Global Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference 2019

Press Release Breukelen/Utrecht. — After three years without a conference, GlobalBEM is back with an informative program that should interest all: connecting the dots between technology, consciousness, health, the economy, the environment, grassroots activism and crowdfunding!

GlobalBEM, Breakthrough Energy Movement hosted their first conference in The Netherlands 2012 and now we are back in were it all started. GlobalBEM featured world-renowned speakers and scientists presenting on topics like zero-point energy, low-energy nuclear reactions, magnetics, and quantum disentanglement. The second addition was in Boulder Colorado 2013, third one in Bastrop Texas 2016 and we are now ramping up for the fourth event this November 9&10.

GlobalBEM hopes to ignite discussion and activism around breakthrough energy—which the group defines as an abundant energy source that produces zero emissions and is clean, safe, reliable, and affordable.

The conference will feature over 10 notable scientists, industry insiders, and creative thinkers focused on the science and future direction of breakthrough energy solutions. Presentations and discussion panels will cover emerging energy technologies like zero-point, magnetic, hydro, plasma, and cold fusion low-energy nuclear reactions. Prominent speakers, such as Mats Lewan, Jorg Schauberger, Toby Grotz and others are scheduled to present.

GlobalBEM aims to provide a place for conference attendees to formulate strategies for research sharing, prototype development, and funding of large-scale breakthrough energy projects. Speakers will share resources for do-it-yourself breakthrough energy projects in an open-source format.

The conference will be held at the Van de Valk Hotel in Breukelen on November 9&10. Single, multi-day, and streaming tickets are available. Registration and more information can be found at

GlobalBEM, Breakthrough Energy Movement is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization based in the Netherlands. What began as a small group quickly evolved into a worldwide international network of scientists, researchers, academics, artists, business owners, and the general public. It is dedicated to supporting the development of breakthrough energy through hosting conferences, producing media, and act as a facilitator for a global community, a reunion of humanity calling for the new energy paradigm.
