Stanley Pons speaks at the ACS in 1989

On April 12, 1989, American Chemical Society (ACS) President Clayton Callis hosted a special Presidents Event “Nuclear Fusion in a Test Tube” at the 197th Annual Meeting of the ACS in Dallas, Texas. Valerie Kuck of AT&T Bell Laboratories organized the Symposium and introduced the speakers.

Special guest Dr. Stanley Pons spoke on the then recently announced discovery of the Fleischmann-Pons Anomalous Heat Effect. Watch the entire set of talks courtesy of the New Energy Foundation.

The initial panel included Harold Furth, Director of Princeton University’s Plasma Physics Lab, Allen Bard from University of Texas, Ernest Yeager of Case Western Reserve University, Stanley Pons from University of Utah, and K. Birgitta Whaley of University of California – Berkley.

Here is the introduction to the meeting:

Dr. Stanley Pons presented, and here’s his talk.

ICCF-18 Presentation Videos for Tuesday, July 23

Available videos of Tuesday’s lecture presentations from the 18th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-18) are posted on the ColdFusionNow Youtube channel.

Switch quality to “720P” for HD quality.

ALL slides from ICCF-18 presentations are on the University of Missouri archive here.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Presentation videos
Tuesday, July 23, 2013 Presentation videos
Monday, July 22, 2013 Presentations videos

Here’s the individual video links below, along with a link to the associated slides for each presentation:

Michael McKubre and Edmund Storms Tritium Panel Part 1
Edmund Storms “Success in Making Tritium” [slides]

Mahadeva Srinivasan Tritium Panel Part 2
Mahadeva Srinivasan “Revisiting Early BARC Tritium Results” [slides]

Tom Claytor and Q&A Tritium Panel Part 3

Francesco CelaniFurther progress/developments, on surface/bulk treated Constantan wires, for anomalous heat generation by H2/D2 interaction” [slides]

Mitchell SwartzAmplification and Restoration of Energy Gain Using Fractionated Magnetic Fields on ZrO2-PdD Nanostructured CF/LANR Quantum Electronic Component” [slides]

Mathieu ValatCelani’s Wire Excess Heat Effect Replication” [slides]

George MileyDistributed Power Source Using Low Energy Nuclear Reactions” [slides]

Olga DmitriyevaNumerical Modeling of Hydrogen/Deuterium Absorption in Transition-Metal Alloys” [slides]

Unfortunately, we were unable to video the “Emerging Career Opportunities in CMNS Panel“.

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Communiques from Columbia

Cold Fusion Now! coverage from ICCF-18

Message from ICCF-18: Sunday Basic Course
Day 1 Opening Reception: Top Researchers and New Faces
Day 2 Monday: Strong Claims and Rebuttals
Day 3 Tuesday: PHOTOS!
Day 4 Wednesday: Presentations and Behind the Scenes
Day 5 Thursday: Presentation and Awards
Day 6: The Way Forward
Banquet Snapshots: Celebrating Science
ICCF-18 Post Thoughts: Long Hours, High Spirits, and The Young Guns
Concluding Observations on ICCF-18 by David French

Presentations slides and papers from the proceedings will be available, as authors give their permission, at:
