Excerpt from essay at

While everyone else in the country is suffering, losing jobs, companies and businesses folding, Santa Monica is celebrating the grand opening of their 265 million dollar mall. Unreal, but it’s one for the “what were they thinking” history books, when they look back post collapse and try to put some pieces into place.

And that’s the excess that this place (Los Angeles) has. There’s so much wealth floating around, that it does just that, it floats around; the aimless shuffle of dollars back and forth. An area in America where at any given time there’s a handful of 50 million buck movies being pumped out factory style.

And technologies that can save the world, literally, struggle for 20 years to rack up a mere 100 million dollars in research and development funds. But 2 years and 250 million bones for a mall with a Nordstroms in it is cause for celebration.”
