Letters to Congressional Energy Sub-committees repeat hearings request

Why does the Department of Energy refuse to acknowledge LENR science and technology as part of its energy portfolio?

Why does the US Patent Office siphon cold fusion patent applications outside of the review channel?

A recent mailing sent two dozen letters to the Senate Sub-Committee on Energy and other Senators requesting hearings into these questions.

This past few days Cold Fusion Now put together letters addressed to US Congressional Representatives on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce‘s Sub-committee on Energy and Power, as well as the House Committee on Space, Science and Technology’s Sub-committee on Energy and the Environment asking these very same questions.

This massive stack of snail mail is the whole 39 letters to Congressional energy policy makers requesting hearings to find the answers.

Stack of 39 letters
Snail mail retrieves the classic art of letters for sleepy TV-body Legislative Branch.

Hand-signed and flying with the wind to the attention of US Representatives such as Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland who since at least 2004 (when I started paying attention) spent more than his share of time educating his peers on Peak Oil, to no avail.

Also included on the Sub-committee on Energy and Environment is California Representative Dana Rohrabacher, who way back in 1989 spoke out in support of Drs. Fleischmann and Pons as they endured a torrent of vitriol from a physics arena that couldn’t reproduce the results.

In an editorial for the Los Angeles Times on June 18, 1989, Representative Dana Rohrabacher chastised physicists for their vehemence, beginning with a quote:

Every great idea has three stages of reaction:
1) It won’t work.
2) Even if it works, it’s not useful.
3) I said it was a great idea all along.
Arthur C. Clarke

It has been almost three months since two obscure chemists at the University of Utah held a press conference to announce that they had found something truly incredible in their test tube. Their reported discovery of cold fusion, if accurate, would usher not only science but all aspects of modern life into an era of growth and improvement that mankind has not experienced since the Industrial Revolution.

Not everybody was happy with this news.

The vehemence with which B. Stanley Pons and Martoin Fleischmann were denounced in the scientific community, the ferocity of attack on their work, as well as on their personal styles and motivations, surprised everyone. Well, that is, everyone who hasn’t taken a look at the history of science.

Representative Rohrabacher goes on to review the experience of great scientists such as Copernicus, Galileo, Antony van Leeuwenhoek and Joseph Lister. Continuing, he wrote:

And in Europe, the powers of the day heaped scorn on the idea that a steam engine could have a practical use in transportation, which sent Robert Fulton to America with his plans for a steam-powered boat.

As recently as 1956, the Astronomer Royal of England scoffed at space travel as “utter bilge.” The very next year, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik.

So, some of us were not surprised at the recriminations, both petty and sweeping, that deluged the two poor chemists in Utah upon their claims of discovering cold fusion.

The high priests of physics were annoyed with the scientists’ method of public announcement; several universities touted their inability to reproduce in a matter of weeks results arrived at over a period of years, and physicists the world over continue to express pique at the presumption of two chemists entering their realm.

Rep. Rohrabacher was not a believer, giving Drs. Fleischmann and Pons “around a 50% chance of being vindicated someday.”

He was a voice of tolerance, of integrity, of decency.
He wanted to give this discovery “a chance.”

Our world needs such people who are willing to look where others refuse, to reject commonly held premises in the quest for new truths and to step before us with brave new ideas knowing that vilification will follow, even if history ultimately vindicates them. If cold fusion does fly, Pons and Fleischmann will be remembered as men who changed the course of human history; if cold fusion turns out to be a worktable mistake, well, let’s remember Pons and Fleischmann as two men who excited our imaginations for a while and who reminded us that we should not discourage pursuit of scientific knowledge, even if it flouts conventional wisdom–even if it is done without the benefit of a federal grant.

And for these words of reason, disdain poured upon him too.

Perhaps our message will prompt him to think back to those moments when he had the courage and fire to speak for what was right, and this time, feel the strong and worthy support behind him to do it again.

In politics, we don’t have to agree on everything.

We just need folks to do their jobs.

Join us in asking Congress to do theirs.

Why doesn’t the DOE consider LENR science and technology, and why isn’t the Patent Office prioritizing LENR patents?

Patent Office Memo

Cold Fusion Now!

Related Links

Turkey Today, Genius Tomorrow: Cold Fusion Attempt Has a Noble Lineage in Science by Representative Dana Rohrabacher for the Los Angeles Times June 17, 1989

Representative Dana Rohrabacher Congressional webpage.

Representative Roscoe Bartlett Congressional webpage.

House Sub-committee on Energy and Power from Contacting the Congress

House Sub-committee on Energy and Environment from Contacting the Congress

Patent Office Memo scanned by Jed Rothwell from LENR Library.

Letters to the Senate request hearings on DOE and USPTO.

This past week Cold Fusion Now sent letters to all the US Senators on the Energy Sub-Committee requesting hearings on the Department of Energy’s refusal to acknowledge LENR science as a part of its research funding AND the US Patent Office’s lack of action on LENR technology.

Join us!

These folks here are the designated energy policy makers who need to be educated on the emerging technology that promises clean energy and a 21rst century economy.

2011 US Senate Energy Natural Resources Committee

Chairman Jeff Bingaman NM
703 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
TDD: (202) 224-1792
Tollfree (in NM): 1-800-443-8658

Ron Wyden OR
221 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-3703
Phone: (202) 224-5244
Fax: (202) 228-2717

Tim Johnson SD
136 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
p. (202) 224-5842
f. (202) 228-5765

Mary Landrieu LA
431 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Telephone: (202) 224-5824
Fax: (202) 224-9735

Chairman Maria Cantwell WA
311 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
202-228-0514 – FAX

Bernard Sanders VT
332 Dirksen Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone (202) 224-5141
Fax (202) 228-0776

Debbie Stabenow MI
133 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4822

Mark Udall CO
Hart Office Building Suite SH-328
Washington, D.C. 20510
P: 202-224-5941
F: 202-224-6471

Mark Udall CO
Pikes Peak Region
2880 International Circle
Suite 107
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
P: 719-471-3993

Jeanne Shaheen NH
520 Hart SOB
Washington, DC
20510 Ph: (202) 224-2841
Fax: (202) 228-3194

Al Franken MN
309 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-5641

Joe Manchin WV
303 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510
Phone: 202-224-3954
Fax: 202-228-0002

Christopher Coons DE
127A Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510
(202) 224-5042

Ranking Member Lisa Murkowski AK
709 Hart Senate Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Main: 202-224-6665
Fax: 202-224-5301

John Barasso WY
307 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Main: 202-224-6441
Fax: 202-224-1724
Tollfree: 866-235-9553

James E. Risch ID
SR-483 Russell Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
tel: 202-224-2752
fax: 202-224-2573

Mike Lee UT
316 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: 202-224-5444
Fax: 202-228-1168

Rand Paul KY
208 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510
Phone: 202-224-4343

Daniel Coats IN
493 Russell Office Bldg
Washington, DC, 20510
P: (202) 224-5623
F: (202) 228-1820

Rob Portman OH
338 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3353

John Hoeven ND
120 Russell Senate Office Bldg.
Washington DC, 20510
Phone: 202-224-2551
Fax: 202-224-7999

Dean Heller NV
361-A Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-6244
Fax: 202-228-6753

Dean Heller
Lloyd George Federal Building
333 South Las Vegas Blvd., Suite 8203
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702-388-6605
Fax: 702-388-6501

Bob Corker TN
SD-185 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Main: 202-224-3344
Fax: 202-228-0566

Letters are also en route to constituents of Florida, California, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Massachusetts to be postmarked and sent to their Senators’ local offices.

Don’t let this science be ignored while billions are wasted on obsolete non-solutions.

Don’t let this technology be derailed or delayed by excessive regulation.

The possibility of a peaceful future on this planet demands no less than all our effort, no matter how small.

As Infinite Energy magazine approaches its 100th issue, I was flipping through an old issue from 1995 (Volume 1 Number 3), I found this letter to editor Eugene Mallove from then Senator Bob Dole.

Notice “the anonymous contributor” that prompted Senator Dole to write. Perhaps a letter, a book, a conversation, a video, might yet turn on a light today in DC, or your hometown.

Senator Bob Dole

The loss of wildlife and marine species, a generation of young people with few opportunities, the elderly living on flyspecks in a world they don’t understand; in a vast universe of potential, is this the best humans can do?

Demand access to clean energy.

Demand jobs with integrity and purpose.

Demand the tools to empower your local community.

And make your demands clear to the people who serve at our pleasure.

We have the power; we have only to use it.

Congressional committee’s are next….http://www.contactingthecongress.org/

Cold Fusion Now!

Edmund Storms on “Federal Support and the ‘Rossi Effect’

The testing of Andrea A. Rossi’s 1 Megawatt proto-type nickel-hydrogen reactor is underway in Bologna, Italy. Reportedly conducted for a customer from the US, there is limited access to the private event, although Sterling D. Allan from Pure Energy Systems is attending and will be posting his impressions here on E-Day: Tracking the 1MW Test.

What is 1 Megawatt? This article from Hank Mills and Mr. Allan describes it in easy to understand language. Given an average electrical usage of between 1 and 1.5 kiloWatts per home, a 1 MegaWatt unit producing electricity could power between 750 and 1000 homes.

It should be noted that Mr. Rossi’s reactor is a thermal energy device that produces steam heat and not electricity. However, as a first step in a revolutionary new energy technology, this is the beginning of an era for the development of ultra-clean power from hydrogen.

While negative press continue to prejudice this science, the effect of Mr. Rossi’s demonstrations technology has increased the level of awareness in the public about cold fusion research.

Here Edmund Storms talks about how a commercially available device will affect the attitudes in the political class.

Mitchell Swartz of Jet Energy, a cold fusion research company that has developed the Phusor and Nanor reactor, has put together some quotes made by accomplished individuals that reveal bias towards the new, the unfamiliar, the revolutionary, for even the smartest people can’t always imagine what’s possible.

Consider this statement:

“There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.”
Ken Olson Chairman and founder Digital Equipment Corporation from 1977

Cold Fusion Now!


Related Links

How much is One (1) Megawatt? by Hank Mills and Sterling D. Allan from PESN

Skeptic Quotes Through History collected by Dr. Mitchell Swartz Cold Fusion Times

Edmund Storms on “Transition”

The graph of the Oil Age shows a thin blip in geological time with an Era of Cold Fusion for the future – and a “little” space between them.

Oil Age and the Era of Cold Fusion
The Oil Age is a blip. Cold fusion can take humanity beyond what can be foreseen.

The transition from dirty fossil fuels and today’s dangerous nuclear power plants into clean cold fusion will entail the dismantling of an entire infrastructure core to the economy and culture of the world, and particularly for the Western nations.

The scale and reach are staggering.

What would a transition narrative look like? Edmund Storms, LENR researcher and author of The Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction has thought about these issues for two decades, and has some compelling scenarios.

We spoke with Dr. Storms this past August and this is what he had to say on “Transition”.

Related Links

Oil Age lasted a century; Era of Cold Fusion to fuel millenia by Ruby Carat from Cold Fusion Now October 19, 2011

The Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction by Edmund Storms from World Scientific Books

Edmund Storms Kiva Labs YouTube channel

Edmund Storms on the Rossi device: “There will be a stampede.” portions of James Martinez March 1 interview transcribed by Ruby Carat from Cold Fusion Now March 4, 2011

Cold Fusion Energy, Inc. debuts at World Green Energy Symposium

A new company called Cold Fusion Energy, Inc has procured a booth at the World Green Energy Symposium to be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA this upcoming Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday October 19, 20, and 21.

They will be handing out information about LENR/LANR/cold fusion science and technology from a “prime location” at Booth #5 on the floor of the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Included in the giveaways will be free Cold Fusion Now stickers and printed materials compliments of Infinite-Energy magazine, a continuing supporter of cold fusion outreach events.

World Green Energy Symposium 2011Attending the Symposium will be scientists and researchers involved in green energy, sustainability experts, industry leaders and top government officials from countries around the globe. Representing the cold fusion field will be Peter Hagelstein, electrical engineer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and cold fusion theorist. Joining him are Georgy Miley, a nuclear and electrical engineer from University of Illinois, and Xing Zhong Li, a fusion physicist from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China and current President of the International Society of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science ISCMN.

All three are scheduled as speakers and have long-time experience in LENR research, including attendance and presentations at the ISCMN conferences where new-energy researchers from around the world gather to share results of their innovative work. The most recent ICCF-16 was held in Chenai, India this past February. ICCF-17 will be held in Daejeon, South Korea next August 2012.

The Symposium agenda has Peter Hagelstein leading the discussion “Cold Fusion” on Day 2 Thursday October 20 at 3:30PM Eastern time. The talks will be recorded and available on the Cold Fusion Energy, Inc blog afterwards.

Keith Owens, the CEO of Cold Fusion Energy, Inc. will also be speaking at the event. A passionate activist for a new energy paradigm, Mr. Owens recently asked the Department of Energy DOE to clarify their policy towards cold fusion research. The response, from the Office of Fusion Science, the hot fusion group, misstated the conclusion of the DOE’s 2004 review of the LENR field saying “that review reached essentially the same conclusion as the 1989 review.”

The 1989 review recommended against funding LENR/LANR/cold fusion research. However, the 2004 DOE review claimed “The nearly unanimous opinion of the reviewers was that funding agencies should entertain individual,well-designed proposals for experiments that address specific scientific issues relevant to the question of whether or not there is anomalous energy production in Pd/D systems, or whether or not D-D fusion reactions occur at energies on the order of a few eV.”

To date, not one proposal has been funded by the DOE.

While the Review states “The reviewers believed that this field would benefit from the peer-review processes associated with proposal submission to agencies and paper submission to archival journals”, conventional science journals refusal to publish cold fusion research is based on the DOE’s lack of recognition of the field, a veritable catch-22.

Mr. Owens, who says “Cold fusion is here, and needs to be taken seriously”, formed Cold Fusion Energy, Inc as a vehicle to liaison between scientists and engineers involved in cold fusion research and the business community in an effort to fund development of clean new-energy technology. Their presence at the World Green Energy Symposium is their first official exhibit, and is a result of a press contact encountered at the 2011 LANR/CF Colloquium at MIT held this past June.

If you are interested in supporting Cold Fusion Energy, Inc.’s mission, contact Keith Owens here.

Related Links

Cold Fusion Energy, Inc Conference page

2011 LANR/CF Colloquium at MIT from Jet Energy-Cold Fusion Times

International Society of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science homepage

ICCF-17 homepage

Infinite-Energy magazine homepage

History of DOE Review of LENR from LENR-CANR Library

Department of Energy policy continues to ignore revolutionary new energy by Ruby Carat from Cold Fusion Now September 20, 2011

New Energy Outreach – in the Mall! by Ruby Carat from Cold Fusion Now April 10, 2011

David J. Nagel on Ca$h Flow: A Reasoned Approach to Funding by Ruby Carat from Cold Fusion Now August 24, 2010

Proposed new currency would be backed by E-Cat energy

A new effort to address both the ensuing global economic meltdown and an impending energy revolution sparked by Andrea A. Rossi‘s E-Cat technology has been initiated by the organisation Xecnet, Ltd [visit] of the U.K.

According to their website, Xecnet is a corporate consultancy that implements the “GEM (Global Enterprise Model) in organizations”, where “company staff can learn to apply a genuinely leaderless approach in their organizations – putting the needs of all of the members of the organization at the centre of their attention in such a way that new and vital energies are released and real operational efficiencies are made.”

Rossi's Ecat
Rossi's eCat: Free Energy, Free Money, Free People by John Michell
Xecnet is also a publisher and their most recent offering is a book called Rossi’s E-Cat: Free Energy, Free Money, Free People by John Michell, which “tells the story of how this energy source was discovered, developed by inventor Andrea Rossi, how it challenges modern science and what the consequences for mankind could be. This is a discovery which heralds nothing less than the start of a new era – the year 0 PR (Post-Rossi).”

In this book the proposed new economic paradigm based on energy is described. Energy will back a Human Value Unit, or HVU where one HVU is equivalent to 400 Joules of energy.

I first heard about a monetary system based on energy credits through the work of M. King Hubbert, but never really understood how it would function in actuality. Having not yet read the book by John Michell, I asked Raymond Aitken, gatherer of news at Scoop.it’s eCat economics and friend to Xecnet‘s board of directors, to provide some background.

Mr. Aitken has “been interested in complementary currencies for some time” but only recently, through discussions with author of the book ‘Rossi’s eCat‘, that he “realized the fundamental link between energy and money, and how such an energy production system could represent a transformational paradigm-shift to a ‘new world’ of human possibility.”

I first asked Mr. Aitken, how is one Human Value Unit equated to 400 Joules of energy? He replied:

“Firstly, concerning the dominant fiat monetary system:
The present fiat monetary system creates claims on real goods and services in the economy without any real and measurable linkage to the true capacity and output of the real wealth creation process (based on available natural resources, including energy, and human know-how i.e. technology). This means that there cannot be any discipline or means to guarantee that the magnitude of such arbitrary claims (the money supply) will match a corresponding increase in real goods and services.”

“This together with the fact that such fiat money is created as debt that is loaned at compound (exponential) interest means that the Western fiat (fractional-reserve banking) system is inherently and structurally inflationary, as well as non-transparent – and therefore open to manipulation and fraud, as well as requiring spiralling exponential economic growth, to create more debt-money in order to pay the interest on previous debt-money.”

“Inflation (currency debasement, or “legal counterfeiting”) is both an invisible tax of government and the large scale fraud of private financial institutions. Interest amounts to the massive and hidden transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich, leading to debt-slavery.”

“Although the conventional economic text books describe the functions of the dominant monetary system in terms of “a medium of exchange and store of value”, it is much more used as a tool of empire (centralization of power and war) and speculation (>95% of global currency movements are for speculative purposes). This monetary system was created to serve and profit from war, including economic warfare (commodity dumping etc). Being devoid of human values, this system maximizes profit on the basis of human misery and deprivation (starvation, violence, destruction, enslavement, privatization of the commons – genes, patents, money, traditional knowledge, seeds, medicine, etc).”

Some background about the link between energy and money:
Energy is what underwrites every economic and ecological process. It is the foundation of all human wealth creation. Since money can be anything which is representative of value that can be traded for a wide range of goods and services across geographical areas, then energy itself can be used as money.”

“Unlike fiat currencies, an energy currency is a genuine commodity in universal demand, which represents the value of work already done as well as the potential of work which can be done. As a scientific unit of measure, there can be no manipulation of its value over time or place, and therefore no speculation. It can be used to scientifically stabilize and rationalize the economic process at every level. The value of commodities, services and goods can fluctuate in relation to the standard of value of an energy currency, but those fluctuations will not be speculatively driven on the monetary side (as is the case with the dominant fiat system), any fluctuations will be driven by real factors of cost and demand.”

“An energy currency easily translates into energy accounting, and therefore provides a more accurate and complete analysis of economic output and resource consumption, so it would not be possible to exclude the full human-social and ecological costs of any economic activity in the accounts, as it the case with the present system. Since no one nation or corporation can “own” energy as a currency, it will represent the first genuine international and non-political monetary system.”

Why 1 HVU = 400 Joules of Energy:
The Human Value Unit (HVU) as a monetary measure of value was first proposed by a man called Harold who has since died. Harold’s purpose was to address the fact that our monetary system had become completely divorced from human values, and his proposition was to anchor the monetary standard of value on the daily food requirement of a human being, so that the behavior and decisions of users of money would be influenced by this humane-based measure.”

“Strange as it seems, complementary currencies have already proven how the innate values of a currency can dramatically influence the behavior of its users, even if they are unaware of monetary technicalities. Perhaps because the circulation of money represents the actualization of human relationships, then the way in which the money is created and put into circulation will color those relationships (competitive vs. cooperative etc). After much research Harold eventually settled on a scientific value of energy that was equivalent the daily human food requirement – 400 Joules.”

“The concept of the HVU relative to the creation of a complementary energy-backed global monetary system, which will belong to its users (and not to a private banking cartel that controls central government) – “a currency by the people for the people” is still at an early stage of development. We are therefore in the process of developing a global network of people who are committed to harnessing the monetary implications of the eCat to create a new money and finance system based on energy that can serve humanity, which includes restoring the ecological integrity of the planet.” —Raymond Aitken

In a practical sense, I asked how one would spend the HVUs? And when I spent them all, how would I get more?

“The HVUs do not need to be spent”, wrote Mr. Aitken, “they are a monetary-energy equivalence, when you buy an Ecat at say $500, then the accounting is in HVUs but you need to spend dollars to buy the HVUs which are then used to purchase the eCat.”

“Because the HVUs are based on energy-systems bought, as the value of the US Dollar goes down against energy, as it must due to Quantitative Easing (QE) etc, the value of dollars diminishes relative to the HVUs, and therefore you will need more dollars to buy the HVUs. You can always go online and buy more – we are putting a HVU-based online banking system in place.”

“Given that the technological and economic implications of the eCat are “paradigm-shifting”, the understanding of us all is necessarily in a flux of evolution, which is why Xecnet is organizing a first seminar in London this November. We need to bring together experts in economics and energy science to create a new economic approach that is grounded in genuine science, and not based on the obtuse quackery of the fraudulent monetary magicians. (It was the last chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, who said “if you can understand what I am saying, I’m not making myself clear”!).”

Mr. Aitken continued with some personal reflections:

“Perhaps the most important and urgent matter is how can a complementary currency approach provide a way of financing the commercialization of Rossi’s technology? If the commercialization of Rossi’s technology depends on the corporate fiat monetary system, then it’s availability for the greater good of humankind could be distorted, in accordance with the narrow commercial and political interests of this ‘corporatocracy’.”

“We can imagine creating an investment fund for the commercialization of Rossi’s technology using a “crowd funding” approach, which is what Xecnet are trying to do with their planetpay.com site.”

“At this stage they only intend to gather pledges, to see if the financial potential from small investors around the world is large enough to represent a sufficient financial partner for Rossi, so that he can at least have a stronger negotiating position with prospective corporate investors, and if possible, to be able to commercialize his technology independently of corporate finance on a more equitable basis for the common good of humanity.”

“At some point the pledges would be converted to actual deposits of fiat money, which could be used to manufacture and distribute the first generation of eCats. During this initial stage, any HVU’s (as a complementary currency) would be backed by the fiat money held on deposit for orders worldwide. Since people would be “buying” HVU’s with fiat currency, and since the standard of value of the HVU’s would be fixed to energy (400 Joules), it would not be subject to inflation in the fiat monetary system.”

“Fiat money deposited on account, in exchange of HVU’s would act as a “store of value” (in competition to commodities like gold), which might bring in more and larger deposits of fiat money during the first phase of the fund. The ideal for this phase one would be the accumulation of a sufficiently large investment fund in fiat currency to commercialize Rossi’s technology worldwide, independently of the conventional banking system.”

“Once Rossi’s industrial eCats are commercially available, we can imagine using the same fund to establish energy production enterprises on a cooperative basis. Each energy production enterprise would serve a local-regional economic area, and would represent the phase of creating a genuine energy-based complementary monetary system to serve the specific needs and potential of any given local-regional economy, in accordance with human values and local ecological integrity.”

“The energy production enterprise would also function as a new type of local economic development bank, which would put into circulation an interest-free energy-backed currency to facilitate trade and provide working capital for local enterprises (thereby generating work), as well as the creation of investment finance (equity-based) for the development of new or existing enterprises and maintenance or creation of social capital (education and training) and material capital (physical assets and infrastructures).”

“To avoid any conflict of interest, this “bank” would be owned by its users (cooperative legal structure), who would appoint professionals to manage it. We can imagine the establishment and operation of such an “energy production bank” using a financial strategy based on the historical example of the Wara [1] energy monetization approach.”

“By the local energy production enterprise paying its workers and local suppliers in an energy-backed complementary currency, these monetary (exchange) units would enter into local economic circulation. With a demurrage charge on the demand-accounts above a certain level, HVU’s would be transferred to saving-accounts, which would create the basis of the finance part of the system. The HVU would only exist as an electronic currency, and would circulate via mobile phone, smart card and Internet devices. The required transactional platform already exists as an open-source software, called Cyclos.”

Ambitious? Most certainly.

I can’t say I completely understand energy units yet, but I certainly look forward to learning more.

What’s most encouraging is the wave of participation among peoples around the globe in response to the E-Cat demonstrations. Andrea Rossi has ignited something much more than a thermal energy device; he’s started a transformation of minds that are now busily preparing for a new kind of world, a world where people work together cooperatively based on abundant clean energy for all.

There will be fits and starts; there will be successes and failures. But, like the best strategies for long-term investing, we will ignore the noise, and focus our efforts on the big picture: there is now an open door and we can see a path forward.

We have a new clean energy technology.

Let’s not fixate on the deficiencies, but strengthen and raise the positives.

Cold Fusion Now!

[1] The ‘Wara’ system was implemented in a small town in Germany in the early 1920’s. At the time, Germany was experiencing a complete collapse of their national currency with the value plummeting to near worthlessness. During this time, Dr. Hebecker, an owner of a coal mine in the town of Schwanenkirchen, convinced his workers to accept 90% of their wages in a complementary currency called ‘Wara,’ or he would be forced to close the mine. He agreed initially to provide food that they could purchase with their ‘Wara,’ which means ‘commodity money’ in German. He also stated that the money was backed by the coal inventory. The Wara itself was paper money that also incorporated the small monthly stamp fee to prevent hoarding and encourage circulation. The Wara was immediately successful in saving the coal mine and in saving the entire town of Schwanenkirchen. Over the next several years, the circulation of the Wara spread dramatically throughout Germany and over 2000 corporations began using the new complementary currency. However, the central bank considered the Wara to be too successful and even thought it was an inflationary threat although its value was tied to the value of coal. In October 1931, the Minister of Finance declared that the Wara was illegal thus ending the success.

Related Links

Rossi’s E-cat: Free Energy, Free Money, Free People by John Michell from publisher Xecnet

Xecnet, Ltd. http://www.xecnet.co.uk/

eCat economics from Scoop.it

Technocrat: “No-money society” uses energy credits. by Ruby Carat April 8, 2011

M. King Hubbert on nuclear energy. by Ruby Carat March 22, 2011
