“The Believers” test screening February 11 in Chicago, Illinois

The Believers is a new documentary on cold fusion from 137 Films described as “a work in progress” and currently in Festival Submission.

137 FilmsThere will be a test screening in Chicago, Illinois on February 11 at 12 Noon local time at the Gene Siskel Film Center.

This is the announcement from their website:

137Films The BelieversIf you’ve been waiting to see our new film, The Believers, now is your chance!

The Chicago Council on Science and Technology is presenting a work-in-progress screening of The Believers on Saturday, February 11 at noon at the Gene Siskel Film Center, and filmmakers Monica Ross and Clayton Brown will be in attendance for a Q & A session after the film.

You can attend for free by becoming a 137 Films Backer. We hope to see you on February 11!”

James Martinez, who has interviewed a dozen scientists on the topic, was filmed for the movie last year during a Ca$h Flow interview with Dr. Edmund Storms who related the then-recent news on Andrea Rossi‘s 10 kilowatt E-Cat demonstration with the quote “There will be a stampede.

The film does not appear to be on the Gene Siskel Film Center calendar, but it is posted on the Chicago Council of Science and Technology front page.

There is an RSVP required and Registration at 11AM.
$15.00 non-members / $5.00 Students. Details here.

Related Links

Science and Storytelling – 10 Questions for the Upcoming Cold Fusion Documentary The Believers by Eli Elliott May 13, 2011

World’s Wildlife Needs Cold Fusion

“We are liquidating the earth’s natural assets to fuel our consumption.”

In World on the Edge, Lester Brown of the Earth Policy Institute, writes

“The world’s ever-growing herds of cattle, sheep, and goats are converting vast stretches of grassland to desert. Forests are shrinking by 13 million acres per year as we clear land for agriculture and cut trees for lumber and paper. Four fifths of oceanic fisheries are being fished at capacity or overfished and headed for collapse. In system after system, demand is overshooting supply.”
Lester Brown Chapter 1 On the Edge

Human expansion into the environment for shelter, food, and fuel, exacerbated by the sprawl around cities, is squeezing wildlife into the last remaining islands of shrinking habitat.

What is at stake?

In 1979, 1.2 million elephants roamed the African continent. That number currently is 300,000 elephants. We have lost 75% of the elephant herds mainly due to poaching, loss of habitat and human conflict.
Wildlife Direct Elephant Slaughter is Recurring

Kenyan lion is near extinction.Kenya’s Lions are on the brink of extinction.

Borneo Orangutans victims of logging and fire to clear the land for palm oil plantations, and hunted as resources become scarcer.

Mountain gorillaThe total population of mountain gorillas worldwide is 786 because of shrinking habitat.

The last two hundred in Virunga National Park are victims of resource wars and poaching for food and retail. The DR Congo blocks Soco from oil search in Virunga Park for now, but how long?

North America inexplicably began losing bee colonies. Chemicals in the water supply cause small amphibians to show mutations. A giant Garbage Patch in the Pacific floats unnoticed by humans, but putting plastics into the DNA of birds.

Birds fill up on plastic, then starve to death.

The list is long and depressing.

But this conflict that threatens the futures of both wildlife and humans has a solution – with abundant cold fusion energy technology.

Growing food locally and sustainably is economically viable using cold fusion energy.

The first commercial device of this revolutionary technology is essentially a steam generator, which could provide affordable clean water, as well as hot water and heat, off-grid in the remotest locations to support agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, and domestic needs.

Designed to run on hydrogen and a recyclable nickel powder, only one gram of nickel can provide 10 kilowatts of thermal energy from a small portable unit, recharging in about six-months.

Cold fusion steam generators can supply heat for greenhouses.
Agriculture, horticulture, and aquaculture all benefit from clean water, and hot water.

Even in cold climates, steam generators can heat greenhouses for organic food all year long.

With plentiful energy, it becomes economically viable to recycle all waste, reducing the need for more virgin resources, and no more plastic into the environment!

With clean and abundant cold fusion energy, we can stop the pollution from fossil fuels and the end resource wars limited supplies engender.

Carbon-burning steam power revolutionized farming in the 19th century. Nickel-Hydrogen Exothermic Reaction steam power can revolutionize world agriculture in the 21rst century.

Greek-shipIn the ancient Mediterranean villages where philosophy and science began, problems associated with increasing population in were taken care of by shipping off a portion of the tribe to a new location, sometimes forcefully, and founding a new colony.

21rst century humans do not have that same opportunity. There is no ‘Unknown’ area on Earth to expand into. Moon base 2020? Not likely without cold fusion energy.

NASA SpaceShip to Mars
Where else can humans go?

On Earth, there is only what we choose to programas Nature. ‘Nature’ can only be a work of Art with the participation of All.

Why should we care about the wildlife of this world?

One of the first philosophers in the Greek world was Empedocles. He lived around 450BC and came from the island of Sicily. In one of his surviving fragments of writing, he relates to his student Pausanias the importance of listening carefully to the words his teacher Empedocles is saying.

And why is listening to the teacher Empedocles’ words so important?

“If you press them down
underneath your dense-packed diaphragm
and oversee them with good will and with
pure attention to the work, they will all
without the slightest exception stay with you
for as long as you live. And, from them,
you will come to possess many other things.
For they grow, each according to its
own inner disposition, in whatever way their
nature dictates.
But if you reach out instead after
other kinds of things – after the ten thousand
worthless things that exist among humans,
blunting their cares – then you can be sure
they will only too gladly leave you with the
circling of time, longing to return to their
own dear kind. For you need to know that
everything has intelligence and a share
of awareness.”
Empedocles 450BC translated by Peter Kingsley inReality

Lion cub
"Please listen to us!"

Cold Fusion Now!

Reality by Peter Kingsley www.peterkingsley.org

Earth Policy Institute

You can help animals and birds in your neighborhood by providing fresh drinking water, putting bird seed in feeders, and plant indigenous to feed local wildlife. Refrain from toxic chemical use in and around your home, and recycle even the tiniest of plastic pieces.

To Learn More about Endangered Species

National Geographic

The World Wildlife Fund

Nature Conservancy

Wildlife Direct

1925 Hot Water Boilers

The first commercial cold fusion technology is emerging as a hot-water boiler to make useful steam and hot water.

An old Architectural Record from December 1925, with no cover but otherwise in tact, contained eight advertisements for hot water boilers and a lone oil heater for domestic use in the US.

It’s amazing that, despite the technological advances, some things will never change. Hot water and steam are beloved by humans.

Imagine this cold fusion technology network.
2-HB Smith Boiler Testimonial
This unit consumed 18 tons of coal over a heating season, compared with their neighbors 25 tons of coal. I can't wait to write my testimonial - for one gram of nickle powder every six months!
3 Todd Oil Burner 1925
Let's leave this technology in the last century. Look at all that CO2!
4 Bryant Heating 1925
Cold fusion hot water boilers don't need to be connected to a grid giving privacy, independence, and freedom
5 Riverside Boilers 1925
Small amounts of nickel transmute to copper in a Rossi E-Cat.
6 Aero Radiators 1925
What will the next 31 years bring? Will cold fusion be the energy in the year 2043?
7 Excelso Heaters 1925
Multiple single cells in one unit. Now where have I seen that before?
8 Merion Heaters 1925
Can Mr. Rossi rollback prices this low? Go Conchie!

Rumpelstiltskin Reaction

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. –John 1:1 Holy Bible

The name cold fusion describes the biggest technological advance in energy since humans tamed fire. It also continues to generate intense emotional responses, both positive and negative.

Such is the Power of Word.

Michael McKubre presents “What happened to cold fusion?”
In his presentation at Cafe Scientifique, Dr. Michael McKubre discussed the various names that have been given to the Fleischmann-Pons Effect of excess heat, as well as the myriad of subsequent phenomenon since discovered that confirm nuclear reactions when hydrogen infuses certain types of metals.

In this presentation slide below, he notes the vocabulary characterizing various aspects of condensed matter nuclear science. Dr. McKubre described a few of the terms during the introduction of the lecture.

All of these terms in red are used to describe what was announced on March 1989 as cold fusion. The term cold fusion actually came from previous work in hot fusion – muon catalyzed hot fusion.

The term stuck, it’s unfortunate, it irritated the physicists. I think the physicists would have been irritated anyway, but this didn’t help.

In attempts to soften the blow we’ve called it low energy nuclear reactions or lattice assisted nuclear reactionsLENR/LANR. Those terms are not very good. Low is subjective and pejorative – you know we don’t really want to produce low energy.

And nuclear is always a bad word. We took the nuclear out of nuclear magnetic resonance and called it magnetic resonance imaging because sociologically, nuclear is not a good term.

Chemically assisted nuclear reactions. A whole slew of things.

The Japanese rather coyly called it new hydrogen energy which really conceals a wealth under that phrase.

If we’re talking about the Fleischmann-Pons Effect, the effect that Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons announced to the world on March 23 which was the electrolytic production of excess energy from a cell containing heavy water D20 and a palladium cathode, then the Fleischmann-Pons Effect is an accurate descriptor.

But the field has expanded vastly beyond that, and we now have an overall terminology condensed matter nuclear science attempting to distinguish what we do from what physicists do with high-energy particles or high-temperature plasmas.” –Michael McKubre

Each name expresses a particular aspect of a highly elusive process that has defied explanation for more than two decades.

As long as there is no definitive theory and scientists are still not sure how this special excess heat effect is initiated, or what the Nuclear Active Environment really is, there will be no definitive name.

The element Helium is correlated with excess heat from the consumption of the hydrogen isotope Deuterium.

One reason the moniker ‘cold fusion’ has “stuck” is that, as the Palladium-Deuterium Pd-D systems have shown, deuterium in can give rise to measurements of Helium out.

In this slide from Dr. McKubre’s presentation, we see excess heat is positively correlated with the production of Helium. The slope of the line represents the rate of change of energy per helium measured and is close to 31 MeV, +/- the error.

Assuming two deuterium nuclei pair up to form a helium nuclei, the measure of the heat generated, or Q-value, would be 24 MeV. Dr. McKubre believes that the observed higher bias may be due to experimental design elements, and that a value closer to the expected 24 MeV Q-value is possible.

These models are based on last century's hot fusion theory of nuclear reactions and do not occur the same way in cold fusion. High-energy particles and dangerous radiation, by-products of hot fusion, are not seen in cold fusion.

In Pd-D systems, two deuterium nuclei are somehow ending up to form a Helium nuclei, which is the essence of fusion, but not fusion as we know it now.

That can’t be all that’s going on either, for the excess heat effect is also generated from Nickel-Hydrogen Ni-H systems, which do not use a fuel of deuterium, but the simplest form of hydrogen, protium.

And because elements not originally present in a cell can be created during the process, there is also a transmutation effect, which could be from either fusion or fission inside the atomic matrix, or, some other new nuclear process.

For these outcomes to occur in different systems, creating multiple different effects, implies nuclear reactions occurring beyond conventionally known theories from 20th century physics.

Nevertheless, the name cold fusion reflects this idea of fusion occurring in “cold” circumstances, i.e. not hot plasmas.

The future of the future is the present.
Marshall McLuhan

In ancient times, before science, words were magic. Uttering a name gave power and dominion over that thing. Saying a word could bring whole universes into existence.

It will be remembered that Thoth is called the “scribe of the gods,” the “lord of writing,” the “master of papyrus,” the maker of the palette and the ink jar,” the “lord of divine words,” i.e., the holy writings or scriptures, and as he was the lord of books and master of the power of speech, he was considered to be the possessor of all knowledge both human and divine.

Ancient Egyptian god Thoth was a master of words of power.

At the creation of the world it was he who reduced to words the will of the unseen and unknown creative Power, and who uttered them in such ways that the universe came into being, and it was he who proved himself by the exercise of his knowledge to be the protector and friend of Osiris, and of Isis, and of their son Horus. From the evidence of the texts we know that it was not by physical might that Thoth helped these three gods, but by giving them words of power and instructing them how to use them.
–E. Wallis Budge Egyptian Magic 1901

What we choose to call this transformational new energy technology will continue to evolve, until the secret formula is unlocked. In an instant, the simple, clear, perfect vision of our clean energy future will be summoned by a new and powerful Name. Scientists in every basement lab and every DOE office will be able to relax for a bit, and then get down to the hard work of implementing a revolution across the globe.

But the kids won’t care. They make up their own names. Change nouns to verbs, verbs to nouns, mess up the plural, create their own magic.

For this year, we’ll stick with Cold Fusion Now, not just cause we mean it, because it fits – and the kids dig it too!

Related Links

SRI International: “What happened to cold fusion?” video lecture with Michael McKubre at Cafe Scientifique by Ruby Carat November 21, 2011

Rumpelstiltskin Brothers Grimm from Short Stories
