Upcoming Events for May and 2016

Global Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference in Bastrop, Texas, US brings science, art, politics and grassroots activism together for radical environmental change starting May 28.

Global Breakthrough Energy Movement
Conference 2016

Advanced Tickets


May 28-29, 2016
Bastrop/Austin, Texas US


A LENR meeting is newly proposed to educate mainstream scientists on developments in the field. Sponsored by the European Physical Society, the meeting is contingent upon at least 40 registrants. However, the scheduled program is available and contains talks by leaders in the field.

Satellite Meeting on LENR

Scheduled Program

Saturday, July 9, 2016
Sint-Michielsstraat 2
Leuven, Belgium

*Meeting subject to 40 or more registrations by May 31st.


The 20th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science occurs in Sendai, Japan this October. Sponsored by Clean Planet and Tohoku University, updates on experimental results and commercial successes and challenges will be presented.

title-logo20th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science ICCF-20
Co-chairs Professors Yasuhiro Iwamura and Jirohta Kasagi
Hosted by CMNR Division, Research Center for Electron Photon Science (ELPH)and Tohoku University
Sponsored in part by Tohoku University and Clean Planet



Clean Planet

October 2-7, 2016
Sendai City Information & Industrial Plaza
Sendai, Japan

To list an Event, contact Ruby Carat at ruby@coldfusionnow.org.

JCF-16 closes 2015 announcing ICCF-20 for 2016

The Japan Cold Fusion Research Society closed out 2015 with their 16th meeting held Dec. 11-12 in Kyoto.

The JCF-16 Program and Abstracts are archived here.

The last major conference of 2015, JCF-16 speaker Yasuhiro Iwamura announced the launch of the ICCF-20 website.

Toshiro Sengaku of Amateur LENR attended the meeting and posted photos from his @sengakut Twitter site.

The 20th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science will be held October 2-7, 2016 in Sendai Japan at Tohoku University, the home of the new laboratory where commercial and academic researchers are now collaborating on the production of excess heat and the transmutation of nuclear waste.

In addition to the scientific talks, host Professor Eiichi Yamaguchi opened the proceedings by sharing his memory of “the time he spent with Fleischmann and Pons in IMRA in Southern France in 1990’s” and “expressed his hope to bring all their efforts to fruition very soon,” said Hideki Yoshino of Clean Planet, Inc, a partner in the Tohoku project,

Meeting Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons

For more information on ICCF20, go to the conference website www.iccf20.net

If you are on Facebook, find ICCF20 at https://www.facebook.com/iccf20/

See all Upcoming Events at Cold Fusion Now.

To list an event, contact Ruby Carat at ruby@coldfusionnow.org

heart-100x93Also, please consider contributing to the fund for Bob Greenyer and family. As a member of the MFMP Open Science collective, Bob has worked strong and smart to bring cold fusion and LENR science to the public. After family tragedy, Bob needs your help to care for his family.

In this season of giving, give your thanks to this
dedicated servant of the new energy revolution.
