George H. Miley at NETS: “Let’s find out what’s there”

Cold Fusion Now attended the Nuclear and Emerging Technology for Space NETS conference held in conjunction with the Lunar and Planetary Institute‘s meeting the week of March 19 in The Woodlands, Texas. It was a fortuitous stop to catch Session 462: Advanced Concepts: LENR, Anti-Matter, and New Physics [.pdf here].

Talks entitled Advanced Propulsion Physics: Harnessing the Quantum Vacuum by Harry “Sonny” White and Project Icarus: Antimatter Catalyzed Fusion Propulsion for Interstellar Missions by R. K. Obousy, not to mention Y. E. Kim‘s Cryogenic Ignition of Deuteron Fusion in Micro/nano Scale Metal Particles, promised a worthwhile trip.

George H. Miley, Professor Emeritus of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne UIUC was also scheduled to speak on A Game-Changing Power Source for Spacecraft [.pdf here], a talk outlining a LENR-based General Purpose Heating Source to replace the plutonium currently used in today’s Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators RTGs that provide heat and electricity to power science instruments on spacecraft.

Dr. Miley has explored nuclear science and plasma research for more than three decades winning numerous prestigious awards for his pioneering work and for which he holds more than a dozen patents. He is also a teacher who founded The Fusion Studies Laboratory at UIUC. He attended the NETS conference with two students presenting a poster session on a plasma propulsion system. [.pdf here]

Innovative Research Produces Excess Heat and Transmutation Products

Since 1989 Professor Miley has been experimenting with unique forms of cold fusion cells, designing electrolytic systems that use multi-layered thin-films of metal as electrodes. More recently, his team has been manufacturing specialty nano-particles coated with thin-films to host to low-energy nuclear reactions LENR.

As editor of the American Nuclear Society‘s journal Fusion Science and Technology, he was one of the few to publish results from early cold fusion experiments. He also worked with Clean Energy Technologies on the Patterson Power Cell, a product developed for commercial power generation which failed to reach market after the death of the inventor James Patterson.

Dr. Miley’s LENR research has shown both excess heat and a wide variety of transmutation products such as iron, copper, calcium, zinc, even gold and rare earth elements have been detected. His cells are composed of super-thin layers of palladium and nickel atop a metal substrate to form an electrode submerged in a heavy water solution. After cycles of loading and de-loading, he hypothesizes that hydrogen (or deuterium) collects in the small cracks and voids between the film layers forming clusters. Superconducting quantum interference devices SQUID have confirmed ultra-dense states of deuterons within palladium crystal defects.

A cluster of hydrogen squeezed between the metallic lattice from Condensed Matter Cluster Reactions in LENR Miley Hora Yang
The clusters are collections of hydrogen nuclei called protons, or deuterium nuclei called deuterons (which are protons with an added neutron). Clusters are thought to be composed of 1000 hydrogen nuclei or more, all bunched up together.

Dr. Miley uses the language nuclear active environment NAE to describe these localized clusters that lead to a reaction, cratering the surface.

When the hydrogen is so close together, an NAE will ultimately produce fusion products, creating both excess heat energy and heavier elements. It is these heavier elements which then may break apart, fissioning, creating the plethora of new transmutation elements directly measured in his cells.

From Nuclear Battery using Clusters in Nanomaterials Miley Yang Hora
Protons and deuterons are positively-charged, repelling each other strongly with a force called the Coulomb force. It is this powerful force which must be overcome for fusion to occur. Dr. Miley visualizes negatively-charged electrons shielding the positively-charged hydrogen nuclei from each other just enough for the protons and deuterons to get within range for the strong nuclear force to fuse them together. In his case, he believes that multiple pairs of deuterons are doing the majority of the fusing.

Reversing the polarity of the cell’s electrodes multiple times ‘shakes out’ the loose hydrogen in the electrode. Alternately pushing and pulling the positively-charged nuclei through the metal leaves only the most tightly-bound clusters. After repeating the cycle half-a-dozen times, the available cracks are almost all filled with clusters, increasing the probability of creating a nuclear active environment, and initiating the energy effect. As the loose protons and free electrons shoot back and forth through the material during this loading and de-loading process, they transfer momentum to the clusters, which also may help to initiate the reaction.

Dr. Miley’s current research explores a gas-loaded cell that uses multi-layered thin-film nano-particles in order to increase the number of spaces where clusters can form. The gas-loaded cell type allows for higher temperatures to heat the cell which has been shown to increase the magnitude of excess heat generated.

From Nuclear Battery Using D-Clusters in Nano-materials Miley Yang Hora

Finding that the deuterium clusters are also superconducting, Dr. Miley has conceived of additional applications that could be developed from this technology. He was at the NETS conference to talk about an idea for a new power source for spacecraft. Right now, many spacecraft power cells use plutonium, a highly radioactive and rare material difficult and expensive to process.

The General Purpose Heat Source could be replaced by a LENR heater.
Dr. Miley conceives replacing the General Purpose Heat Source currently in Radioactive Thermoelectric Generators RTGs with a LENR-based heat source. Recent experiments with the prototype cells reveal that is takes about 9 kilograms of the palladium-nickel material to generate 3 kilowatts of thermal energy. This is comparable to the 5.6 kilograms of radioactive plutonium it takes to generate the same power. But there was a caveat.

Current RTGs run for 40+ years out into interstellar space. But LENR generators are only now emerging, so how could we test a unit to be sure that it would run that long? Says Dr. Miley, “I could be brilliant or I could’ve made a mistake!”

Scientific Curiosity and Student Interest Led to Cold Fusion Research

I was able to meet Dr. Miley on March 22 one day before his NETS talk. After more than two decades of research into cold fusion, I asked him what his response to skeptics who still doubt the veracity of the findings of Drs. Fleischmann and Pons.

“I wholeheartedly disagree that anything was fraudulent. Certainly, Drs. Pons and Fleischmann – I’ve known them both personally – they are great scientists. A whole web of events caused what I think they would agree was a premature announcement to the public caused all this storm of emotions which was unfortunate.”

“Any personal ramifications of individuals is so unfortunate. But you know that’s happened to many people in the field. The field has had a series of tragic events occur where workers in it have been maligned. Emotions grew so high. It should have been done in a scientific fashion, it would’ve been so much better. But I have nothing but the highest respect for Pons and Fleischmann, such great scientists, anyone would be privileged to follow their lead in science.”

Twenty-three years ago, Dr. Miley was preparing for a plane flight to Japan when he got a call from Steve Jones of Brigham Young University asking if he would consider publishing his paper on ‘cold fusion’ in the journal of Fusion Science and Technology.

Dr Miley recalled saying “I don’t know what cold fusion is, but Steve I know you, and if you think it fits in, please send it to me and I’ll have it reviewed. I said I had to leave immediately for the airport, but ‘I’ll be back in a week and when I get back, I’ll have this paper handled by reviewers.'”

“When I got off the plane, I was surprised by my hosts who were from University of Tokyo. They came waiving the equivalent of the Wall Street Journal saying ‘what is this cold fusion, you’re an American – you must know all about it!’ And I thought ‘my gosh, if I had only taken the time to ask Steve what it was, I could answer your question’. So that was my introduction.”

“When I got back home to my office, suddenly there were five students all waiting for me who a week later wanted to do experiments. At first I was so excited thinking well all these students want to work with me, but then I realized, I happened to have more heavy water than anyone else at the university, so they wanted to use my heavy water. But they did want to work with me too!”

I have never seen so much excitement. I just said OK, if this excites my students like that, I’m all for it, let’s find out what it is.

“So then, I tried to pore over the fax I got, the famous fax that someone released of their paper prematurely around the world. But the time it got to me, it was so mutilated, I had trouble reading it. I tried to understand it as much as possible.”

“The type of work I do, I usually don’t like to repeat someone’s work. My thinking was not to try to repeat what they’d done, but try to think of some other alternate way of doing it. Being a plasma type person, thoughts raced through my mind, what we have to do is load palladium some way, why not load it with a deuterium plasma rather than an electrolytic, since I didn’t know anything about electrolytic chemistry. I learned that later.”

“So my thinking was entirely different than thinking if what they’ve done was correct or not. My thinking was ‘this is real exciting, let’s find out what’s there’.”

“Later, I had the privilege – although I don’t know if it turned out to be a exactly a privilege – I did testify at the first congressional hearing on the subject. I was the only one who hadn’t done any work in it and the congressional aid who asked me to testify said I was an unbiased, innovative researcher, and they wanted one of those stuck in between some of the people who were arguing.”

“So I ended up between Harold Furth who was head of Princeton Plasma Physics Lab, I had known him well since I worked on fusion plasmas. He testified that this whole thing was all a big mistake, that cold fusion never worked and couldn’t replace hot fusion.”

“I spoke next, and then, Martin Fleischmann chided Furth saying ‘we’ve already accomplished break-even’. He was claiming excess heat – that means more energy out than energy put in – by fusion reactions. The two of them then, with me sort of standing by not saying much of anything, got into a huge argument about that. Both were extremely articulate British debaters. Furth has unfortunately since passed away. If you go back to that testimony, I was just fascinated listening to them argue this case, it was like at the debating society again.”

Dr. Miley’s first experiments didn’t work out so well. With Heinz Hora, a theoretical physicist from University of New South Wales, he came up with a concept of Swimming Electron Layer theory, and he decided to make multi-layer thin-films on a plate and hit that with a plasma generated by a plasma focus.

“I thought it was really going to be a great experiment. What happened was as soon as I hit it, all the films fell off! They couldn’t take the plasma heat. So we ended up with nothing.”

“I discussed that with Martin Fleischmann, and he said ‘Well that was a very clever experiment you just have to think about it harder.’ I really like him. Martin really gets to the issue.”

The Patterson Cell

“That was just a technological setback. Anyone whose in science hits those, but that doesn’t stop you, you just have to find out how to go around it. A little bit later, I ran into Jim Patterson. People may not remember all this, he had the so-called Patterson Cell. He was interviewed on Good Morning America. [read transcript] He was going to have a great fusion system.”

Diagram of a Patterson Cell from Nuclear Battery Using D-Clusters in Nano-materials Miley Yang Hora
“His was quite different from the original Pons and Fleischmann type cell. His system was a packed bed flowing electrolytic system that had plastic beads that he electrolytically coated them with nickel, or maybe nickel-palladium. These beads were very small, maybe a millimeter in diameter or so, and he’d put a few thousand of those in a vessel and run the electrolytic fluid through and they formed the metal of one of the electrodes in the container.”

“Measure the temperature that came in, measure the temperature that came out, and knowing the flow rate of the fluid, you can figure how much heat went to heat up the fluid. If you knew how much electricity you were putting in for electrolysis, you know how much you were putting in for external power, subtract that to find the amount of excess heat. He was very successful in those early experiments.”

“When I saw him the first time in a meeting, I saw a picture of these beads, I said you know those look like inertial confinement fusion targets, that’s a hot fusion device. I said I know how to make those beads. It turned out I thought I did, but I didn’t”, he laughed.

From Nuclear Battery using D-Clusters in Nano-Materials Miley Yang Hora
“But I convinced Jim that what I should do is plasma deposit thin films on these, cause I realized suddenly that he had solved my problem. These beads were plastic, so when the films either expanded by heating or loading – when you load palladium it expands by a factor of well not quite two or something – a tremendous change, so if you have a thin layer of palladium or something, when you load it with deuterium, the expansion is going to cause it to change volume relative to whatever it’s sitting on, and it’ll tear it off.”

“But when bonded to these beads and expanded, the plastic gave. That allowed it to work. Jim didn’t realize it. I don’t know if I realized it first, but it dawned on me that I could coat these beads with thin layers like I had been doing on the other metal surfaces, and this would work.”

“I continued working with him and also his grandson Jim Reding who had gone to business school and founded a company Clean Energy Technology Incorporated CETI where the granddad was the Chief Technologist and the grandson was running the company. They had a contract with a hot-water heating company. I took some of his beads, and the ones I finally made – incidentally it took me a year to figure out how to do this – that’s why I say I wasn’t as smart as I thought I was, and when I looked at the beads I made under a Scanning Electron Microscope SEM to see how the structure of mine compared to the ones he made, mine really looked great. I had put on a perfectly uniform film with virtually no scratches or defects or anything. His looked horrible. The electroplating had what looked like the mountains on Mars on the surface. Terrible.”

“I used some of mine in one of his devices, and they scarcely worked at all. So that was another setback for me personally, thinking, here I’d done all this work to make perfect films, and they don’t work at all, and Jim’s do. Explain that.”

Well finally, some years later, it began to dawn on me, you don’t want perfect films, that’s a big mistake, you want lousy ones with all these defects in them because that’s where the reactions take place.

“Jim had sort of stumbled on that. He hadn’t realized what it was then either although he had observed hot spots on his beads too.”

“Unfortunately Jim had made a bucket of these beads and later, when he discovered that he’d used them all, he tried to make another batch and the second batch didn’t work right. So non-reproducibility plagued him as well. Then his grandson died prematurely of a heart attack and Jim sort of went out of business after all that. Really sad, cause he was a brilliant person.”

Teaching a New Generation of Scientists

It was the excitement of students that urged Dr. Miley to get that first cold fusion experiment going, and he has remained a dedicated mentor to young people throughout his scientific career. The George H. Miley LENR Undergraduate Scholarship [visit] is a financial award presented to a highly motivated continuing undergraduate student in the department.

Accompanying him at the conference was Paul Keutelian and Akshata Krishnamurthy, two masters degree students who work at the university’s Hyperspace Propulsion Lab. They were presenting a poster session on Helicon Injected Inertial Plasma Electrostatic Rocket, HIIPER [.pdf here].

Mr. Keutelian was interested in science all throughout his childhood and received an undergraduate degree in aerospace. “You have an open mind from your starting point, you really don’t know where you’re going to end up, you just keep going after what interests you. It’s already there, it’s just waiting to be discovered. You just have to keep an eye out. That brought me here.”

Miss Krishnamurthy always wanted to be an astronaut, and studied mechanical engineering before she decided to make rockets. “Dreams do come true, even if they don’t completely, they take you to some place, and you learn a lot in the process.”

As a young woman in this science, Miss Krishnamurthy thinks more women need to come forward and get involved. “Science isn’t just for men. Anybody can do it. It’s just the inquisitive nature that’s required, and the passion to learn.”

“It’s not hard at all”, she says. “It’s not like you have to lift heavy things all day – it’s just having fun in the lab!”

To other young people interested in studying this topic, Dr. Miley said “Not to worry about details of what you’re going to study, it’s what interests you. You want to do something that’s really interesting. You’ve got to find a field like that and keep an open mind. Tackle the problems as they come.”

“If you do that, regardless of what you start with …. , Now a degree in math, that’s such a universal starting point, that’s wonderful, but if you take physics, take science, any of these things, that’s going to help tremendously. It’s an interdisciplinary field, there’s materials science, there’s physics, there’s chemistry, I like to get plasmas in some way. If you have an inquisitive mind, you can put them all together.”

He continued, “I’ve been privileged teaching at an advanced research university, so all the students that I get are highly motivated by the time they get to me – and talented. I know that some other schools, particularly in some of our grade high schools, there’s discouragement, but I think that people just have to be determined.”

To students who are frustrated with their schools, “What they want to do is not let the system stop you, keep pushing it. I think they need to stick it out, better things will come. They’ll find inspired teachers, they may not have one right at the moment, but there’s another one some place they’ll come in contact with.”

“I feel that we can change the system.”

“That’s certainly a motivation if you get caught in that, work towards changing it as time goes on.”

Global Effort for Revolutionary Energy Technology

Dr. Miley has also collaborated with scientists around the world in the unique global effort aimed at understanding the elusive cold fusion reaction. LENR scientists have in part been brought together internationally by the rejection of their research in their home countries.

“When cold fusion was first announced and caused such a commotion, and then many people criticized Pons and Fleischmann, it became quite a negative thing”, says Dr. Miley. “The community decided that they would hold many of their meetings outside of the US because that would free them from the mounting criticism unjustly put against them here in the US.”

“If you look at the international meetings of cold fusion, the ICCF, that have been going on maybe every year or so, they rotate between Italy in Europe – Russia, the upcoming one is in Korea. These meetings brought together international scientists for this very reason. That happened independent of the Internet. The Internet has helped communications. This is either good or bad depending on what your goals are!”

He believes that “International collaboration is great because of the abilities and the new insights you get from others elsewhere. On the other hand, this is competitive world in a global economy and many of us, myself included, would like to see the US the first to develop this. But because of this situation, it may be that its first developed commercially elsewhere. In fact, Andrea Rossi as well as a Greek company Defkalion say they have commercial units already. And if that turns out to be true, this may be commercialized someplace else. Much of this gas-loaded nano-particle work originated in Japan, so you have to assume they may be ahead too.”

“So it’s competitive as well as collaborative.
It’s just the new world we have.”

Dr. Miley doesn’t know if it’s realistic to expect an internationally-funded formal global program working on this. “This is a very commercial field. Most people now are getting into it now because they feel that when the technology becomes commercial it will create money and at the same time, change the whole energy scene, so it’s very competitive.”

“Normally international collaborations like CERN or the international Tokamak are working on something that’s not as game-changing and not as threatening as this could be if somebody else beats you to it, which makes an international group awkward. I’m not sure how well they would collaborate because of each country’s worries about losing this technology. But in principle, it would be great!”

However faraway the benefits of this technology are, Dr. Miley says, “We’ve talked about different issues and challenges, but I’ve become very convinced that this is really a potential game-changing power source, maybe not for RTGs, but in general.

“There’s so many different applications. We can put them in homes, we can put them into space, you can do all sorts of things, it’s quite revolutionary – if it works as my imagination might think it would, or your imagination. So I don’t think I have to convince anyone of that. Anyway, I have gone ahead now and we’re forming a small company called LENUCO which will be based in the research park at University of Illinois to try and commercialize this. But I don’t want to fool anyone, this is a tremendous challenge. I mean, this thing may go belly up, or it may be a great success, I don’t know. It’s going to be one or the other.”

Cold Fusion Now!

Advances In Proposed D-Cluster Inertial Confinement Fusion Target George H. Miley, Xiaoling Yang, Hora Heinrich, Kirk Flippo Sandrine gaillard, Dunstin Offermann, and D. Cort Gautier.

Nuclear Battery Using D-Clusters in Nano-materials by George H. Miley, Xiaoling Yang, Heinz Hora

Condensed Matter “Cluster” Reactions in LENRs George H. Miley, Heinz Hora, Xiaoling Yang

Direct Conversion of Nuclear Radiation Energy by George H. Miley

Transcript of ABC-TV Good Morning America segment on James Patterson from Infinite Energy.

Watch this video through to the end and see Michael McKubre face-off with John Huizenga!

US Senate candidate Randy Hekman puts LENR first

December 29, 2010 Energy: America’s Next Space Race READ NOW.

The Michigan US Senate race includes over half-a-dozen Republicans vying for Democrat incumbent Debbie Stabenow’s long-held seat, but only one has LENR on their platform.

Randy HekmanFormer Juvenile Court Judge Randy Hekman states his energy policy on the campaign website

8. Energy: The simple reality is that our economy depends on energy derived from coal, oil and natural gas to function. Energy exploration – mining and drilling – provide needed jobs and the energy these industries produce keep our economy moving. We need to end the policies that subsidize inefficient sources of energy such as ethanol, wind and geothermal. The best alternative energy program is Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR). We must work to develop this energy program.
Randy Hekman, candidate for US Senate from Michigan

Randy Hekman has a long history of association with LENR science. He formed his own company in 1996 to provide energy research and consultation for LENR.

In 2004, along with Dr. Peter Hagelstein, Dr. Michael McKubre, Dr. Talbot Chubb, and Professor David J. Nagel, Mr. Hekman helped to prepare the report presented at the Department of Energy Review of the field that sought funding for research. The results of that Review, and a critique of the issues related to the Department of Energy and LENR, are compiled by Jed Rothwell here.

Mr. Hekman prefers the term LENR to ‘cold fusion’ saying that though the process is nuclear, it “involves neither fusion nor fission.” In addition, he says,
“Because of its nature, LENR does not require heavy shielding nor does it produce radioactive waste. It offers incredible potential to provide inexpensive and safe energy for our nation, and a boost to our economy.”

We sent Mr. Hekman a few questions about his experiences with LENR and here are his responses.

Randy Hekman
Senate candidate Randy Hekman supports LENR.

Q&A with Candidate Randy Hekman

CFN You are running for the US Senate seat from Michigan and have publicly stated support for LENR science and technology. What is the response when you discuss new energy?

RH I have spoken to many people in our state and elsewhere about LENR over the past 14 years that I have been working full or part time in this field. When I am given a full opportunity to explain how LENR works, I find people are supportive. The ultimate proof, however, will be when people become willing to invest major dollars in the technology. So far, this has eluded us.

CFN You believe that coal, oil and natural gas are still important. What do you see as the role of fossil fuels in the economy?

RH More than 1.7 trillion barrels of crude oil (these are proven reserves) can be found in the 50 states of our nation, plus enormous amounts of natural gas and coal. Until we get LENR on stream, we will need to use these resources to allow our economy to recover from the malaise it is in. But I firmly believe that LENR technology is the means of meeting the world’s energy needs into the future. It is safe, inexpensive, virtually inexhaustible, and causes no environmental damage. In fact, it can be used to convert spent fission fuel into benign elements.

CFN The BP/Horizon oil catastrophe caused damage to both the economy and environment, and the federal response was weak. As a member of Senate, how would you have responded differently?

RH The damage to the environment was significant at the time and costly to remediate, but not for long term. Human beings will at times make mistakes. We must do all in our power to minimize the likelihood and severity of mistakes, but deal with life when mistakes occur and go on. I am not overly put out by the federal government’s response except their reluctance to open up exploration more quickly.

CFN You state that “We need to end the policies that subsidize inefficient sources of energy such as ethanol, wind and geothermal.” Why do you call these sources of energy ‘inefficient’?

RH Without government subsidies, these approaches to alternate energy could not work. Government has a very poor record of picking winners and losers. Let market forces do their thing to bring the winners to the top and losers off the scale. LENR can become a powerhouse because it is good, not because government feeds it with resources.

CFN Why do you call Low Energy Nuclear Reactions LENR the ‘best alternative energy program’?

RH I am totally convinced that LENR is an energy source that is virtually limitless and can be used in small and very large applications safely and durably. I have studied it long enough to become totally convinced it is real and the wave of the future.

CFN In 2004, you were part of a group that presented a survey of the field of condensed matter nuclear science to the Department of Energy in a bid to include LENR science in their energy research funding mix. How would you characterize the outcome?

RH I was a part of that group. I was there when our group made its presentations to the panel of experts. The panel was impressed, as they should have been, with a description of the data supporting LENR experiments. But they were rolling their eyes when our team tried to describe the theories behind the data. We tried to say it was “cold fusion.” I am totally convinced it is neither fusion nor fission, but neutron-catalyzed nuclear reactions utilizing the weak force rather than the strong force.

CFN Recent demonstrations of Andrea A. Rossi’s Energy Catalyzer and announcements of other products planned for release next year by researchers in Greece and Italy have generated alot of excitement from the public, as well as some mainstream press. What changes, if any, have you noticed in the public awareness as these technologies are being developed.

RH I agree there has been growing news on the subject, but I am VERY skeptical of Mr. Rossi’s work, based on his excessive secrecy and his sketchy background. On the other hand, however, more and more legitimate scientists are following with great interest the work of Lewis Larsen and his partner, Allan Widom. I feel they accurately explain this phenomenon.

CFN Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney recently mentioned cold fusion in an interview with the Washington Examiner. What do think brought cold fusion to his attention? Are you aware of any other political candidate who supports condensed matter nuclear science?

RH I’m sorry, but I can’t answer your question about Mitt. And no, I don’t know of others who support it.

CFN What do you see on the new energy front moving forward into 2012?

RH I’m optimistic that we will see great breakthroughs in people’s acceptance and, frankly, we need it!


See also…

US Senator Hopeful – A LENR Enthusiast! by Eli Elliott May 16, 2011

Republican Candidate Mitt Romney speaks out for Cold Fusion
by Ruby Carat December 9, 2011

Proposed new currency would be backed by E-Cat energy

A new effort to address both the ensuing global economic meltdown and an impending energy revolution sparked by Andrea A. Rossi‘s E-Cat technology has been initiated by the organisation Xecnet, Ltd [visit] of the U.K.

According to their website, Xecnet is a corporate consultancy that implements the “GEM (Global Enterprise Model) in organizations”, where “company staff can learn to apply a genuinely leaderless approach in their organizations – putting the needs of all of the members of the organization at the centre of their attention in such a way that new and vital energies are released and real operational efficiencies are made.”

Rossi's Ecat
Rossi's eCat: Free Energy, Free Money, Free People by John Michell
Xecnet is also a publisher and their most recent offering is a book called Rossi’s E-Cat: Free Energy, Free Money, Free People by John Michell, which “tells the story of how this energy source was discovered, developed by inventor Andrea Rossi, how it challenges modern science and what the consequences for mankind could be. This is a discovery which heralds nothing less than the start of a new era – the year 0 PR (Post-Rossi).”

In this book the proposed new economic paradigm based on energy is described. Energy will back a Human Value Unit, or HVU where one HVU is equivalent to 400 Joules of energy.

I first heard about a monetary system based on energy credits through the work of M. King Hubbert, but never really understood how it would function in actuality. Having not yet read the book by John Michell, I asked Raymond Aitken, gatherer of news at’s eCat economics and friend to Xecnet‘s board of directors, to provide some background.

Mr. Aitken has “been interested in complementary currencies for some time” but only recently, through discussions with author of the book ‘Rossi’s eCat‘, that he “realized the fundamental link between energy and money, and how such an energy production system could represent a transformational paradigm-shift to a ‘new world’ of human possibility.”

I first asked Mr. Aitken, how is one Human Value Unit equated to 400 Joules of energy? He replied:

“Firstly, concerning the dominant fiat monetary system:
The present fiat monetary system creates claims on real goods and services in the economy without any real and measurable linkage to the true capacity and output of the real wealth creation process (based on available natural resources, including energy, and human know-how i.e. technology). This means that there cannot be any discipline or means to guarantee that the magnitude of such arbitrary claims (the money supply) will match a corresponding increase in real goods and services.”

“This together with the fact that such fiat money is created as debt that is loaned at compound (exponential) interest means that the Western fiat (fractional-reserve banking) system is inherently and structurally inflationary, as well as non-transparent – and therefore open to manipulation and fraud, as well as requiring spiralling exponential economic growth, to create more debt-money in order to pay the interest on previous debt-money.”

“Inflation (currency debasement, or “legal counterfeiting”) is both an invisible tax of government and the large scale fraud of private financial institutions. Interest amounts to the massive and hidden transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich, leading to debt-slavery.”

“Although the conventional economic text books describe the functions of the dominant monetary system in terms of “a medium of exchange and store of value”, it is much more used as a tool of empire (centralization of power and war) and speculation (>95% of global currency movements are for speculative purposes). This monetary system was created to serve and profit from war, including economic warfare (commodity dumping etc). Being devoid of human values, this system maximizes profit on the basis of human misery and deprivation (starvation, violence, destruction, enslavement, privatization of the commons – genes, patents, money, traditional knowledge, seeds, medicine, etc).”

Some background about the link between energy and money:
Energy is what underwrites every economic and ecological process. It is the foundation of all human wealth creation. Since money can be anything which is representative of value that can be traded for a wide range of goods and services across geographical areas, then energy itself can be used as money.”

“Unlike fiat currencies, an energy currency is a genuine commodity in universal demand, which represents the value of work already done as well as the potential of work which can be done. As a scientific unit of measure, there can be no manipulation of its value over time or place, and therefore no speculation. It can be used to scientifically stabilize and rationalize the economic process at every level. The value of commodities, services and goods can fluctuate in relation to the standard of value of an energy currency, but those fluctuations will not be speculatively driven on the monetary side (as is the case with the dominant fiat system), any fluctuations will be driven by real factors of cost and demand.”

“An energy currency easily translates into energy accounting, and therefore provides a more accurate and complete analysis of economic output and resource consumption, so it would not be possible to exclude the full human-social and ecological costs of any economic activity in the accounts, as it the case with the present system. Since no one nation or corporation can “own” energy as a currency, it will represent the first genuine international and non-political monetary system.”

Why 1 HVU = 400 Joules of Energy:
The Human Value Unit (HVU) as a monetary measure of value was first proposed by a man called Harold who has since died. Harold’s purpose was to address the fact that our monetary system had become completely divorced from human values, and his proposition was to anchor the monetary standard of value on the daily food requirement of a human being, so that the behavior and decisions of users of money would be influenced by this humane-based measure.”

“Strange as it seems, complementary currencies have already proven how the innate values of a currency can dramatically influence the behavior of its users, even if they are unaware of monetary technicalities. Perhaps because the circulation of money represents the actualization of human relationships, then the way in which the money is created and put into circulation will color those relationships (competitive vs. cooperative etc). After much research Harold eventually settled on a scientific value of energy that was equivalent the daily human food requirement – 400 Joules.”

“The concept of the HVU relative to the creation of a complementary energy-backed global monetary system, which will belong to its users (and not to a private banking cartel that controls central government) – “a currency by the people for the people” is still at an early stage of development. We are therefore in the process of developing a global network of people who are committed to harnessing the monetary implications of the eCat to create a new money and finance system based on energy that can serve humanity, which includes restoring the ecological integrity of the planet.” —Raymond Aitken

In a practical sense, I asked how one would spend the HVUs? And when I spent them all, how would I get more?

“The HVUs do not need to be spent”, wrote Mr. Aitken, “they are a monetary-energy equivalence, when you buy an Ecat at say $500, then the accounting is in HVUs but you need to spend dollars to buy the HVUs which are then used to purchase the eCat.”

“Because the HVUs are based on energy-systems bought, as the value of the US Dollar goes down against energy, as it must due to Quantitative Easing (QE) etc, the value of dollars diminishes relative to the HVUs, and therefore you will need more dollars to buy the HVUs. You can always go online and buy more – we are putting a HVU-based online banking system in place.”

“Given that the technological and economic implications of the eCat are “paradigm-shifting”, the understanding of us all is necessarily in a flux of evolution, which is why Xecnet is organizing a first seminar in London this November. We need to bring together experts in economics and energy science to create a new economic approach that is grounded in genuine science, and not based on the obtuse quackery of the fraudulent monetary magicians. (It was the last chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, who said “if you can understand what I am saying, I’m not making myself clear”!).”

Mr. Aitken continued with some personal reflections:

“Perhaps the most important and urgent matter is how can a complementary currency approach provide a way of financing the commercialization of Rossi’s technology? If the commercialization of Rossi’s technology depends on the corporate fiat monetary system, then it’s availability for the greater good of humankind could be distorted, in accordance with the narrow commercial and political interests of this ‘corporatocracy’.”

“We can imagine creating an investment fund for the commercialization of Rossi’s technology using a “crowd funding” approach, which is what Xecnet are trying to do with their site.”

“At this stage they only intend to gather pledges, to see if the financial potential from small investors around the world is large enough to represent a sufficient financial partner for Rossi, so that he can at least have a stronger negotiating position with prospective corporate investors, and if possible, to be able to commercialize his technology independently of corporate finance on a more equitable basis for the common good of humanity.”

“At some point the pledges would be converted to actual deposits of fiat money, which could be used to manufacture and distribute the first generation of eCats. During this initial stage, any HVU’s (as a complementary currency) would be backed by the fiat money held on deposit for orders worldwide. Since people would be “buying” HVU’s with fiat currency, and since the standard of value of the HVU’s would be fixed to energy (400 Joules), it would not be subject to inflation in the fiat monetary system.”

“Fiat money deposited on account, in exchange of HVU’s would act as a “store of value” (in competition to commodities like gold), which might bring in more and larger deposits of fiat money during the first phase of the fund. The ideal for this phase one would be the accumulation of a sufficiently large investment fund in fiat currency to commercialize Rossi’s technology worldwide, independently of the conventional banking system.”

“Once Rossi’s industrial eCats are commercially available, we can imagine using the same fund to establish energy production enterprises on a cooperative basis. Each energy production enterprise would serve a local-regional economic area, and would represent the phase of creating a genuine energy-based complementary monetary system to serve the specific needs and potential of any given local-regional economy, in accordance with human values and local ecological integrity.”

“The energy production enterprise would also function as a new type of local economic development bank, which would put into circulation an interest-free energy-backed currency to facilitate trade and provide working capital for local enterprises (thereby generating work), as well as the creation of investment finance (equity-based) for the development of new or existing enterprises and maintenance or creation of social capital (education and training) and material capital (physical assets and infrastructures).”

“To avoid any conflict of interest, this “bank” would be owned by its users (cooperative legal structure), who would appoint professionals to manage it. We can imagine the establishment and operation of such an “energy production bank” using a financial strategy based on the historical example of the Wara [1] energy monetization approach.”

“By the local energy production enterprise paying its workers and local suppliers in an energy-backed complementary currency, these monetary (exchange) units would enter into local economic circulation. With a demurrage charge on the demand-accounts above a certain level, HVU’s would be transferred to saving-accounts, which would create the basis of the finance part of the system. The HVU would only exist as an electronic currency, and would circulate via mobile phone, smart card and Internet devices. The required transactional platform already exists as an open-source software, called Cyclos.”

Ambitious? Most certainly.

I can’t say I completely understand energy units yet, but I certainly look forward to learning more.

What’s most encouraging is the wave of participation among peoples around the globe in response to the E-Cat demonstrations. Andrea Rossi has ignited something much more than a thermal energy device; he’s started a transformation of minds that are now busily preparing for a new kind of world, a world where people work together cooperatively based on abundant clean energy for all.

There will be fits and starts; there will be successes and failures. But, like the best strategies for long-term investing, we will ignore the noise, and focus our efforts on the big picture: there is now an open door and we can see a path forward.

We have a new clean energy technology.

Let’s not fixate on the deficiencies, but strengthen and raise the positives.

Cold Fusion Now!

[1] The ‘Wara’ system was implemented in a small town in Germany in the early 1920’s. At the time, Germany was experiencing a complete collapse of their national currency with the value plummeting to near worthlessness. During this time, Dr. Hebecker, an owner of a coal mine in the town of Schwanenkirchen, convinced his workers to accept 90% of their wages in a complementary currency called ‘Wara,’ or he would be forced to close the mine. He agreed initially to provide food that they could purchase with their ‘Wara,’ which means ‘commodity money’ in German. He also stated that the money was backed by the coal inventory. The Wara itself was paper money that also incorporated the small monthly stamp fee to prevent hoarding and encourage circulation. The Wara was immediately successful in saving the coal mine and in saving the entire town of Schwanenkirchen. Over the next several years, the circulation of the Wara spread dramatically throughout Germany and over 2000 corporations began using the new complementary currency. However, the central bank considered the Wara to be too successful and even thought it was an inflationary threat although its value was tied to the value of coal. In October 1931, the Minister of Finance declared that the Wara was illegal thus ending the success.

Related Links

Rossi’s E-cat: Free Energy, Free Money, Free People by John Michell from publisher Xecnet

Xecnet, Ltd.

eCat economics from

Technocrat: “No-money society” uses energy credits. by Ruby Carat April 8, 2011

M. King Hubbert on nuclear energy. by Ruby Carat March 22, 2011

“Secrets of E-Cat” Book Review and Q&A with author Mario Menichella

Book Review “Secrets of E-Cat
by Brad Arnold

Brad Arnold read Mario Menichella‘s Secrets of E-Cat almost immediately after the English version was released so we asked him for his impressions. Following his review is a Q&A with author Mario Menichella.–CFN

“The aim of this essay, therefore, is not to determine whether the E-Cat is an amazing product or the scam of the century – this verification and the scientific validation is only a secondary theme of the book, although it is treated in some depth – but to bring an understanding of how it works to all those who, like me, would like to try to replicate it.” –Mario Menichella Secrets of E-Cat [pg 6].

The 144 page e-book “Secrets of E-Cat” is a good read. It doesn’t dwell on the politics or gossip surrounding Rossi – in fact the author is friends with both Rossi and Focardi – but instead it analyzes the mechanics of the E-Cat, or Energy Catalyzer. Since Mr. Menichella is an inquisitive physicist, he was able to lend more light than heat to the subject.

What is the E-Cat, how much energy does it produce, how is an E-Cat made, what is the secret catalyst, and what are possible theories for why LENR Ni-H (Low-energy nuclear reactions Nickel-Hydrogen systems) work. These are the questions the book explores. Safe to say that Rossi’s secret Italian sauce is still secret, but never the less several interesting possibilities are raised. It really isn’t fair to the author that I steal his thunder by going into specifics, but it is curious that iron is found in some of the products of Rossi E-Cat reactions.

There is an analysis of Rossi’s treatment of the nickel before it goes into the reaction chamber – what size particles and if he selects for isotope. Rossi said he tried about 10,000 experiments – there are a lot of combinations. What the book made clear was that Rossi was the first to be able to get a large amount of energy from nuclear fusion reactions at relatively low temperatures.

If you want to build a LENR Ni-H device, the book could very well help you do that, even fingering a nickel powder distributor, but don’t expect 6 (to 200) over unity. It feels good to know the basic working principles behind the E-Cat, but I wish the author had been more specific about the energy density of nickel (this is an important subject, because the more energy dense nickel is, the more spectacular LENR technology is).

At one point, the book mentioned that Rossi’s 5kW E-Cat used one gram in 5 days of continuous use. Then later, it was theorized that a 10kW E-Cat would use the same. That would mean that (as the book says) nickel was 100,000 times as energy dense as diesel fuel. I’d like to contrast that with the claim Rossi made on his patent application, which was that a gram of nickel was equivalent to 517 tons kilograms of oil. That would mean nickel was over 5 hundred million thousand times as energy dense (according to my calculations).

Editor’s note: Yes, Mr. Arnold’s calculations were correct. However, there is an error in the patent application that has been addressed; the available energy is equivalent to 517 tons kilograms of oil per gram of nickel. [NYTeknik]

Thus, the calculations in the book are correct. “1 gram of oil can gives a chemical energy in the order of electron Volts, while 1 gram of nickel can give – in a typical nuclear reaction – an energy in the order of MeV, which is about 10^6 larger.”-Mario Menichella

By the way, all you need to do to figure out energy density is to calculate how many grams of (for instance) oil would be the same as a gram of nickel. Just go to this site and plug in 517 kilograms, and you get the answer 517,000, which means that 517,000 grams of oil equals a single gram of nickel in terms of producing the same amount of heat energy (the nickel in a LENR reaction, and the oil by burning it).

Also according to the book, Rossi was sometimes getting 200 times the return energy. In public demonstrations, Rossi’s E-Cat was only getting a little over 6 from unity. The issue is safety. Right now the E-Cat is limited to lower temperatures and more electrical usage because the reaction (which, by the way, takes a few minutes to initiate) must be controlled, or it could spike and explode (any pressured container, even a small one, is a danger).

I suppose a lot of this will become clear as the mass media picks up on the story. We are all looking forward to Rossi’s 1 megawatt E-Cat being introduced to the public the last week of October. Until then, Mr. Menichella’s book “Secrets of E-Cat” is a good substitute and primer. — Brad Arnold

Author Mario Menichella
Author Mario Menichella
Q&A with Secrets of E-Cat
author Mario Menichella

CFN Mario, you are the first to write a book on the E-Cat. What are your impressions of the technology?

MM Your question would require a long answer. I think that the E-Cat produces excess energy, but in this moment we do not know, through an official test or certification, how much it is. However, the machine is able to function in a self-sustained mode, as declared in an interview by the Italian physicist Giuseppe Levi: he saw the machine operating for a long time without electric energy provided in input during a private test lasted 18 hours, at the beginning of 2011.

A few weeks ago, on September 8, I met Andrea Rossi in a meeting I organized in Bologna and he told me that his 1-MW prototype is guaranteed to have a 1:5 input/output power ratio: i.e. if, I have 5 thermal kWh in output for every electric kWh provided in input.

CFN This is very exciting news…

MM Yes, I do not want to bore your readers with calculations, but I am a physicist working also as energy consultant, so I have made an accurate estimate, for a customer, of the cost of 1 thermal kWh produced with a 10-kW E-Cat sold at a reasonable price of about 20,000 euro, corresponding to 2,000 euro/thermal kWh, as Rossi has always hypothesized.

The result I found is surprising, because such cost is less than the half that in the case of the alternative technologies in the heating field: heat pumps, solar panels, Diesel boilers, natural gas boilers, wood chip boilers, electric stoves. So, the E-Cat, with the current 1:5 input/output power ratio, has already the potential to revolutionize the heat market, especially in the temperature range 175-500 °F (80-250 °C). It can also be used, with savings, for medium or large cogeneration applications. The above power ratio, instead, is not enough for a pure electricity production.

CFN What prompted you to write this book on the E-Cat?

MM The obvious answer is because I am a writer on science and this is my job. However, I wrote my last book in 2006, and I did not plan to write a new book in my life. But a series of coincidences led me to change my decision. When, on February 2011, I read about the first public presentation of the E-Cat made on January 14 in Bologna (Italy), I immediately understood the potential of such a machine. So, I write to Rossi to compliment with him. But I was really involved in this adventure only when I was contacted by Claudio Puosi and his wife, Vessy Nikolova, to organize a popular conference on cold fusion and E-Cat in Viareggio, an event which held on July 23, 2011, with the contribute of Sergio Focardi (through a long recorded interview) and Andrea Rossi (interviewed in real-time by phone). Then I decided not to disperse the information I had on this argument, and I wrote an instant book, with a somewhat investigative approach.

CFN Who is the audience you wrote for?

MM I wrote for many years long articles on single scientific hobbies in Italian magazines and in dedicated web sites, describing interesting fields like: amateur seismology, model rocketry, search for meteorites with a metal detector, and so on. My model was the old famous book “The amateur scientist” by C. L. Stong. The E-Cat is one of the most intriguing topic for an amateur scientist, because it is an object with a huge potential and a fascinating mystery regarding its core, the “secret catalyst”. But my public is not composed only of amateurs. Due to the economic importance of such invention, I think that small, medium and big companies could be interested in trying to reproduce a similar device, not to say about many open-minded researchers in Universities and other scientific institutions, who are now changing their opinion on cold fusion (and LENR).

CFN Is it really possible for a competent amateur to replicate the E-Cat technology?

MM Theoretically, yes, because you can split the problem in two parts. The first is to replicate the old apparatus developed by Focardi-Pianteli in Siena, with its input/output power ratio of 1:2. It is well described in many scientific articles, so it is not an impossible task. The second part of the problem is to discover the “secret catalyst” used by Rossi, and this is more difficult: you need to be very lucky!

However, it is a fascinating enterprise, and you can also try, in your experiments on the Ni-H cell, non-standard routes to achieve an energy gain: world literature on low-energy nuclear reactions is full of different kinds of techniques for loading the gas in the metal and for providing some forms of excitation to the system, and they are the two typical key-factors to trigger a cold fusion nuclear reaction.

CFN Can you confirm that NASA is interested in Francesco Piantelli’s nickel-hydrogen system?

MM Yes, I can confirm, but not from news coming from Piantelli or collaborators: our sources of information are in USA. However, you are touching a very “hot” topic. Behind cold fusion there are big interests both in the civil and military field, but I am not authorized to reveal the entire information I have. Today, public information is only a little part of the “reality” on cold fusion: everything else is covered by some kind of secrecy. For example, some of the hypothesis on the secret catalyst used by Rossi – that you can find in my book – are supported by confidential information that I could not reveal explicitly. I can only say that, probably, Piantelli will be – directly or indirectly – involved in experiments/research funded by the USA through NASA.

CFN How does Mr. Piantelli’s work differ from Mr. Rossi’s?

MM Piantelli described quite precisely the experimental apparatus in his patents, and anyone was able (or tried) to replicate it. The main differences from Rossi’s work are two. The first is that he does not use a catalyst, like in the old Focardi-Piantelli experiments. The second difference is that we know for sure he uses nanostructured nickel, created through a very expensive dedicated machine. He works mainly on the nickel geometry, even if in his experiments other 5-6 factors are important to trigger the nuclear reaction.

CFN What is it that makes Italian researchers so successful at LENR?

MM The mean level of Italian research in physics is very high: Italy is the main contributor, in terms of people involved at every level, in the experiments of nuclear physics performed at CERN (Geneve). Another factor is creativity, which is quite typical of the Italian researchers. Also luck, obviously, has a big role. We do not know how Rossi discovered his secret catalyst, so we are missing an important piece of information about his “route to success”. However, success requires also patience and many unsuccessfully attempts.

CFN Thanks for the good news, Mr. Menichella!

Related Links

Know the Secrets of E-Cat press release by Ruby Carat CFN September 23, 2011

Secrets of E-Cat by Mario Menichella from Consulente Energia

Viareggio Cold Fusion conference: science, politics, and an Italian competitor by Matt Ivy CFN July 23, 2011

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research Geneve, Switzerland
English homepage

Convert Units from tons to grams at

Funding dam almost breaks for Brillouin Boiler that uses – water!

He’s young, brilliant, and the designer and engineer of a hot water boiler based on LENR technology in – Berkeley. His name is Robert E. Godes, the Chief Technical Officer at Brillouin Energy, a company he founded that’s now hosting visits from venture capital groups finally ready to partake in “the greatest investment opportunity of the 21rst century”.

In December 2006, Mr. Godes’ first test cell was an open beaker using palladium wire and ordinary distilled water, yet this simple system achieved an excess heat up to 45%.

The newest device began operating in October of last year and is a pressurized nickel-hydrogen system that has allowed superior calorimetry measurements. According to the Early Phase 2 Data Report, this cell generated excess heat output greater than 100% in February of this year. (You can read the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Data Report on the Brillouin Energy website).

With steady progress meeting each company milestone, the lab runs with a skeleton staff, including volunteers. Negative perceptions about the field of LENR research have discouraged potential investors. One possible private donor seeking a technical evaluation was informed by a National Science Foundation member (whose review entailed “a quick scan” of the Brillouin Energy website) that it was “quite possible they had created the ‘instant death’ version of cold fusion”.


The very much alive Mr. Godes does believe this is a nuclear reaction, but to quote Nobel Laureate Julian Schwinger, whose 1991 A Progress Report paper you can down-load from the Brillouin Energy website, ”The circumstances of cold fusion are not those of hot fusion.”

Brilloun Boiler
Robert E. Godes uses proprietary electronic "Q-pulses" to stimulate the reaction. Q-pulses are a central feature of his Quantum Fusion Hypothesis which attempts to explain LENR reactions theoretically.

The reaction is not only safe, but clean, and the fuel is abundant. According to Mr. Godes:

“Fusing the Hydrogen out of H2O results in 355,000 times more energy than is contained in the same volume of gasoline. The Hydrogen used in the fusion process is continually replaced by solar wind and interstellar space: the ultimate renewable energy source.”

Thanks to recent demonstrations of Andrea Rossi‘s Energy Catalyzer and the plans to commercialize this technology, venture capital has finally taken notice of the potential. Brillouin Energy is fielding calls from new investors and will now be working with Los Alamos National Lab LANL to replicate Brillouin’s work. First, a confirmation report from a nationally recognized lab, and then the funds.

We recently asked Mr. Godes a few questions about his boiler design and what’s next after funding.

Q&A with Robert E. Godes of Brillouin Energy

CFN How did you first get interested in this form of energy production?

REG I was talking with another engineer at work in 1992. He told me about Cold Fusion. When I asked him about the use of palladium for the cathode, he told me that they used palladium to filter hydrogen. Filter hydrogen? I asked. Helium will not pass though it? No!

CFN Which came first, your Hypothesis or the experiments?

REG I knew that the Hydrogen atom was almost twice the size of Helium (corrected!) atom. So when I herd that helium would not pass but hydrogen would, I formed my hypothesis almost instantly. At that point I started studying material science. Once the hypothesis was solid, it was used to drive the design of the control systems to run the experiments.

CFN You are also using nickel-hydrogen system for your reactor. How does your design and process differ from Andrea Rossi’s?

REG The IP [Intellectual Property] I filed in 1995 includes some aspects of what Rossi is doing, but there are problems in trying to move the technology he is developing into production. He may have trouble meeting his deadline for the 1MW reactor as it could be difficult transferring the technology to other licensees for production.

He had a smiler problem with a potentially great technology doing direct thermal to electrical conversion. The manpower needed to produce and tweak Rossi units will limit profit margins. He would have a much easier time doing small units consisting of single devices for consumers, but insurance companies will not allow home use due to safety issues. The safety issues with the Rossi device will not likely have to do with radiation. Brillouin Energy Corp. (BEC) technology will be more reliable making it the market winner. Safety issue #1: we use the hydrogen out of ordinary water (H2O) in the form of water.

The technology BEC is developing will be easier to manufacture and transfer to licensees for market penetration and get approval for commercial and consumer use. I have significant experience in moving products from engineering to production with involvement in some products being produced at more than 100K units / year.

We only started working with the pressurized unit in Q2 2010. However we have already identified a large number of the variables that need to be controlled and how to control them. When we start production I expect it will be a much smoother ramp up than what Rossi is facing right now.

CFN What has your experience with the Patent Office been like?

REG Our first patent was initially rejected just on the basis of being cold fusion. However after some back and forth they said it actually looks like 5 to 7 patents and what would you like to prosecute first. So the application is still in process. My guess is we will not be granted a patent until we produce lots of data at industrially useful levels.

CFN What’s the next step in developing this newest test cell?

REG We have identified several variables that need to be controlled and ways to control them. Once we have access to the capital, we will be able to automate the process refinement and have several units to run the development in parallel. Till then, we are still making progress and figuring out how to best leverage the equipment we have.

CFN We look forward to your progress. Good luck!

REG Thanks, Ruby. What we really need is clean, dense, always available source of energy.

Related Links

Brillouin Energy Corporationcompany website

Brillouin Energy Technical Powerpoint with Audiodownload.pps.

The Quantum Fusion Hypothesis Infinite Energy Magazine Vol 14 issue 82 —download .pdf

Infinite Energy Vol 14 issue 82 —Table of Contents

Brillouin Energy Video of early open beaker test —download .wmv (Windows Media)

New Energy Outreach – in the Mall! –Ruby Carat April 10, 2011

Q&A with Douglas R. McAllister: Mayor Pro-tem and Cold Fusion Author

Douglas R. McAllister is the Mayor Pro-tem of Murrieta, California, but he’s also the author of a novel with cold fusion technology at the center of the plot.

The suspense story is described on the official author website:

“In a world desperately in need of new energy sources, this fascinating scientific thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat. In 1989, two scientists announce they have created a cold fusion reaction. The public is thrilled at the prospect of a better option than oil. Mysteriously, the success could not be duplicated. A disappointed world deemed the project a failure. But was it?”

We may know the answer to that question, but we contacted the author to find out more about this elected official who’s explored a vision of the future where cold fusion is a reality.

The Sovereign Principles
The Sovereign Principles by Douglas R.McAllister
Q&A with Douglas R.McAllister

CFN What prompted you to start writing this novel?

DM I have always loved to write. Twenty years ago I decided to ‘just do it’ if only for the fun of it. Though I published 20 years later, it took only approximately a couple of years of actual working on the manuscript.

CFN Without giving it all away, can you tell us a little about the story? How does cold fusion fit in?

DM If there was a sub-title, it would be “The Consequence of Compromise.” The book is centered on domestic terrorism. In this case, a billionaire with a score to settle with America infiltrates a top secret effort to create a commercially viable form of cold fusion. Once he has control, he intends to use that technology as leverage to have his way with the world in general, and America in particular. The sub plots center around the complicated Dr. James Sovereign, his personal and professional life…not to mention hints of a life very few know about…and the mistake the billionaire makes when he attacks Sovereign’s family. Jim has learned first hand the consequence of compromise and has two children that hate him for it. In the end, it is that relationship that is the billionaire’s undoing…

CFN How did your idea of the story develop?

DM I like to start with real historical events and then ‘fill in the blanks,’ fictionalizing them under the category of ‘what if.’ In this case, it was all the hooplah over the claim in Utah in 1989 that a room temperature reaction of fusion had been achieved. It was reported to be false…but what if it really wasn’t….? From there I pulled upon areas of personal interest and created the plot that would highlight how the world would be changed with such an energy source…and why that was important. It was important to me to keep it authentic without getting so far down into the weeds to muddy the pace of the story. For this work, the plot seemed to develop as I wrote. It has multiple story lines that seem unrelated but all prove to be interrelated…so pay attention :0).

CFN Who did you write this book for? Who is your audience?

DM Originally I wrote it for me. I have always enjoyed writing and about 20 years ago I found myself in Australia with some time on my hands after a very nasty divorce. I guess you could say the project started out as therapy, but in the process it developed into a work of its own completely divorced (pardon the pun) from its original inspiration. Over the years it has taken on various iterations. It wasn’t until about two years ago, though, that I decided to see if I could get a publisher.

CFN What does the title of the book mean to you?

DM It is a bit of a play on words. The main character’s name is Jim Sovereign. The principles are those that his father, Richard Sovereign, taught him before he died. However, the principles themselves, in real life, are fairly ‘sovereign’ in that they apply pretty much universally.

CFN What is the significance of the gold sovereign on the front of the book?

DM The Gold Sovereign on the cover is meant to represent several things. The most obvious is the name of the main character. However, the ‘value’ of the coin speaks to the financial impact Cold Fusion could have on the world. It sits in a sea of oil representing the ‘context’ out of which successful Cold Fusion technology would proceed to change the world. Using the coin to represent both the financial side and the main character is indicative of how the two issues cross paths in the process of the story.

CFN It was reported that you are currently writing a sequel. How is that progressing?

DM Yes, I am. It is called The Sovereign Politic. It is a sequel, picking up where Principles lets off. Principles was set primarily in Australia, but Politic will be set in the States, specifically Murrieta, CA. The sub-title is “All Politics is Local.” In this work I will wrap around the main plot authentic discussions of issues that government on ‘the Hill’ deal with theoretically that we on the local level deal with in real time. The primary plot will center around North Korea and a terrorist attack. I have the story mapped out in detail and while I am still doing research, I have started writing. This one is going to be a lot of fun, but I hope will also be important.

CFN Do you actively talk with people about cold fusion? How do people react when you talk to them about cold fusion?

DM Yes, I do…for the most part they don’t know the difference between fusion and fission. I try to educate and hope that my book will be an entertaining enough read that it will once again get folks focused in the direction of cold fusion for the future.

CFN What are some of the biggest impacts that you see coming from this technology?

DM Other than change the world as we know it, including the balance of economic power…you’ll need to read my book… :0)

CFN Are you aware of the new upcoming documentary The Believers? Do you feel that the public is becoming more aware of this despite the mainstream media’s lack of coverage?

DM No, I’m not, but now that I know about it, I look forward to it. I am investigating a plot line that would continue the discussion of cold fusion in the sequel, so any information I can find would be helpful.

CFN What is your opinion of the investment made in this technology so far? What are your thoughts on the recent developments involving the first commercial device invented by Andrea A. Rossi?

DM Any investment is money well spent, given the potential and positive impacts of success. I am not aware of this device, but I will ‘study up’ as per my answer to the previous question. I will definitely look into the recent developments as that will play into the next installment.

CFN How does being an author and an elected official for a city like Murrieta combine together in your life? When do you find time to write?

DM The combination makes for a very interesting calendar. I actually have two very compatible but separate full time jobs on top of my writing: Elected official and an executive with a multi-national telecommunications company. Finding the time to write is a challenge. Early mornings. Late at night. On planes… wherever and whenever I can find a chunk of time long enough to get into the mode. Working on the second installment, The Sovereign Politic that picks up where Principles leaves off, may take a while, but I am confident it will be a very satisfying sequel. I know I’m having a blast writing it! And as for the elected office and writing, for this second book I am able to do research 24/7 as I go about my day. And believe me, I see the best and the worst of politics. So there are intriguing plot lines to be explored…

I think one of the most enjoyable parts of creating new worlds and vision through writing is the research. I learn so much in the process of my efforts to make sure the story is authentic. To that end, I am looking forward to taking advantage of the resources I’ve discovered from your site to further expand on the future of Cold Fusion in a way that will get the attention of the reader. Perhaps through your work and my books we can get Cold Fusion back on the front page again…

CFN As Mayor Pro-tem, do you think Murrieta, California will be one of the first cities in the US to purchase a cold fusion device?

DM If I have my way, yes!

The Sovereign Principles by Douglas R. McAllister.

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