Cold Fusion Radio’s James Martinez on Buzzsaw

From TheLipTV Channel on Youtube:

Cold Fusion, nuclear power and the global economy are put under the microscope with guest James Martinez in this full length interview for Buzzsaw with Sean Stone. We take a look at the possibility of free energy revolution–from Andrea Rossi’s game changing technology in cold fusion, to the credit based economy, mind control and more,

James Martinez is a Media Ecologist, Radio Talk Show host and pioneer in radio broadcasting and behavior modification. He was born in San Diego, California and grew up in Brazil, England and Europe. After attending University he began working for a retired Federal Agent and one retired Naval Intelligence officer. He is an accredited member of the press for American Media Distribution and has been a consultant for True TV’s Conspiracy Theory and has consulted for Emmy Award winning actor Eion Bailey for show entitled “Imagine This!” Mr. Martinez can be heard on the Achieve Radio Network and soon the first men’s network Protection For Men.

James Martinez began Cold Fusion Radio with his interviews with scientists and business leaders in the cold fusion research arena.

One Reply to “Cold Fusion Radio’s James Martinez on Buzzsaw”

  1. For cold fusion believers,
    Please have a look at e-Cat Site the articles “Belgian LANR Patents”, Cold Fusion by Coulomb Explosion” and “Cold Fusion Catalyst” (potassium as used by DEFKALION.
    For hot vortex fusion have a look at Belgian Patent BE904719, abstract in English, see ESPACENET European patent data base.

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