Dennis Cravens on the Cold Fusion Now! podcast

Physicist Dr. Dennis Cravens joins Ruby on the Cold Fusion Now! podcast for a discussion about experimental results gathered over a career of LENR research.

Dr. Cravens received his PhD from Florida State University and has been working on cold fusion since 1989. He has demonstrated multiple live LENR systems throughout the years, including NIWeek 2013 and more recently at the ICCF-21 conference, where he showed a live video feed of an active cell in Austin, Texas built with his associate Dennis Letts.

Collaborations between Dennis Cravens and Dennis Letts’ team have produced a unique cell, with cathode materials made by the team, ensuring consistency. They’ve closed in on a recipe to generating excess heat of an average of 7 Watts thermal for durational periods.

Episode 15 of the Cold Fusion Now! podcast with Dennis Cravens is available at our website or subscribe in iTunes.

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MFMP’s Alan Goldwater on the Cold Fusion Now! podcast

Welcome back to the Cold Fusion Now! podcast!

Our next episode features Alan Goldwater, an independent LENR researcher with the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project.

He received a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from Columbia University and studied architecture and computer science before having a successful career in electronic design and embedded software. Returning to his first love physics, Alan has assembled a small laboratory to test LENR systems in a Live Open Science setting.

Off the heels of the 21st International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Alan Goldwater visited the Cold Fusion Now! Central Office in Eureka, California and Ruby took the opportunity to get his take on the state of the field as presented over the five-day science bonanza.

Alan also describes his ‘glow stick’ experiments, which he reports as having shown up to 18% excess heat. He also talks about the importance of live open science in an environment of non-disclosure agreements and intellectual property filings.

Listen to episode 14 of the Cold Fusion Now! podcast with Alan Goldwater at our website or subscribe in iTunes.

Learn more about Alan Goldwater’s work with the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project and Live Open Science at

Read about the glow stick work in the Journal of Condensed Matter Muclear Science Volume 21 [.pdf].

Big Atomic THANKS to our new and continuing supporters. Your dollars make a difference in our day, and we can’t do this without you. Go to our website at to be a Cold Fusion Now! SuSteamer or sign-up on Patreon. When we deliver, you reward the work!

Patreon is a platform for supporting creators. You can pledge as little as a dollar per episode and cap your monthly spending. Visit us on Patreon to sign-up and become a Patron!

Melvin Miles on the Cold Fusion Now! podcast

Dr. Melvin Miles is the guest on the Cold Fusion Now! podcast with Ruby Carat episode 12. Dr. Miles is an electro-chemist and LENR experimentalist who in 1990 discovered a relationship between the heat production in cold fusion cells with the production of helium, confirming the nuclear nature of the elusive reaction.

He spent two years at Dixie College (now Dixie State University), then received a Bachelor’s degree at Brigham Young University and a Ph.D at the University of Utah in Physical Chemistry, minoring in Physics. Following his degree, he was awarded a NATO fellowship to work as a postdoc for one year with Dr. Heinz Gerischer in Munich, Germany.

Melvin Miles was a Navy electro-chemist specializing in batteries at the China Lake research lab in 1989 when the cold fusion announcement occurred. He had difficulty reproducing the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect – until September of 1989. He reported the result to the Department of Energy DoE, then writing a report on the phenomenon, yet the November 1989 DoE has Dr. Miles listed as a negative on reproduction, as they refused to change their record of his response. He went on to measure helium as a nuclear product from active cold fusion cells producing excess heat in 1990.

D. Miles has challenged the American Chemical Society’s The Journal of Physical Chemistry ban on publishing cold fusion papers by proposing several mainstream referees to review one of his papers.

He has also published a collection of Letters from Martin Fleischmann to Melvin Miles, documenting sixteen years of collaboration between himself and Martin Fleischmann, who along with Stanley Pons, discovered the Anomalous Excess Heat Effect known as cold fusion.

Listen to episode 12 with Melvin Miles and host Ruby Carat at our podcast page or subscribe in iTunes.

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Vladimir Vysotskii on the Cold Fusion Now! podcast

Dr. Vladimir I. Vysotskii is a Nuclear Physicist and Head of Theoretical Radiophysics Department at Kiev National Shevchenko University, Ukraine. He received a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Kiev Institute of Theoretical physics, and a second Doctorate in Theoretical and Solid State Physics. His areas of research and applications is wide, from lasers to bio-physics.

Dr. Vysotskii’s first theoretical article in the field of cold fusion “Reactions of controlled fusion in crystal targets” was published in 1981 in the Soviet journal of Technical Physics, that is 8 years before the appearance of the term “cold fusion” giving him more than 35 years experience in this area. He participated and made presentations at the first LENR conference in 1990 in Provo at Brigham-Young University and he has subsequently participated in almost all ICCF conferences.

Dr. Vysotskii’s work in LENR is both theoretical and experimental, reporting stunning results of transmutations within living systems in a LENR environment. He is the author of many scientific books including, with Dr. Alla Kornilova, Nuclear Transmutation of Stable and Radioactive Isotopes in Biological Systems.

Listen to episode 11 with Vladimir Vysotskii and host Ruby Carat at our podcast page or subscribe in iTunes.

Here is a transcript of our conversation with Dr. Vladimir Vysotskii: Click here for transcript.

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Mats Lewan on the Cold Fusion Now! podcast

Mats Lewan is a science and technology journalist and author of An Impossible Invention, the true story of an Energy Source that could Change the World, a book detailing the early demonstrations of Andrea Rossi’s Energy Catalyzer. He joins Ruby on the Cold Fusion Now! podcast where he discusses his assessment of the LENR technology challenge.

Mats Lewan has a Master of Science in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockhom and spent fifteen years working as technology reporter for the magazine Ny Teknik. He also attended the Innovation Journalism Program at Stanford University in California and while there, reported for CBS-CNET News in San Francisco.

Mats Lewan was one of the few journalists chronicling Andrea Rossi’s early work as it was evaluated by Dr. Sergio Focardi, physicist at the University of Bologna and former Director of the University of Bologna branch of the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics. Mats is currently working with Stockholm School of Economics on a project about The Internet and its Effects on Innovation and the Swedish Economy, and Energiforsk (The Swedish Energy Research Centre) on Digitalisation in the Energy Industry. Find more on Mats work at

Listen to episode 10 with Mats Lewan and host Ruby Carat at our podcast page or subscribe in iTunes.

Patreon supports creators like us, and we need you to join in. Go to our homepage on Patreon and pledge a few dollars to bring the voices of breakthrough energy research to the attention of the world.

Another THANKS with STEAM to our newest patrons. Cold Fusion Now! will be attending ICCF-21 to get more breakthrough energy audio, video, and photos to share with you, all thanks to your generosity.

Cheers go to NJM, and Ecalox, Ltd – focusing on a new HydrogenMine process.

Read about the science behind 1 cent energy at

Kiitos Thank you ありがとう for spending your valuable time to listen to the true stories of cold fusion/LENR from the mouths of those of who live life at the frontiers of science. Become a Patron!


Abd ul-Rahman Lomax on the Cold Fusion Now! podcast

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax created the blog and spent the bulk of 2017 using it to document the Andrea Rossi-Industrial Heat lawsuits.

In episode 09 of the Cold Fusion Now! podcast, he talks with Ruby about the dream partnership that ended with suspicion and the drama of a Miami, Florida trial court.

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax sat in Richard Feynman’s lectures at Cal Tech in 1961 through 1963. In 2009, he began challenging Wikipedia about their bias regarding cold fusion. Since then, he’s been involved in the cold fusion/LENR field. He was published in the 2015 special LENR issue of Current Science journal on the correlation of excess heat and the production of helium with the paper Replicable cold fusion experiment: heat/helium ratio [.pdf].

Listen to episode 09 at our podcast page or subscribe in iTunes.

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