Jan Marwan to appear on James Martinez’ Ca$h Flow Thursday Nov 4

Dr. Jan Marwan, editor of the recently canceled American Institute of Physics peer-reviewed proceedings of the March 2010 American Chemical Society National Meeting’s New Energy Technology Symposium, will be a guest on James Martinez‘ Ca$h Flow show Thursday, November 4 continuing the Cold Fusion Radio series.

You can call-in live, or Flash message your comments during the show. Go to Cash-flow on Achieve Radio.

He will talk about why the AIP refused to publish Low-energy nuclear reactions: the information fundamental source [press release], a compilation of the current research presented at the most recent ACS meeting of the Environmental Division, at a time when we desperately need alternatives to dirty fossil fuels and dangerous fission reactors.

Mr. Marwan is the LENR researcher behind Marwan Chemie, a company he founded to research and develop green energy solutions and the next-generation of clean nuclear power.

He is also the editor, along with Steven Krivit of the New Energy Times, of the ACS/Oxford University Press Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions and New Energy Technologies Sourcebook Volume 2.

You can watch the American Chemical Society news conference featuring Dr. Jan Marwan as well as other new energy scientists at the ACS meeting last year 2009 here.

The interview date will be posted when details are released.
UPDATE: Dr. Jan Marwan will be interviewed on Ca$h Flow this Thursday, November 4. . You can call-in live, or Flash message your comments during the show. Go to Cash-flow on Achieve Radio.
