Letter to the Secretary of Energy and others …

Last Sunday, at our 350.org 10/10/10 event, Cold Fusion Now engaged in direct action outreach in the streets. Talking to passersby about energy, we also collected 30 signatures for our letter to Energy Secretary Chu, Under-secretary Koonin, and Dr. Holdren of the President’s Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Here’s our letter, with signatures withheld. We are very excited about sending this letter with so many signatures in support of LENR research.

There is little more important than ending dependence on fossil fuels. Resource depletion, pollution, climate change, and companies like BP make it imperative we develop new ways to live.

Support a clean energy future. Write your letter to the Energy Secretary today!

Office of Science and Technology Policy
Attn: Dr. John Holdren
725 17th Street Room 5228
Washington, DC 20502
Email: askdrh@ostp.gov

U.S. Department of Energy
Attn: Under Secretary Steve Koonin
Attn: Secretary Steven Chu
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20585
Email: The.Secretary@hq.doe.gov

Dear Sirs,

During the summer of 2010, out-of-the-box thinking operated in a fast-paced emergency where life and death hinged on every decision. We are grateful for your work on the BP catastrophe and we ask that you continue to generate innovative energy solutions for our future: fund basic research in low-energy nuclear reactions.

With a plentiful fuel derived from seawater that has the capacity provide all of Earth’s energy wants for millions of years, there is good reason to support this science. A source of energy that uses a fuel easily obtained would alleviate the dependence we have on foreign sources of oil. With no radioactive waste and no carbon emissions, power generated by LENR is the cleanest solution to deliver all the energy we need for building a new infrastructure for our future.

Further, this country needs a place for young scientists. Create jobs right now, along with a whole new dynamic and sustainable energy industry: fund a research and development program to study this new energy-producing effect and be the leader in creating innovative energy technologies.

The two decades of research is undeniable. The nuclear effect is real and conditions for reproducibility have accumulated. A new form of nuclear physics has been developing that needs support to continue to advance. Only your department and ARPA-E can fully implement the kind of dedicated effort needed for this new science. A five-year program starting at $20 million a year, with an average of $30 million a year for five years, would bring this research to the next phase.

That is a modest investment to make for something that has the potential to solve so many complex problems. Please give the past two decades of research due respect and an honest look. I am sure you will see that this research deserves support.

Thank you for your attention and best wishes in all your efforts to bring new energy technologies to good use.
Yours sincerely,

(Signatures follow)

We support research and development of energy from seawater and funding for new energy technologies that are non-polluting, non-radioactive, and plentiful for the whole world. Fund LENR research and create a whole new energy industry with jobs for young scientists and innovators to develop the generation of power production technologies.





4 Replies to “Letter to the Secretary of Energy and others …”

  1. I don’t know why New Energy Times hasn’t publicized this:

    http://www.springerlink.com/content/9522x473v80352w9/ shows an abstract and the first page of a review, “Status of cold fusion (2010),” published in Naturwissenschaften, Springer-Verlag’s “flagship multidisciplinary journal.”

    There is a preprint copy at http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/StormsEstatusofcoa.pdf

    The pseudoskeptics are frantically trying to find a way to discredit this. The tables have been turned.

    It’s about time!

  2. Wow. I look forward to reading the preprint. Thanks for the link.

    I don’t know, but perhaps there are copyright issues with the Journal, and so IF can’t publish it….

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