James Truchard opening NIWeek 2012: Free LabVIEW to cold fusion scientists since 1989

See James Truchard “Empowering the Edison’s of the world…” at 13:45.

UPDATED with the latest planetary uploads: Kicking off NIWeek 2012, now in full-swing in Austin, Texas, President and CEO of National Instruments James Truchard speaks about NI support for cold fusion. Go to the 15:00 mark for his discussion on the topic.

He also suggests yet another name for cold fusion, saying “quantum reactor” is more sci-fi! Go Godes!

Many of the world’s top cold fusion/LANR/LENR/Quantum fusion! scientists have converged in Austin for the week-long event before leaving to South Korea for the ICCF-17 meeting.

Daniele Passerini has spoken with Dr. Francesco Celani, who has successfully demonstrated a nickel-hydrogen gas-loaded heat-generator at the conference. [read] At the time of his writing, the device had, according to Dr. Celani, been operating publicly for 55 hours. Dr. Celeni presentation slides are here.

E-catworld.com posted this video of Dr. Celani explaining his demonstration on the conference floor uploaded by bluesmovers.

Here’s Dr. Robert Duncan speaking in the niworld upload Anomalous Heat Effects.
I love the graphical historical line, and great graphics from the computing team.

The Youtube upload introduction says:
Listen as Dr. Duncan and Greg Morrow talk about our need to expand our experimental approach to develop more research on anomalous heat effects. These effects have been referred to as ‘cold fusion’ and ‘low-energy nuclear reactions’ in the past, but these names imply an understanding of the physical origin of these anomalous effects that in fact does not yet exist. NI LabVIEW is at the heart of each of these experiments that may help develop and unravel the mysteries of the many theories.

Robert Duncan on exploring the mystery of “the anomalous heat effect”: “I think the risk of not taking the risk is often far greater than the risk itself.”

Featured in the video is a simulation made by the National Instruments high-computing team collaborating with cold fusion theorist Dr. Yeong Kim of Purdue University [visit] to model lattice vibrations with fully-loaded palladium.

NI uploaded a video of Dr. Duncan’s earlier talk here: https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-22977, but the audio is very difficult to hear.

A session recap of Anomalous Heat Effects by Joelle Pearson from NI is here.

Vice President of Core Platforms Product Marketing Roy Almgren, gave the Day 3 opening remarks with an update on SpaceX, who recently won a contract to send a manned craft to the space station by 2015, and who uses National Instruments products. The video gives a fabulous insider look at the recent docking with the Space Station. He also makes strong statements about the current mode of education that “extinguishes” students’ interest in math and science.

Defkalion Green Technologies is a company currently based in Xanthi, Greece now moving to Vancouver, Canada developing a commercial nickel-hydrogen steam generator called the Hyperion. They posted up on their forum some videos of their participation, beginning with Defkalion-founder Alexandros Xanthoulis in a panel discussion.

Here, a video uploaded by karibugr shows a technical talk entitled Hyperion Commercialization of LENR.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Akito Takahashi presented Status of CMNS/CF at Kobe-Technova and here are his files uploaded by the National Instruments team:

A LENR Panel discussion was captured and uploaded on Youtube by bluesmovers:

For more on NIWeek 2012, go here: http://www.ni.com/niweek/.

For more ICCF-17, go here: http://www.iccf17.org/sub01.php

Jeff Nesbit presented on his At The Edge blog hosted by US News & World Report online, possibly influenced by the NIWeek event: New Burst of Energy Could Bring Cold Fusion to Front Burner.

CNBC may be laughing now:
(4:45 mark) http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000107252&play=1.

What a surprise when they realize, it’s

Cold Fusion Now!