.

A few weaknesses were that thermometry was used instead of calorimatry, and the thermocouples were imbedded in the sample which had caused a possible reaction with the sample and a possible hot spot.

Upper management of Aerospace Corporation were at Univeristy of Utah during the early years of this science, and continue to be skeptical. He noted that very competent physicists give non-scientific objection without even looking at the data.

After researching the psychology of this, Beiting ended with CONFIRMATION BIAS + COGNITIVE DISSONANCE do not equal CRITICAL THINKING.

A short break allowed me to take some photos of the crowd before William Collis of ISCMNS introduced Jean-Paul Biberian to speak on Anomalous Isotopic Composition of Silver in a Palladium Electrode for the session on Transmutations.

Biberian worked with a cathode given to him by Stanley Pons in 2001 from the ICARUS 9 cell. He aimed to do SIMS analysis to detect any transmutations. He showed a diagram of the double-walled cell and listed various fusion reactions involving PD+D that give silver Ag isotopes.

The cathode was a 100mm x 2mm pure palladium rod and Biberian heated it at 600 degrees C to be sure there was no deuterium left in the cathode.

Always separate experimental data from interpretation, Biberian was told by the Director of his lab years ago.

Ag107 was found 1 micron below the surface, which he says might be the region of active zone, but there was only a 3/100 increase of Ag 107 / Ag-109 which he found rather disappointing.

Biberian’s results are in agreement with John Dash’s work, and he concludes that Ag107 is produced, or formation of Pd-107 with a long half life is produced. Also, Biberian states that the reaction is a surface reaction one micrometer thick and happens only in hot spots.

Max Fomatchev-Zamilov presented Synthesis of Lanthanides on Nickel Anode and began by saying he would like to see a set of instructions for a reaction, and this is the inspiration for his work. He decided to reproduce an earlier experiment design from 1953 that would focus on neutrons, using an x-ray tube within a a housing of lead bricks and neutron counters on each side.

Counts using a nickel and titanium anode were statistically significant at better than 5% level and repeatable. But then he looked for systematic errors and after removing them, his statistical significance was removed too.

Sternglass was in error on this: neutrons were not synthesized, and lanthanides were not synthesized. However, Fomatchev says the experience allowed him to develop experience in SEM, EDS, precision neturon/gamma detection techniqes and he is ready to help you do analyses with his full lab equipment.

G. Lu and W Zhang were unable to attend, so the next speaker was Vladimir Vysottski, who filled in with a talk on biological transmutations, beginning with a nod to C.L. Kervan’s work on biological transmutation, which Vysottski does not want to separate from the general transmutation reactions with isotopes.

In their early research, Vysottski and Kornilova discovered that Mn55 + D2 = Fe57 + 15.6MeV.

A biological culture grows in D20 in 48 hours and a Mossbauer analysis is done. It is found that 10 ^-8 Fe57 are generated per second. 10 micrograms of Iron are created for 1 gram of dried biological culture.

Investigating a great number of different cultures, they get the same results.

The expectation that Cs133 + p = Ba134 was a later investigation. Sure enough, Cs decreased over time, and the Ba increased by 10^-6 per second.

Vysottski de-activated radioactive nuclear reactor water and saw a decrease in gamma activity over a period of 45 days, the duration of the experiment, and the increase of Ba138, indicating the decreasing presence of Cs137.

The next speaker A. Nkitin followed up on that theme with Impact of Effective Microorganisms on the Activity of 137 Cs in Soil from the Exclusion Zone of Chernobyl NPP.

Effective Microorganism (EM) has been globaly used for sustainable agriculture, animal husbandry and environmental conservation for 25 years. There are two forms of EM, liquid and solid.

In one experiment, Cs137 activity was decreased in the soil of a corn field treated with EM-1. In another experiment, soil in a column was treated repeated with EM causing a leaching and decrease of Cs137.

Then they investigated the effect of EM on the rate of radioactivity of Cs137. Contaminated soils were placed in 100-ml containers and mixed with EM1 or EM-bokashi and kept at room temperature. Periods of exposure were 6, 12, and 18 months with experiments repeated 15 times.

Varying levels of decrease in Cs137 activity were observed according to the parameters. Also, electromagnetic fields can accelerate this process.

After lunch, Yasuhiro Iwamura introduced Sveinn Olafsson of University of Iceland with What is Rydberg Matter and Ultra-Dense Hydrogen?Scientists Leif Holmlid was working with ultra dense Hydrogen 2.3 +/- 0.1 pm and Olafsson wanted to work with him.

Tunneling fusion rate is given by the Gomov probability of crossing the barrier times the attempt frequency. 0.2 eV bonding per state possible if d ~ 2.3 pm

Is Rydberg matter a frozen plasma state?

A laser is directed towards a cluster of dense hydrogen and the time of flight of the ejected particles (the time it takes to go a particular distance along a tube to a detector) measures how the cluster falls apart, which will be a function of the distance between atoms, too. A bond distance of 2.3 pm is found.

Olafsson has a nice Rydberg lab in Iceland with three different Rydberg matter cells. He will continue to work in this space with Holmlid and the next speaker, a PhD student at University of Iceland.

Sindre Zeiner-Gundersen spoke on Hydrogen Reactor for Rydberg Matter and Ultra Dense Hydrogen, a Replication of Leif Holmlid. Zeiner experimentally confirmed Holmlid with a tight replication, though it took 3 years!

Time of Flight was 180 micro seconds, too slow for Rydberg matter. Finally, he saw Rydberg matter at 20 microseconds.
He increased the length of the time of flight tube
With a length 236 cm, time of flight was 31 nanoseconds corresponding to 7.55 MeV. He then went down to time of flight of 14 nanoseconds and the ultra-dense deuterium signal was observed.

As I was dropping out of conscioussness due to lack of sleep, I had to exit and return to the dorm for a rest. I missed the last session of the day on Theory where Xing Zhong Li presented Resonant Surface Capture Model, J.-L. Paillet and A. Meulenberg presented On Highly Relativistic Deep Electrons, C. D. Stevenson and J. P. Davis spoke on Isotope Effects beyond the Electromagnetic Force: 1H and 2H in Palladium Exhibiting LENR, and V. Dubinko talked about Chemical and Nuclear Catalysis Mediated by the Energy Localization in Hydrogenated Crystals and Quasicrystals.

I made it back for the International Society of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science annual meeting where a new website was discussed, as well as changes in the organizational structure.

Ironically, two Cooks, Bob Cook and Norman Cook, are both leading special theory sessions Tuesday nite (right now!) and tomorrow Wednesday night. I had to skip the session tonite but I am about to hit the hay and get a good night’s rest for tomorrow’s heavy science download.

I can’t say enough how thrilling it is to be amongst such driven researchers who are working at the edge of what is known. The atmosphere is charged with hope and commitment. Here are some snapshots I took during the morning break. Can you see the excitement on their faces?!

ICCF-21 Day 1 on Heat and Theory

Cold Fusion Now! is attending the 21st International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science ICCF-21 here in Fort Collins, Colorado US. Steve Katinsky and David J. Nagel of LENRIA organized the entire event, working overtime to make this happen. Colorado State University is beautiful and the attendees are happy with the venue.

Yours truly arrived Sunday evening a mere shadow of the woman I was, but after today’s presentations, I’m feeling quite rejuvenated.

David J. Nagel introduced keynote speaker Tom Darden at the 21st International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. He spoke about “group-think” and urged scientists to keep open minds and reject conformity thinking, going through examples of “cultural group-think” in American society, and referenced the last US election. He wants to see the mainstream open up to scientific papers and he is seeking to engage the whole of science in this important field. “Humanity needs for us to succeed,” he ended.

Michael McKubre followed up making a plea that “condensed matter nuclear science is anomalous no more!” He echoes Tom Darden’s sentiment that CMNS must be integrated into the mainstream of science.

“I needed to see it with my own eyes to believe that it was true”, says McKubre. “At the same time, cold fusion is reproduced somewhere on the planet every day. Verification has already happened. But self-censorship is a problem in the CMNS field. Are we guarding our secrets for fear that someone else might take credit? Yes.”

But energy is a primary problem and you must “collaborate, cooperate, and communicate”, McKubre says to the scientists in the room.

McKubre thanked Jed Rothwell and Jean-Paul Biberian for all the work on lenr.org and the Journal of Condensed Matter nuclear Science, respectively. Beyond that, the communication in the CMNS field is very poor and needs to be remedied.

He also supports a multi-laboratory approach where reproductions are conducted. Verification of this science has already occurred in the 90s, with the confirmation of tritium, and the heat-helium correlation. He believes that all the many variables must be correlated to move forward. Unfortunately, he believes the same thing he said in 1996, according to a Jed Rothwell article, that “acceptance of this field will only come about when a viable technology is achieved.”

To make progress, a procedure for replication must be codified, and a set of papers should be packaged for newbies to the field. A demonstration cell is third important effort to pursue.

Electrochemical PdD/LiOD is already proven, despite the problem with “electrochemisty”, and has not been demonstrated for >10 years. Energetics Technologies cell 64 a few years back gave 40 kJ input 1.14 MJ output, gain= 27.5 Sadly, the magic materials issue prevented replication.

“1 watt excess power is too small to convince a skeptic, and 100 Watts too hard (at least for electrochemistry)”, said McKubre. The goal is to create the heat effect at the lowest input power possible.

According to McKubre, Verification, Correlation, Replication, Denomstration, utilization are the five marks of exploring and exploiting the FPHE.

Afterwards, Edmund Storms of Kiva Labs commented about an important replication in 1990 when he used a piece of palladium from Akito Takahashi that had given excess heat, and Storms got excess heat, too. More material was manufactured using the same exact process, and again that mateerial gave excess heat.

Bob Greenyer of MFMP also gave an example of a replication with Mathieu Valat and published by CMNS.

After a short break, Mahadeva Srinivasan introduced the next speaker for the session on Heat Measurements. Dennis Letts began his talk on Building & Testing a High Temperature Seebeck Calorimeter written by D. Letts and D. Cravens.

Letts reported excess heat of 5-7 Watts from this system and gave detailed specifics on the construction, justifying each design element for the experiment. The Seebeck performance is very slow, but stable. The experimental results were then presented by Dennis Cravens.

These guys have control, off and on excess heat regulated by adding light hydrogen to their deuterium fuel, which quenches their excess. 5-7 Watts can be achieved for weeks on end, however, 3-5 Watts is their average. They saw a max of 10 Watts. On the longest run, they achieve 1.58 MJ of energy, “definitely not chemistry”, says Cravens.

Next up was Tadahiko Mizuno’s presentation on Excess Heat Generation by Simple Treatment of Reaction Metal in
Hydrogen Gas
. Mizuno was not able to attend, so co-author Jed Rothwell

He reported 20-40 Watts from a glow discharge set-up which uses air-flow calorimetry as other calorimetries interfered with the experiment. Calorimetry is based on the input and output temps, but it is important to measure temperature everywhere, inside the cell, on the reactor, etc.

The reactor design allows viewing the plasma when operational. The cell usines palladium rods and two cells are used simultaneously with one used as an active cell, the other is the control.

Experimental steps were detailed where 99% input power was accounted for, with one experiment giving 6% excess heat and another 12% excess. Rothwell ended the talk by saying anyone who wants to replicate Mizuno’s results will find him to be very helpful, though a translator may be needed.

The last paper for the excess heat session was from George H. Miley of UIUC and LENUCO, who presented Progress in Cluster Enabled LENR by himself and the IH C-U Lab Team.

Miley described his original 12 nanometer thin-film work which he says created dislocation loop clusters. He found that high-loading and de-loading of the reactor creates defects and clusters which will be reactive.

Now he’s working on PdZrO2 nanoparticles 30% Pd / 70% zirconium which produce the defects needed for reaction. A particular milling process produces more defects as measured by an NMR spectrum. The calorimeter uses a pulsed pressurization/depressurization experiments. He showed experimental results of system runs over six months, which he carefully noted did not included some runs where errors or equipment problems occurred.

All the studies were focused on the effect of changing parameter, as opposed to reproducibility. Cryo-milled particles produced higher energies on the order of 600-1200 MJ.

Further study on transmutation by-products were hampered by the possibility of contamination. Also, CR-39 images showed a direct relationship between particle object detection and pressure cycling; more pressure cycles created substantially more particles.

Assuming results remain encouraging in added experiments, a prototype pulse reactor of 1-20W level is possible, if desired. A small 29 grams can produce 30-some Watts power, though there is a scaled up design as well.

After a lunch break, Robert Duncan introduced Akito Takahashi from Technova, Inc to begin the session on Heat from Nanomaterials with his paper Research Status of Nano-Metal Hydrogen Energy. Results from the MHE reactor was presented.

2-8 Watts of Anomalous Heat Effect lasted for over a week at elevated temperature using light-hydrogen.

The largest excess heat level was 10-20Watts of excess power for one week. In one run, a big heat burst occurred during desorption of hydrogen. About 15cc100g PNZ5r power and D2 produced heat well beyond chemical energies.

He found an optimum ratio of Pd/N for the PNZ series at 450 degree to be around 7.

Next up was Yasuhiro Iwamura with Research Center for Electron Photon Science at Tohoku University. He described a collaborative research Project including Kobe University, Tohoku University, Kyushu University, Ngoya University, Technova, and Nissan from 2015-2017 with the objective to verify the existence of the AHE in nanometal and hydrogen gas interaction and to seek controlability of the effect.

A table showing 16 experiments using different materials showed multiple instances of high energy with one run creating 200 MJ/mole D. Released Energy per fuel unit (J/g) was shown to be significantly larger than chemical energy.

His experimental setup uses oil flow calorimetry at High Temperature, uses lots of meaurement points, and is resistant to exterior (outside) temperature changes. Sample preparation uses melt spinning. The reactor consists of 1 mm Zirconia beads (about 1300 grams) in the chamber and then the nano material is added.

Experimental results at Tohoku were reproduced at Kobe University with positive results using the very same samples. Temperatures for these runs ranged from 140 degrees C up to 350 degrees C. For the first CNA5S sample with H2, 67.8 eV/H was produced. The two further runs had increased power. Iwamura showed broken ZrO2 beads after excess heat release “which suggests very large local heat stress” in the vicinity of those beads.

Excess heat at Kobe and Tohoku had similar output values, with the same level of power and energy were obtained in their reproduction.

In summary, anomalous heat (more than several MJ/mol-H(D)). was observed for all the samples at elevated temperature, except for the Pd-only nanoparticales.

Tatsumi Hioki presented XRD and XAFS Analyses for Metal Nanocomposites Used in
Anomalous Heat Effect Experiments
who also presented results on the 16 collaborative experiments performed. The three samples that did not show excess heat, he said were manufactured at a different location than the other 13 samples that did show excess heat. One of the samples provided 25x excess power at 250-350 degrees.

Hioki says the Pd single element nano particel are not good, and did not provide excess. Ni based alloy nano particles fared much better. “Matrix oxide” either ZrO2 or SiO2 was good to use at temperatures of 150-400 degrees C.

He described succeeding in loading nano palladium into zeoloite pores. For one sample, excess heat was over 10 Watts, and maxed at 65 Watts, lasting for 45 days.

For the ZPZ6 sample the nickel to palladium ratio was 10:1. He showed how temperature makes the various phase changes of PNZ6. “Abundant vacancy formation and a high flux hydrogen migration on the surface of Ni based alloy nano particle may enhance the probability of the 4-body H or D fusion reaction as proposed by Akito Takahashi”, says Hioki.

A short break and then Sunwon Park led the first Theory session by introducing Peter Hagelstein and his presentation on Phonon-Mediated Excitation Transfer Involving Nuclear Excitation.

“Is there anything happening in the phonon space that you can actually see?”, asks Hagelstein. “Yes”, he responds, “with excitation transitions”.

He can interpret of energetic nuclear products in low-level nuclear emission from F&P experiment as due to excitation transfer. Also, there are many excitation transfers while maintaining coherence leads to energy exchange.

We have scheduled Hagelstein for a podcast interview this summer, and we’ll get more on this in layman’s terms then. (I hope!)

Science “light” (not) continued with Vladimir Vysottski who discussed Using the Method of Coherent Correlated States for Realization of Nuclear Interaction of Slow Particles with Crystals and Molecules. These theories are highly-mathematical and contain ideas from quantum mechanics such as superposition states and tunneling. Coherent correlated states are thought to allow the tunneling effect to occur, and a reaction to take place. I would suggest readers listen to Vysottski’s podcast and hear what he is talking about yourself.

Continuing on the theory tip was Anthony Zuppero and Thomas Dolan presenting Electron Quasiparticle Catalysis of Nuclear Reactions. He predicated his presentation by saying “this is work done outside of LENR, but contains information of interest to the LENR community”.

Taking two particles, each has a potential. At some point when they are a particular distance, they begin to couple, and an “big” electron is ejected out of the system leaving the reactant in a low-energy state. This mainstream research was published in 2011.

There was a lot more from Zuppero and I have planned a podcast for this summer with these authors to get the lowdown in layman’s terms, so look for that then.

The final paper on theory was given by Norman Cook on The “Renaissance” in Nuclear Physics:
Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions and Transmutations
. He started with his Conclusion and worked backwards saying “a new level of spatial detail concerning nuclear structure has become possible” called NLEFT. This is based on work done by Ulf Meissner, et al.
Conventional Lattice QCD is not the same as NLEFT by Meissner, for was awarded the Lise Metner Prize in Nuclear Physics for theoretical work in 2016. New discoveries are incompatible with the Bohr interpretation of QM.

After that, my head was spinning. I wasn’t able to get much video or audio, but I made a lot of contacts for future podcasts to be conducted this summer, and boy do we have line-up. All the scientists are having some drinks and conversation now, and getting ready for tomorrow’s presentations on Heat, Transmutions, Theory, and Rydberg Matter.

I’m off to get a few more photos. Here’s few pics from today:

Edmund Storms HYDROTON A Model of Cold Fusion

Ruby Carat and the Cold Fusion Now! collective have released a new video documentary, this time tackling cold fusion theory with Edmund Storms HYDROTON A Model of Cold Fusion.

The 28-minute science special continues where the book The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction left off. It features Dr. Edmund Storms describing his theory of the cold fusion/LENR reaction that focuses on the unusual form of hydrogen that can form in the nano-spaces of materials.

Nano-cracks in materials will have a high negative-charge along the walls of the space, allowing positively-charged hydrogen nuclei to be closer than they normally could.

Subject to resonance, the hypothesis proposes a linear array of hydrogen nuclei and electrons in the nano-crack that can engage in a “slow fusion” process, whereby the smaller bits of mass turn to energy by releasing coherent photons.

If true, the mechanism would be an extension of conventional nuclear models which only describes fusion in a hot plasma, where nuclei collide violently to fuse.

The action is animated by artist Jasen Chambers who modeled all the isotopes of hydrogen in the unique LENR process.

Ruby Carat has had multiple interviews with Dr. Storms since 2011, most recently in the offices of Cold Fusion Now! in Eureka, California, US. That video composite describes the Nano-gap Hydroton Model and its development.

Hypotheses of the Nano-gap Hydroton model are currently being tested for confirmation.

See Edmund Storms HYDROTON A Model of Cold Fusion on the Cold Fusion Now! Youtube page here: https://youtu.be/D4BPtwzsgiw

Edmund Storms’ book The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction: An Examination of the Relationship between Observation and Explanation is available from his website http://www.lenrexplained.com

Dr. Edmund Storms website http://www.lenrexplained.com

HYDROTON animation by Jasen Chambers http://jasenlux.com

Title animation by Augustus Clark and Mike Harris http://augustusclark.com

Music by Esa Ruoho a.k.a. lackluster https://lackluster.bandcamp.com

ICCF-18 video by Eli Elliott http://www.elienation.com

Filmed, edited and narrated by Ruby Carat https://twitter.com/ColdFusionNow

Our work supports Cold Fusion Now! and Eugene Mallove’s Infinite Energy Foundation. We hope you will too.



2017 LENRIA Calendar


Back cover
Just out of the box and more jam-packed than ever before! The The Industrial Association for LENR finally released their 2017 LENRIA Calendar and this year’s effort is the best yet!

January date page
Every square centimeter of space educates and fascinates with the facts and figures of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (CMNS). As full disclosure, I myself Ruby Carat worked on this very calendar, together with LENRIA’s Steve Katinsky, who produced a fabulous visual directory of the scientific field.

Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project represents open science for all humanity
Featuring an impressive network of global researchers working to unlock the promise of Nano-Nuclear Reactions, as the 2016 SPAWAR report described them and is quoted in the calendar, one-after-another, the pages reveal the sheer number of people working to find a solution to our global resource needs – using only bits of metals and ultra-clean hydrogen from water. The last several years have witnessed an increasing rate of interest in the science, as well as the technology.

Working together, the CMNS scientists profiled in the 2017 LENRIA Calendar show the world what cooperation beyond borders looks like. Photos from the recent 20th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF 20) held in Sendai, Japan along with a satellite conference in Xiamen, China, have experimentalists and theorists from every continent represented.

I still have mine on my refrigerator.
As a calendar there’s little room to write your appointments, as the date spaces collect the wisdom and knowledge of the field today with quotes, historical facts, and an occasional equation to elevate the fun. It’s more art than contemporary date book, more science almanac than nostalgic paper calendar.

Last year’s 2016 LENRIA Calendar was a huge tool for advocates, wowing newcomers to the field with its lavish tech photos, showing some well-funded, and scientifically-successful ventures. This year, the elite of scientific research see themselves as a cohesive community, one united in purpose: a clean energy revolution.

A technology eludes engineers and a theoretical model still awaits community confirmation, but the research is coming closer than ever to narrowing-down the criteria for success. After 28 years of effort, designs are finding ways to extract value from the effects, which once understood, will point the way to a green technological future for all of life kind, on Earth and beyond. With ultra-clean, energy-dense power from the hydrogen in water, we have the choice to re-make our planet without the imaginary borders and imaginary disputes, but the greatest collaborative global project ever conceived.

If you haven’t received your copy soon, or you want more, please purchase a copy from the Infinite Energy Foundation and Magazine website here:

Stanford Energy Club LENR panel, dinner next Wednesday

SEC Nuclear Energy Community Kickoff: LENR Panel
Wednesday, January 25, 2017 6:15 PM to 8:45 PM
655 Knight Way, Stanford, CA 94305
Stanford Graduate School of Business Gunn Building, Room G102
Stanford Energy Club Nuclear Energy Community

Join the Stanford Energy Club for the launch of our newest community, the Nuclear Energy Community, at a panel discussion and networking dinner on recent developments in Lattice Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR). The panel will discuss the latest trends in this novel field of nuclear physics from around the world, and will be followed by a dinner that will outline upcoming plans for the community.
For more information on the Nuclear Energy Community, please email Nathan Kong at nkong11@stanford.edu.
Location: Stanford GSB, Gunn Building, Room G102
When: Wednesday, January 25, 6:15 – 8:45pm
Food: Dinner will be served after the panel
Posted from Stanford Energy Club