Oxford to Milan LENR Cities gather new energy neighbors

LENRG Youtube Channel has uploaded video shorts of the recent meeting in Oxford bringing together scientists, advocates, planners, and designers to envision and create a living environment based on clean Low Energy Nanoscale Reactions (LENR) energy technology.

LENR Cities is the focal point for the assemblage. LENR-Cities “accelerates market transformation and fosters LENR demand” by being a “bridge between VC/investors and those who develop LENR tech and product innovations”.

From their website:

Low Energy Nanoscale Reactions research will become a new field of engineering capable of addressing world challenges regarding Energy with a global impact. It is therefore clear that any LENR project intersects with multiple interests and issues which create the conditions for their failure. To address this main issue, it is necessary to enable industries and actors to concurrently integrate their industry into LENR industry, that is to say, to define open capabilities to securely enable any player to come into the game.

LENR-Cities, a Swiss organization, is leading the LENRG Ecosystem. Each project is run independently, with its own objectives, but contributes to the achievement of the overall project which itself is reinforcing everyone’s capabilities and interest to support the overall project. We are now building the core of the Ecosystem with a small group of key scientists, investors and industrialists, individuals and public or private organizations. The objective of this group is to be the catalyst of the whole project.

Find more photos of the Oxford meeting on the LENR Cities Facebook page. A Download Portal for event materials is at http://lenr-cities.com/wplc/, but you must register and login first.

The next LENRG event will be in Milan on April 10, 2015.


Michel Vandenberghe, CEO LENR-CIties SA
Founder of The Business Factory

Didier Pelluer, COO
CEO SASW Srl, Switzerland

Yogi Srivastava, Chief Scientist
Co-founder of Clean Nuclear Power LLC, Switzerland

Allan Widom, Core Team
Co-founder of Clean Nuclear Power LLC, Switzerland

John Swain, Core Team

To see all the video uploads from the LENRG event, go to the LENRG Youtube Channel
