Defkalion: “We’re not selling products, we sell technology”

SterlingAllanJuly24_2004_head_150sSterling Allan of the Pure Energy Systems network follows multiple types of new energy technologies, including cold fusion.

Last year he traveled to Greece to check on the progress of Defkalion Green Technologies Hyperion steam-generator, a prototype commercial product based on low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) that utilizes nickel and light hydrogen.

Recently, Allan interviewed Defkalion‘s CEO Alex Xanthoulis and Director of Communication and Business Development Symeon Tsalikoglou on developments since moving their headquarters to Vancouver, B.C.

While the Hyperion domestic unit has been “put on the back burner”, Defkalion has been approached by hundreds of companies wanting to license their technology for various products. The company has narrowed those proposals down to 20 which they will pursue.

“They let the professionals in the industry work out the details of fitting the technology to the myriad of applications out there,” writes Allan.

One of the applications cited is shipping. “A large cargo ship (18,000 to 20,000 tons) can go through $20,000 worth of fuel each day, but with Defkalion’s technology, those costs would go down to $500/day — a 40-fold reduction in price.”

Savings on fuel costs, weight, space, and time (since ships won’t have to stop and refuel as often) are all benefits of this technology. No fossil fuels on board mean no nasty spills either.

Another high-priority project is replacing the dirty and dangerous radioactive fuel rods in today’s nuclear power plants with clean cold fusion steam generators. “The price for a retrofitted nuclear plant will be 12 times lower than what they presently operate at,” producing power at $0.35 per kilowatt-hour.

Eventually, home units will be available, and the energy cost for this off-grid technology “is expected to be less than $300 for six months, for a 550 square meter (6000 ft2) home” with the charge lasting six months.

All licensees for applications are required to test the technology on their own.

A mass spectrometer surrounds Hyperion reactor.
A mass spectrometer surrounds Hyperion reactor.
Allan writes, “One US Company tested the Defkalion technology for about six months and reported that there was no harmful radiation emitted whatsoever (they thoroughly tested the full spectrum), and that only some gamma rays are emitted during the reaction — but no more than you get from a household toaster — well within safety limits. And sometimes, it doesn’t even emit any harmless gamma radiation while it is operating — puzzling the scientists who haven’t yet figured that one out, who think that with every transmutation event there should be a gamma emission.”

Currently, their demonstration model generates 5 kilowatts of thermal energy and it is claimed that one unit has been operating for 8 months.

Last August, a Technical Characteristics and Performance report [.pdf] was released at ICCF-17, the International Conference on Cold Fusion where Defkalion presented.

Details of the unit given to Allan recently were:

Excess heat graph from Defkalion nickel-hydrogen system.
Excess heat graph from Defkalion nickel-hydrogen system.
“Most of the input energy is up front when it is brought up to 180 C, then the input is tapered off until it is just a quick pulse from a spark plug every 10-15 seconds. It takes about 1-2 hours to stabilize. So in the first 24 hours, the COP is 1:5 (five times more energy out than what is put in). But over time it gets so good that Alex doesn’t like to say what it is because it comes across as unbelievable.”

“The output temperatures range from between 350 and 500 degrees Celsius. It once went up to 860 C in just 30 seconds, but that was an accident, and caused damage because the materials are not designed for that, so they cap it at 500 C.”

Seven regional labs around the globe are working on next-generation models, with each lab developing a particular application. The core team is currently engineering R5, a reactor designed specifically for controlling while the next reactor R6 will be for “pure performance”.

One avenue which won’t be pursued is military contracts. Apparently, current business agreements have a clause that says the technology “won’t be used for military purposes”, good news for civilians around the planet. However, the company realizes that after release, these generators will be copied and they won’t have control over it’s purpose.

Defkalion plans a public demonstration of their work at NIWeek 2013 this August at National Instruments in Austin, Texas. Till then, as a business entity, they will follow Alexander the Great’s model, attempting to be first to market. Alexander had “45,000 soldiers compared to the foes 500,000 that were superior in knowledge and skill. He won by being first.”

Read the full article Defkalion lying low, preparing for some big splashes by Sterling Allan here.

14 Replies to “Defkalion: “We’re not selling products, we sell technology””

  1. Seems any project that Allan gets involved in end with nothing. We all saw this new energy used in the WTC demise so the electrical engineering association needs to come clean and release the science and what ever safety precautions needed to get it on the street.

    Brent Mosley

  2. If there are no gamma rays, maybe the following reactions are taking place:

    H(1) + Ni(62) > Co(59) + He(4) 0345. MeV

    H(1) + Co(59) > Fe(56) + He(4) 3.2 MeV

    H(1) + Ni(64) > Co(61) + He(4) 0.663 MeV

    H(1) + Co(61) > Fe(58) + He(4) 4.1 MeV

    P.S John Hadjichristos said that Ni(61) doesn’t undergo a LENR.

      1. P.S. One last thought. Rossi claims in his patent that copper (instead of nickel) will also work in his reactor. Cupric hydride is a very stable hydride by HSAB. Cu +1 is a very soft acid and H-1 is a very soft base. So, they share a polarizable pair of electrons. Perhaps the following reactions are taking place in Cu-H systems.

        H(1) + Cu(63) > Ni(60) + He(4) 3.8 MeV

        H(1) + Cu(62) > Ni(62) + He(4) 4,3 MeV

        The nickel that is created can go on to react again with hydrogen in the above nuclear reactions.

        1. Pardon me, I found another mistake. It should read:
          H(1) + Cu(65) > Ni(62) + He(4) 4,3 MeV

  3. So, who can we directly talk to who can verify that the technology actually works?

    1. The art of LENR science (historically, popularly, while prematurely and perhaps erroneously labelled cold fusion) is departing from the (fringe) cutting edge research phase and is now entering the applied engineering phase.

      I am even more aware of this than ever before.
      Thank you Defkalion, Sterling Allan, and Ruby Carat for this great bit of.
      Product engineering and journalism.

      I imagine the size of the market scope, combined with the race to engineered application of this new technology, warrants that information is released on a need to know basis only.

      If you have an application for LENR energetics (heat) on a nuclear dense, low-cost, and non – radioactive scale… and the money and skills to do so…

      Talk with NASA like Boeing is…

      Or as indicated… Work with Defkalion, Rossi, Lenuco, or others…..

      Even the person developing the janitorial department of one of these start-ups will be a happy man. As I am.

      The shift to applied engineering has taken place. The race is on. Fast paced… Not much time to wait… Opportunities go to the fleet-footed, strong hearted, and wise. Rich, cold, and lonely.
      Not I.

      No longer what we now know… Economic models will crumble.

      This empowers the heart. Belief changes.

      A bit of run on reaction prose… Enjoy!

      “SOS! Share Relate Evolution Norm Matters So?”

      Also… elate so hare late on or matt nor osha are evo ion ate vol at ra ma …What else?

      sosharelatevolutionormattersosharelatevolutionormatterso… sosharelatevolutionormattersosharelatevolutionormatterso…”

  4. Actually in this instance I think that we can separate Sterling and his weird ways from Defkalion. Sterling approached them long ago when they were first starting up. They promised him a follow up interview when he visited them. This has now come to fruition. Defkalion are the real deal and have working tech. As Symeon said, “Be prepared to see the announcement of a product by a third party based on our tech by the end of calendar year 2013”

  5. If there are no gamma-rays and no neutrons formed the fusion reaction may between lithium (7Li) and hydrogen (1H) probably using negatively charged hydrogen ions (H-). Advantageously liquid lithium should be used (see Swedish Defence article in Cold Fusion Times). Hydrogen can be adsorbed to lithium particles as anions (H-) and made to react with liquid lithium at high positive voltage using e.g. a BLASCON reactor (US-inventor : Fraas). The above mentioned reaction is aneutronic and for the first time carried out by Cockroft and Walton in 1932.

  6. “We are not selling products, we sell technology”
    Sorry to rain on your parade, but actually, Defkalion is selling VAPORWARE!

    -If I scan the old publications, they were to present a working (!) sample reactor since early 2011 every now and then.
    Think they told one too many they have LENR working for anyone to hear the call…

    1. I have not seen a demonstration from Defkalion, but others who visited their lab have. I believe they have the ability to make heat, but have trouble engineering the control and stability.

      The point of their message here is they are not going to be making a product, but working with others to put their heat/steam generator into their products.

      You did not rain on my parade, Arno. As this science develops into a technology without adequate funding, your comment will live forever here on my blog.

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