ICCF-21 Awards Banquet

    21st International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science

ICCF-21 Presentation Index
Monday, June 4
Tuesday, June 5
Wednesday, June 6
Thursday, June 7
Thursday evening Awards Banquet
Friday, June 8 Presentations and Summary

The International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science Awards Banquet is the highlight event during the five-day conference featuring wall-to-wall science.

The Banquet is where the International Society of CMNS awards the Preparata Award, named after Giuliano Preparata, a theoretical physicist and early cold fusion researcher, whose memory was commemorated with a set of silver medals in 2003. A medal was set to be given at this conference tonight to a researcher who has made an outstanding contribution.

The tables were being set and the piano player was just arriving while scientists and their families – and the first-ever students and teachers to attend an ICCF on scholarship – enjoyed cool drinks, and took in the four days of mind-blowing science, discussing what should be next.

Then we sat down to dinner.

As dinner plates were still emptying, Peter Hagelstein introduced Dr. Mitchell Swartz, detailing a multi-university-degree career, which included the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as well as medical school, and Swartz’s analysis of the MIT hot fusion lab’s F&P replication data, where he uncovered their mistake of re-calibrating their excess heat away.

Swartz spoke about his experiences in cold fusion research and what it means for our planet.

International Society of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science Chief William Collis gives Mitchell Swartz the Preparata Award at the 21st International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science.

That night beside the Rocky Mountains, the piano players sang John Denver songs and the Banquet carried on to celebrate the science achieved, and to support each other for the work ahead.

Thank you Toni B. for your 2012 Art Show submission; now adorning the walls of a lucky Cold Fusion Now! supporter. What do you say – Art Show 2019???