Status of Cold Fusion 2010

Scientists have been researching low-energy nuclear reactions for the past 22 years, and what is now known as a powerful new energy source created in the nano-scale space between the atoms of a metal.

Using less than a gram of palladium, and a type of hydrogen found in sea-water called deuterium, hundreds of megajoules of energy can be created, all in a soda-can sized Pyrex glass, sitting on a table-top.

A nuclear-fusion sized power, using a fuel that will last millions of years, with no damage to the oceans, no CO2 emissions, and no radio-active waste.

A scalable, decentralized energy source to empower local communities and create a peaceful Earth.

You’d think a discovery of such magnitude would be the sole focus of society’s efforts, and we would be teaching high-school shop students how to build and maintain cells, but for two decades a near black-out of information about this incredible discovery has contained public knowledge of this science.

Fortunately, it’s not been extinguished.

In fact, despite lack of funding, cold fusion researchers have made great advances in understanding the conditions under which the cold fusion energy effect takes place, and they are getting closer to understanding the quantum physics driving this effect.

A thirty+ year veteran of Los Alamos National Labs, radio-chemist and nuclear scientist Dr. Edmund Storms, now running his own Kiva Labs, has researched this energy effect for the past two decades. He is also a scientist who communicates his research to the public as well as his peers, preparing a summary of current research in both book and article form, as well as video and a slide-show of his recent lectures.

If you are new to this science, and just learning about cold fusion, this is a great place to begin.

A set of powerpoint slides from Dr. Storms’ recent lectures compares hot fusion and cold fusion, and ends with an inventory of services and disservices of a cold fusion energy source for our planet. Click the link to open the lecture slides here: Status of Cold Fusion 2010. Don’t have Powerpoint? Try this Flash version linked here: Status of Cold Fusion 2010 Flash/html version.

For a comprehensive summary of the field, with just enough background, is Dr. Storms’ book The Science of Low-Temperature Nuclear Reactions: A Comprehensive Compilation of Evidence and Explanations about Cold Fusion .
The Science of Low-Temperature Nuclear Reactions

This is a technical book, with charts, graphs, and data, meant for the reader familiar with the vocabulary of nuclear physics, though there are some chapters easily accessible to the student.

A 2010 Status of Cold Fusion article published in Naturwissenschafften 97(10): p. 861-881 is his general survey of advances since.[1] (see below). Though a technical article meant for scientists, the first part is easily read by the informed reader.

And if you like audio and video, Kiva Labs’ You-tube channel has a 7-part series of videos Low-energy nuclear reactions featuring Dr. Edmund Storms explaining what is known about cold fusion with accompanying diagrams. Here’s Part I.

This selection of media gives the student of cold fusion a fair view of the current status of cold fusion science from a long-time researcher. The science isn’t yet engineering a working device for public use, but the advances made so far cannot be denied.

As this research continues, we move towards a clean and plentiful source of energy that would allow the people of Earth another chance for a positive future.

[1] There is a preprint of the Naturwissenschafften available at the LENR archive

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