The greatest artist in the world, or, “the greatest artist in the world”

“The future of the future is the present.”
Marshall McLuhan

So how can we tell what the present is?

Ask an artist.

The artist is a person who is “expert in training of perception”.

Here are three very different artists on cold fusion.

Artist Chad Scoville, whose recent article Media Dopplers was published on ctheory, chatted with James Martinez on his Cash-flow show, and the conversation veered to cold fusion. (6:25 minutes)

Artist Chad Scoville on cold fusion. by Cold Fusion Now

At one time, he was the “only man alive”. And during the crash of 08, he managed to become the richest man on Earth. Whatever he is, Bob Neveritt, whose juggling can be found at, clued me (back) into cold fusion in 2004. There is so much of Bob on cold fusion, let me just highlight a short clip from an earlier Ca$h Flow visit in October 2008 where Bob relates frictionless energy and the Mayan calendar. (0:27 seconds)
Media ecologist Bob on cold fusion and 2012 by Cold Fusion Now

Sometimes, you just need the condition of music.
Dave Barge is a West LA singer, actor, and director, who can take one minute and eight seconds and put you right in the mood for fusion. If you like this, check out his other gorgeous music on Youtube. (1:09 minutes)

Cold Fusion Now 012 – Dave Barge by Elienation
