2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT video files

What’s the biggest secret today?

That the world is on the verge of receiving a next-generation nuclear power technology that offers human civilization a clean, green technological future for all of Earth.

As media theorist Marshall McLuhan wrote, “The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.”

Oh the reward for opening your mind.

Watch these videos of the 2014 Cold Fusion/LANR Colloquium at MIT held Friday through Sunday, March 21-23, and get ahead of the meme about to break out viral: there is a new energy science that’s now forming into a technology, and it’s called cold fusion.

cf-lanr-bannerThe Cold Fusion / LANR Colloquium at MIT was organized by Mitchell Swartz and Gayle Verner of JET Energy and held on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) March 21-23, 2014 on the 25th anniversary of the announcement of the discovery. LANR stands for Lattice-assisted nuclear reactions, and researchers from several countries met to brief each other on their latest results on generating excess heat and transmutations.

See all recent uploads of the event on the Cold Fusion Now Youtube Channel

Videos will be added as they are edited.

Find All 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT Audio, Video, and Full Coverage Here

[watch] Peter Hagelstein Landscapes in cold fusion research

wake for cold fusion at MIT PFC MIT Professor Peter Hagelstein remembers the Wake for Cold Fusion held on June 26, 1989 at 4PM by the Plasma Fusion Center for the “death and demise” of the field.

“What’s your guys opinion about the Wake business?” he grins.

“Premature!” “Woke up!” shouts the audience.

On the 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium presentations, Hagelstein says “This has been one of the strongest and most interesting conferences in the field. I’m stunned at what’s gone on here at this meeting.”

“This was well beyond my wildest dreams; this was an astonishingly strong meeting, but the field is hanging on by a thread.”

“The current situation with respect to the scientific progress in the field, given the abysmal status … of an incredibly small number of resources, the progress has been fantastic under the most adverse conditions imaginable.”

According to Hagelstein, the Sidney Kimmel Institute of Nuclear Renaissance at the University of Missouri is the one “glimmer of light on the radar screen”. SKINR has full funding for staff and resources over a multi-year period.

On the closing day of the Colloquium, Hagelstein expressed thanks and appreciation to the scientists who’ve stayed in the field all these 25 years, and in an emotional tribute, honors the friends they’ve lost along the way.

Video of this event is courtesy Jeremy Rys of AlienScientist.com. You can show your appreciation to Jeremy by donating to acgravity@gmail.com on Paypal.

Find All 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT Audio, Video, and Full Coverage Here

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