Stanley Pons’ Preface from J.P. Biberian’s La Fusion dans Tous ses États translated

Stanley Pons, co-discoverer of cold fusion, left the United States in 1991 amidst an unprecedented assault. Physicists wedded to the 100-year-old standard model of nuclear theory, and whose funding would be jeopardized by this seemingly simpler approach to energy production, ‘threw tantrums’ and attacked with vehemence.

Steven E. Koonin, who left Caltech Institute to work for BP Oil and later became the U.S. Under-Secretary of Energy 2009-2011, Robert Park, then-Director of Public Information for the American Physical Society and author of Voodoo Science, and John Huizenga, co-Chair of the Department of Energy panel charged with evaluating the scientific claims and author of Cold Fusion: The Scientific Fiasco of the Century, were just a few of the men who used their authority to create a myth that ultimately denied funding to anyone interested in researching the Fleischmann-Pons Effect (FPE) of excess heat, and to blacklist all scientific papers on the topic from mainstream publication.

Sheila Pons documented the absurd melee in her editorial ‘Fusion frenzy’ stymies research published in the Deseret News March 28, 1990. For the Pons family, as well as the Fleischmanns, the emotional cost was great.

A new laboratory in the south of France funded by Minoru Toyoda, of the Toyota Corporation fame, was set up to continue research. The Institute of Minoru Research Advancement (IMRA) provided a peaceful, supportive setting for the embattled scientists to work.

Dr. Pons describes his early experience in France in the Preface to La Fusion dans Tous ses États: Fusion Froide, ITER, Alchimie, Transmutations Biologiques (Fusion in All Its Forms: Cold Fusion, ITER, Alchemy, Biological Transmutations) by Dr. Jean-Paul Biberian. Published last December 2012 in French, a new English version is expected later this year.

Dr. Biberian has worked on cold fusion cells for the past two-decades at the University of Marseille Luminy where he was a physics professor until retirement last summer. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science published by the International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ISCMNS).

From the French version, he wrote:
À l’annonce de la découverte de la fusion froide, en 1989, l’ensemble du monde scientifique entre en ébullition. Il serait donc possible de produire de l’énergie illimitée à moindres frais ? Dans de nombreux laboratoires, connus ou inconnus, réputés ou non, chacun tente de reproduire l’expérience dont tout le monde parle. J’ai fait partie de ces pionniers, de cette aventure prometteuse extraordinaire. Mais la fusion froide ne s’est pas faite en un jour.

Laissez-moi vous raconter la petite et la grande histoire, humaine et scientifique, alchimique et biologique, de la fusion froide. Une histoire qui me passionne et qui se poursuit aujourd’hui…

with a Google translation:
At the announcement of the discovery of cold fusion in 1989, the entire scientific world boils. Is it possible to produce unlimited energy at a lower cost? In many laboratories, known or unknown, ‘deemed’ or not, everyone tries to replicate the experience the world speaks of. I was one of the pioneers of this extraordinary, promising adventure. But cold fusion was not built in a day.

Let me tell you the small and the great history, human and scientific, biological and alchemical, of cold fusion. A story that fascinates me and that continues today …Jean-Paul Biberian La Fusion dans Tous ses États: Fusion Froide, ITER, Alchimie, Transmutations Biologiques (Fusion in All Its Forms: Cold Fusion, ITER, Alchemy, Biological Transmutations)

Dr. Biberian has been a colleague and friend to Stanley Pons since they first met in 1993 at the IMRA lab.

Infinity Energy Magazine has obtained special rights to publish the translation to English of Stanley Pons‘ Preface and has made it freely available to the public. [ download .pdf]

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Edmund Storms at NPA-19: What is cold fusion and why should you care? video August 7, 2012

Too Close to the Sun: 1994 BBC documentary profiles early history of ‘cold fusion underground’ June 7, 2012

World Wide Lab September 18, 2011

Cold Fusion, Derided in U.S., Is Hot In Japan by Andrew J. Pollack NYTimes November 17, 1992

Video: 1989 Steven E. Koonin “we are suffering the incompetence and perhaps delusion of …. New Energy Times

Life at the Center of the Energy Crisis: A Technologist’s Search for a Black Swan by George H. Miley

cover-image-9789814436489_p0_v1_s260x420Published by World Scientific, Life at the Center of the Energy Crisis: A Technologist’s Search for a Black Swan by Dr. George H. Miley describes “the story of the author’s work and struggles in the field of energy research.”

Dr. Miley is Professor Emeritus at the University Of Illinois Urbana-Champagne (UIUC) in the Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering, and, he was one of the few plasma scientists who considered seriously the possibility of nuclear reactions taking place in a solid metal at low-temperatures after the announcement of Drs. Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons.

As Director of the Fusion Studies Lab at UIUC, he has engaged students (though he will say his students engaged him!) in cold fusion research, also called low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) since 1989.

When virtually all other mainstream scientific journals refused to accept them, he as a founding editor of the American Nuclear Society’s (ANS) Fusion Science and Technology was singular in allowing publication of blacklisted cold fusion research papers.

From the World Scientific site:

The author’s experience in the field spans from work with Admiral Rickover and the Nuclear Navy to research with NASA designing propulsion for spacecraft to travel to Mars. The book provides insights into the differences between nuclear research done during the Cold War by the two superpowers, and offers a commentary on the flaws in each system with hope for change in the future. The book also provides a look into the development of the nuclear engineering program at the University of Illinois from the author’s years as a professor and an administrator.

The recipient of numerous awards, Dr. Miley has been a Guggenheim Fellow and held a senior NATO fellowship. He holds six patents, and has most recently been involved in a new-energy start-up LENUCO, a company formed to develop a heat-source for energy production based on metallic-hydride reactions.

Earlier this year, LENUCO lost a crowd-voting contest in a bid for a presentation spot before venture capitalists held by Future Energy. The LEN-GEN Module followed the design Miley presented before rocket scientists at last year’s NETS conference. He continues to develop plasma solutions for multiple applications including space-drive with Nuclear Plasma Laboratories Associates, Inc., another company based in Illinois.

The book’s Foreword is by Dr. Heinz Hora, Professor Emeritus of University of New South Wales and long-time collaborator with Dr. Miley on theoretical models of LENR. In my interview with Dr. Miley during the 2012 NETS conference, I profiled some of their work.

Table of Contents

Foreword [.pdf]
Why a “Black Swan”?
Living at the Center of the Energy Crisis
Timeline and Apology
Early Days and Searching for a Starting Path [.pdf]
Burnable Poison Control for Nuclear Submarine Reactors
Nuclear Pulse Propagation and Fission Reactor Kinetics
Nuclear Pumped Laser (NPL) Research
Direct Electron Beam Pumped Laser
Advanced Lasers
Alpha Particle Effects in Thermonuclear Fusion Devices
Alternate Fusion Concepts
Advanced Fuel Fusion and Direct Energy Conversion
Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF)
Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (IEC) Fusion
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR)
Hydrogen Economy and Fuel Cells
Fusion Propulsion and Space Colonization
Nuclear Batteries
Computation and Theory
Nuclear Power Plant Safety and the Illinois Low-Level Waste Site
Teaching, Education, and University Administration
Creation of a Small Company, NPL Associates, Inc.
Where Am I in the Search? What Have I Found?
Concluding Comments
Timeline of Events

The contents are suitable for undergraduates and PhDs, as well as anyone in the public interested in the history of the field.

Buy George H. Miley’s book from World Scientific or from Amazon


New Book Tells of Miley’s Career, Energy Crisis

Book on exotic energy features LENR

A new book published this year by Inner Traditions and Bear & Company features exotic energy technologies including cold fusion, also called low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR).

Infinite Energy Technologies: Tesla, Cold Fusion, Antigravity, and the Future of Sustainability is edited by Finley Eversole, Ph.D and includes chapters on “clean, sustainable energy solutions from the geniuses of our past and the visionaries of our future” authored by the leading new-energy technologists and writers today.

infinite-energy-technologies-9781594773808Described by the back cover copy,

As the global need for clean, renewable energy grows and the shortage of viable large-scale solutions continues, it is time to look to the geniuses of our past and the visionaries of our future for answers. Taking inspiration from Albert Einstein’s statement that “problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them,” Finley Eversole explains that the key to a pollution- and poverty-free future of infinite energy lies not in pursuing one single method but in investigating all the possibilities–in uniting as a world in creative pursuit of global transformation.

Exploring five nearly unknown geniuses of our past–John Worrell Keely, Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger, Royal Raymond Rife, and T. Townsend Brown–and their revolutionary discoveries about free energy, electricity, water vortex motion, electric ray and super-microscope technology, and antigravity, this book helps to restore their long-suppressed scientific legacies and bring us one step closer to the destiny they foresaw. Eversole has gathered research from leading experts on cold fusion, zero-point energy, power from water, and the free-energy potential of the Searl Effect Generator to reveal technologies that work with Nature’s laws and that, if fully implemented, could establish sustainable energy systems in a single generation.Infinite Energy Technologies: Tesla, Cold Fusion, Antigravity, and the Future of Sustainability [link]

***Support Eugene Mallove‘s New Energy Foundation and buy this book here.***

The Table of Contents
Foreword … John L. Petersen
Introduction … Finley Eversole, Ph.D.

Part 1 Back to the Future: The Legacy of the Visionaries

1 Nikola Tesla: Electrical Savant … Marc J. Seifer, Ph.D.
2 John Worrell Keely: Free-Energy Pioneer–a New Chapter …Theo Paijmans
3 Viktor Schauberger: A Brief Overview of His Theories on Energy, Motion, and Water … Callum Coats
4 Royal Raymond Rife: The Fate of Compassion and the Cancer Cure That Worked … Gerry Vassilatos
5 T. Townsend Brown: The Suppression of Antigravity Technology … Jeane Manning

Part 2 Infinite Energy: A New Science for a Pollution-Free World

6 The Sustainable Technology Solution Revolution: A Universal Appeal … Brian O’Leary, Ph.D.
7 Power for the People–From Water … Jeane Manning
8 Imagine a Free-Energy Future for All of Humanity … Steven M. Greer, M.D.
9 Energy Technologies for the Twenty-first Century … Theodore C. Loder III, Ph.D.
10 Harnessing Nature’s Free Energy: The Searl Effect Generator … John R. R. Searl and John A. Thomas Jr.
11 Cold Fusion: The End to Conventional Energy and the Start of Social Reorganization … Edmund Storms, Ph.D.
12 Zero Point Energy Can Power the Future … Thomas Valone, Ph.D., P.E.
Afterword … Brian O’Leary, Ph.D.

Appendix A The Four Occupations of Planet Earth … Tom Engelhardt
Appendix B Evidence of Cosmic Community … Finley Eversole, Ph.D.
Appendix C The Earth Charter
Additional Resources

The 400-page paperpack has 74 black & white illustrations. An excerpt from Chapter 5 by Jeane Manning is available here or as a downloadable .pdf

With humanity facing the dismaying prospects of global ecological collapse and geopolitical chaos, there is an urgent need for clear solutions-based guidance that penetrates our dulled consciousness and pulls us back from the precipice. Infinite Energy Technologies delivers such guidance. Through a powerfully resonant combination of new energy science, societal analysis, and spiritual insight, Finley Eversole’s compilation shakes us awake from our dangerous stupor. The wise voices in this anthology make a compelling case for the immediate embrace of a new wave of energy technologies that is key to launching an era of shared abundance, planetary healing, and unprecedented creativity. I pray that millions will heed this call for action without delay and lead the transformation so desperately needed on our imperiled planet.” —Joel Garbon, President of New Energy Movement and coauthor of Breakthrough Power


Frank Znidarsic on fossil fuels and next-generation energy: “As one door closes, another opens”

Photo: Frank Znidarsic at George Miley’s lab.

His grandfather was a farmer who immigrated to America claiming to be a coal miner, but grandpa knew nothing about coal. He did know that the growing nation needed miners to extract the newly discovered cache of carbonaceous fuel, so he did what he had to, and settled in Pennsylvania coal country. His grandson Frank Znidarsic still lives there, working in the Pennsylvania energy industry, a third-generation coal miner whose own father left this world with a bad case of black lung.

When Znidarsic writes about coal mining, and the environmental damage it causes, he does so authoritatively. Now an engineer and author, Znidarsic was the first in his family to go to college, but he labored deep underground in the mines before landing a series of jobs above-ground in the power plants that burn fossil-fuels. The second edition of his book Elementary Anti-Gravity II is almost mistitled, for the first half of the book is a condensed survey of the major sources of energy in use today from the perspective of a miner and engineer who has worked directly in the field.

The world’s current power source is met just about wholly by burning fossil-fuels like coal, natural gas, and oil. Describing each of these fuels by its method of extraction and the processing needed for commercialization, he also shows how these techniques are leaving an ecological disaster for generations to come, though he seems willing to lose the battle in order to win the war. In weighing the consequences of extracting natural gas with the ecological damage it causes, Znidarsic supports the use of natural gas over coal.

Frank Znidarsic monitors smokestack emissions in 2011.
If you are interested in what kinds of pollution are emitted by coal-fired power plants, and the complex solutions attempting to make the emissions cleaner, this book gives a concise summary of the current methods applied to this problem. He describes how costly clean coal technologies are not quite the bargain they are advertised as.

Not limited to fossil-fuels, Znidarsic also describes a brief history of nuclear accidents, including the Fukushima-Daichi Reactor #4 explosion. Referencing M. King Hubbert‘s landmark June 1956 thesis of Peak Oil in which he predicted that nuclear power would provide Earth with a technological future, Znidarsic states that cold fusion will supplant any near-future hot-fusion technology, quoting as support Jed Rothwell‘s observation that “the introduction of a new technology often follows major advances within an existing technology”.

Frank Znidarsic and Yuri Potapov at Los Alamos
Marshall McLuhan describes this as technological reversal, when one technology “flips” into another through speed-up, the way a series of photographs, brought together in rapid succession form a movie.

William Draper Harkins gives personification to this idea. Born in Titusville, Pennsylvania where the American Oil Age began, he suggested that we might get our energy by the fusion of four hydrogen atoms to make a helium atom, using Albert Einstein‘s mass-to-energy equivalence.

The second half of Elementary Anti-Gravity II is a modern science lesson, including the associated math to derive the quantum condition for cold fusion to occur. Students of physics will enjoy his algebraic derivations and the unique perspective on quantum mechanics and relativity, as well as the answer to how anti-gravity fits in.

Frank Znidarsic graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering in 1975. He is currently a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of Pennsylvania. In the 1980’s, he went on to obtain an A.S in Business Administration at St. Francis College. He studied physics at the University of Indiana in the 1990’s. Frank has been employed as an Engineer in the steel, mining, and utility industries. Frank has been investigating new sources of energy for twenty years. His papers have been published in numerous places including Infinite Energy Magazine and the Journal of New Energy. His work was documented in a series of videos by Seattle4Truth which you can view here.

Q&A with Frank Znidarsic

CFN You have been working in the fossil-fuel industry for years. What is your current position and what kinds of things do you do in your job today?

FZ Today I am retired, however, I am looking for commissioning contracts at power plants.

CFN Can you describe how energy returns from fossil fuels have decreased over the last century?

FZ Yes, the returns on energy were larger when the environmental costs were not considered. We use so much energy today that the environmental costs are paramount. We cannot go back to the old way of doing things, and clean energy is expensive.

CFN Talk a little about the environmental damages caused by mining practices. Is it possible to clean up the damage, and restore habitat to wildlife?

FZ Yes, strip mines can be reclaimed and water can be treated. However, I don’t believe that it is possible to restore lost streams and wells, or to stop the flow of acid water from abandoned mines. And no one really knows what all of the carbon that was released into the atmosphere will eventually do.

CFN Fracking pollutes water tables to the degree that some water supplies are combustible, and can be lit on fire right out of the tap. Wildlife has died as a result of poisonous chemicals that the industry has been allowed to keep secret. Yet it’s true that natural gas burns cleaner than coal or oil. Do you really think the benefits of natural gas outweigh the damages?

FZ Yes. Gas produces half the amount of carbon dioxide per kilowatt and the majority of the deep gas wells have caused no problems at all. I am hoping that the new wells remain in production for a long time.

CFN You’ve stated that carbon-capturing systems for coal-fired power plants can use as much as 25% of the power generated by that coal. What do you see is the future of clean coal?

FZ The price of natural gas has been unstable. Unstable prices upset the investment markets. The price of coal has been stable. On this basis, the use of coal must be continued. I don’t know if our economy can sustain the costs associated with carbon capture. I am not sure that the Earth can sustain its environment without it.

CFN Can you describe your idea of cold fusion in layman’s terms? How does this relate to anti-gravity?

FZ Yes, just as soft iron increases the strength of the electromagnetic field, the active areas in a cold fusion cell appear to increase the magnetic component of the strong nuclear force. This force is known as the nuclear spin orbit force. This increased spin orbit component tends to flip nucleons and induce Beta decays. Remarkably the same condition seems to increase the intensity of the gravitomagnetic field. I have found that this condition is fundamental to the quantum jump. I am anxiously awaiting comments on my Amazon book page.

CFN How sure are you that cold fusion will be able to provide power to the planet for a technological human future? What time-frame are we looking at, years or decades?

FZ It hard to say when could fusion technology may emerge. I have been waiting since 1989. In comparison, the production of deep natural gas arrived quickly and surprised many in the energy industry.

As with any revolutionary technology, the result rides on the shoulders of the prior work of others. The technology has now reached a point were experiment, theory, and finance are coming together. I am hoping that Dr. George Miley or Andrea Rossi will surprise us soon with commercial units. I expect commercial cold fusion products within five years.

CFN Thank-you!

FZ My pleasure.

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Q&A with Douglas R. McAllister: Mayor Pro-tem and Cold Fusion Author

Douglas R. McAllister is the Mayor Pro-tem of Murrieta, California, but he’s also the author of a novel with cold fusion technology at the center of the plot.

The suspense story is described on the official author website:

“In a world desperately in need of new energy sources, this fascinating scientific thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat. In 1989, two scientists announce they have created a cold fusion reaction. The public is thrilled at the prospect of a better option than oil. Mysteriously, the success could not be duplicated. A disappointed world deemed the project a failure. But was it?”

We may know the answer to that question, but we contacted the author to find out more about this elected official who’s explored a vision of the future where cold fusion is a reality.

The Sovereign Principles
The Sovereign Principles by Douglas R.McAllister
Q&A with Douglas R.McAllister

CFN What prompted you to start writing this novel?

DM I have always loved to write. Twenty years ago I decided to ‘just do it’ if only for the fun of it. Though I published 20 years later, it took only approximately a couple of years of actual working on the manuscript.

CFN Without giving it all away, can you tell us a little about the story? How does cold fusion fit in?

DM If there was a sub-title, it would be “The Consequence of Compromise.” The book is centered on domestic terrorism. In this case, a billionaire with a score to settle with America infiltrates a top secret effort to create a commercially viable form of cold fusion. Once he has control, he intends to use that technology as leverage to have his way with the world in general, and America in particular. The sub plots center around the complicated Dr. James Sovereign, his personal and professional life…not to mention hints of a life very few know about…and the mistake the billionaire makes when he attacks Sovereign’s family. Jim has learned first hand the consequence of compromise and has two children that hate him for it. In the end, it is that relationship that is the billionaire’s undoing…

CFN How did your idea of the story develop?

DM I like to start with real historical events and then ‘fill in the blanks,’ fictionalizing them under the category of ‘what if.’ In this case, it was all the hooplah over the claim in Utah in 1989 that a room temperature reaction of fusion had been achieved. It was reported to be false…but what if it really wasn’t….? From there I pulled upon areas of personal interest and created the plot that would highlight how the world would be changed with such an energy source…and why that was important. It was important to me to keep it authentic without getting so far down into the weeds to muddy the pace of the story. For this work, the plot seemed to develop as I wrote. It has multiple story lines that seem unrelated but all prove to be interrelated…so pay attention :0).

CFN Who did you write this book for? Who is your audience?

DM Originally I wrote it for me. I have always enjoyed writing and about 20 years ago I found myself in Australia with some time on my hands after a very nasty divorce. I guess you could say the project started out as therapy, but in the process it developed into a work of its own completely divorced (pardon the pun) from its original inspiration. Over the years it has taken on various iterations. It wasn’t until about two years ago, though, that I decided to see if I could get a publisher.

CFN What does the title of the book mean to you?

DM It is a bit of a play on words. The main character’s name is Jim Sovereign. The principles are those that his father, Richard Sovereign, taught him before he died. However, the principles themselves, in real life, are fairly ‘sovereign’ in that they apply pretty much universally.

CFN What is the significance of the gold sovereign on the front of the book?

DM The Gold Sovereign on the cover is meant to represent several things. The most obvious is the name of the main character. However, the ‘value’ of the coin speaks to the financial impact Cold Fusion could have on the world. It sits in a sea of oil representing the ‘context’ out of which successful Cold Fusion technology would proceed to change the world. Using the coin to represent both the financial side and the main character is indicative of how the two issues cross paths in the process of the story.

CFN It was reported that you are currently writing a sequel. How is that progressing?

DM Yes, I am. It is called The Sovereign Politic. It is a sequel, picking up where Principles lets off. Principles was set primarily in Australia, but Politic will be set in the States, specifically Murrieta, CA. The sub-title is “All Politics is Local.” In this work I will wrap around the main plot authentic discussions of issues that government on ‘the Hill’ deal with theoretically that we on the local level deal with in real time. The primary plot will center around North Korea and a terrorist attack. I have the story mapped out in detail and while I am still doing research, I have started writing. This one is going to be a lot of fun, but I hope will also be important.

CFN Do you actively talk with people about cold fusion? How do people react when you talk to them about cold fusion?

DM Yes, I do…for the most part they don’t know the difference between fusion and fission. I try to educate and hope that my book will be an entertaining enough read that it will once again get folks focused in the direction of cold fusion for the future.

CFN What are some of the biggest impacts that you see coming from this technology?

DM Other than change the world as we know it, including the balance of economic power…you’ll need to read my book… :0)

CFN Are you aware of the new upcoming documentary The Believers? Do you feel that the public is becoming more aware of this despite the mainstream media’s lack of coverage?

DM No, I’m not, but now that I know about it, I look forward to it. I am investigating a plot line that would continue the discussion of cold fusion in the sequel, so any information I can find would be helpful.

CFN What is your opinion of the investment made in this technology so far? What are your thoughts on the recent developments involving the first commercial device invented by Andrea A. Rossi?

DM Any investment is money well spent, given the potential and positive impacts of success. I am not aware of this device, but I will ‘study up’ as per my answer to the previous question. I will definitely look into the recent developments as that will play into the next installment.

CFN How does being an author and an elected official for a city like Murrieta combine together in your life? When do you find time to write?

DM The combination makes for a very interesting calendar. I actually have two very compatible but separate full time jobs on top of my writing: Elected official and an executive with a multi-national telecommunications company. Finding the time to write is a challenge. Early mornings. Late at night. On planes… wherever and whenever I can find a chunk of time long enough to get into the mode. Working on the second installment, The Sovereign Politic that picks up where Principles leaves off, may take a while, but I am confident it will be a very satisfying sequel. I know I’m having a blast writing it! And as for the elected office and writing, for this second book I am able to do research 24/7 as I go about my day. And believe me, I see the best and the worst of politics. So there are intriguing plot lines to be explored…

I think one of the most enjoyable parts of creating new worlds and vision through writing is the research. I learn so much in the process of my efforts to make sure the story is authentic. To that end, I am looking forward to taking advantage of the resources I’ve discovered from your site to further expand on the future of Cold Fusion in a way that will get the attention of the reader. Perhaps through your work and my books we can get Cold Fusion back on the front page again…

CFN As Mayor Pro-tem, do you think Murrieta, California will be one of the first cities in the US to purchase a cold fusion device?

DM If I have my way, yes!

The Sovereign Principles by Douglas R. McAllister.

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