2014 History of Cold Fusion Calendar Available Now!

You asked for it, and now it’s here: the 2014 History of Cold Fusion Calendar!

Jam packed with lots of new info and quotes, this year’s must-have gift for your new energy enthusiast is sure to please.

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Twelve gorgeous full-color images from leading researchers of today, as well as rare photos from the New Energy Foundation archives, grace the pages. Energy cells are lavishly displayed in close-up panoramic color!

Click to order yours!

But the 2014 History of Cold Fusion Calendar isn’t just a pretty piece of art, it’s got the facts you need to back up your advocacy.

Find out who first speculated on the existence of atoms! (See January 7)

Do you know how much energy could be released by each gram of deuterium? (Find out March 31)

When did the Electrochemical Society designate F-Day? (See May 8)

What’s the melting point of nickel? (You’ll know on June 17)

Follow a special narrative of Tadahiko Mizuno‘s 1989 massive “heat-after-death” event, as he fills bucket after bucket of water around the cell that won’t quit, and it mysteriously steams away!

Get one mailed to your door!

Last year’s 2013 calendar was a huge success, and presented the field of cold fusion to newbies with prestige. Order a bunch to send to policy-makers and news media. They won’t be able to ignore the technology for long!

Send a few to your local schools, and encourage students to experiment with their teachers. They’ll be in good company with one high-school that has an inter-disciplinary program and working cells right now! (See September!)

Order now, and they’ll be ready just in time for the holidays to give the techies in your family the gift of a lifetime!

All proceeds go to support Cold Fusion Now and the New Energy Foundation, serving the new energy community with education, advocacy, and funding.