Cold Fusion Now! says Happy New Year with a brand new podcast series featuring Ruby Carat speaking with leaders in the field of cold fusion/LENR.
It will be 29 years this March since scientists have been laboring to tease out the mysterious reaction that promises an ultra-clean, energy-dense source of power.
What is the level of theoretical understanding? How close are we to a model? Are engineering efforts succeeding?
The 2018 season of the Cold Fusion Now! podcast surveys the experts on the frontlines of research to find out.
First in the series, we ask Dr. David J. Nagel of George Washington University, Washington, D.C. to give us an overview of the level of scientific understanding in the LENR community.
Listen at ColdFusionNow or subscribe in iTunes.
The biggest thing we can do for our global future is develop a new paradigm of living, and a green energy source to power it. Planet-wide peace and human evolution require freedom from the tyranny of division and dependence caused by dirty and dangerous fossil fuels. Can cold fusion develop in time? Let’s find out!