New dates announced for ICCF-19

The 19th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF-19) will be held on new dates April 13-17, 2015 in Padua, Italy.

A website is now under construction.

New! A Brief History and Introduction to the International Conference Series
First part – From ICCF1 to ICCF3
by Michael McKubre

At this time, you can sign-up for the newsletter to receive information as it happens. According to the timeline, special rates for hotels must be booked by March 13, 2015.

ICCF-19 “New approach on Material Investigations“ is organized by TSEM SpA, an Italian company involved in “the research, design and manufacture of innovative technologies in the areas of Healthcare, Energy and Security.” Support is also provided by Confindustria Padova, “which represents Italian manufacturing and services companies…”

A message from conference chair Antonio LaGatta, a TSEM Founder and Engineer, welcomes participants:

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 19th edition of the International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science: ICCF-19.

TSEM is the first private company to independently host ICCF and, as Founder and President, I’m proud to be part of a science and organization that will certainly have significant impact both in the short and long term on everyday life.

This conference looks to continue the evolutive tradition that has been the hallmark of past conferences. Results achieved during previous years have been phenomenal and ICCF-19 presents an opportunity to not only reemphasize the importance of this scientific field, but also to generate and encourage fresh perspectives that reflect how CMNS can change the world.

The purpose of ICCF-19 will be to discuss recent scientific findings as well as to encourage a more general public interest, encouraging a better understanding of the significance of this research and how it will impact society. We will move to accomplish this in part by utilizing the Italian Media and international press, both in science and non-academic media outlets.

Another innovation within ICCF-19 is the establishment of a new committee: The Engineering Applications Committee. The EAC appointees are engineers and investors whose goal is to form a bridge between academia and industry thereby encouraging the generation of products derived from years of scientific research.

Researchers will meet companies seeking to form cooperative partnerships to encourage technological development and industry formation. Research is critical and it is now time to look towards market readiness for CMNS and all its related technologies.

As we near the conference dates, continue to browse the ICCF-19 website for updates on the homepage and please follow our newsletter.

Thank you for your interest and I look forward to welcoming each of you in Padua, Italy, for what will certainly be a revolutionary ICCF-19.

Antonio La Gatta
General Chair, ICCF-19
Engineer and Professor
TSEM Founder

A link to the Padua Visitor’s and Convention Bureau is also provided.

See you there!