Weekly Worldly Pastoral : July 8-15

Another “leak”, this time acidic water from a copper smelter in Haokang village, Shanghang county of Longyan, Fujian province, China, July 13. 4.2 million pounds of fish believe poisoned.

Meanwhile, the regular running with the bulls, Pamplona, Spain;  fitting now more than ever, running from the coming herd of energy depleted problems, running from the real, viable solutions; 20 years running from Cold Fusion potentials…

Meanwhile, 2010 is on track to be the hottest year ever.   Seeking relief at the Baltic Sea beach of Warnemuende, northern Germany.

Finally, MOVIES, MODELING, and MAYHEM. From Bollywood to Rome to Northern Ireland.  It all continues.   Hard clinging nostalgia.   Is the world really ready for the necessary shift?  Perhaps the push to maintain these following human addictions  – entertainment/sex/violence – will be a driving force to produce the excess heat needed to keep the show rolling…
