Forecast: Cold on 10/10/10

Science just isn’t cool. The last time science was kind of cool seemed to be in the 90s, when computer hacking punched through pop culture. Who can forget Angelina Jolie as the sexy-smart soon-to-be MIT student in Hackers?

But today, environmentalism is cool. And although many environmentalists could use a dose of science, it’s true enough that science could use a good dose of environmentalism.

So Cold Fusion Now will holding an action event coordinated with, a group dedicated to reducing CO2 in the atmosphere below 350 ppm. On 10/10/10, is sponsoring a Global Work Party to highlight climate change and our politician’s lack of response with leadership in this area.

There will be tree plantings, city clean-ups, solar stove installations – all kinds of actions and events around the planet – and Cold Fusion Now has signed up to participate. After all, what energy-producing technologies promise the kind of kick that cold fusion could deliver with practically zero emissions?

We’ll be giving out free Cold Fusion Now stickers with FAQ/information cards about low-energy nuclear reactions, like “What is cold fusion?” etc. We’ll be making some posters for a table, and heck, if I can get some more books (I’ve given all I had away!), we’ll have those out as well.

Think about your own event for 10/10/10. What could you do to change our energy paradigm? If you’ve got something in mind, no matter how small, go to and post your event. The more people see the words, the closer we get to putting this science at Top Priority, where it should rightly be.

Look up our zip code 95501 on their event finder and check out our Cold Fusion Now event updates page. I can’t wait!

Cold fusion cracks Wall Street

Oliver Stone‘s new movie Wall Street Money Never Sleeps has a cold fusion twist!

From the USA Today release:

Enter hot young trader Jacob (Shia LaBeouf), the fiancé of Gekko’s estranged daughter Winnie (Carey Mulligan). Jacob, a specialist in alternative-energy investments, has a score to settle with the head of another investment bank (Josh Brolin) and a cause: a cold-fusion company that needs a cash infusion.

Wow. Two things I love coming together! Wall Street (the movie) and cold-fusion funding! Awww…it’s probably in a minor way, but heck – the MEME IS SPREADING!

Here’s a link to CNBC FastMoney, which doesn’t even mention any cold fusion aspect, but DOES have a fabulous exchange with Oliver Stone and the Fast Money crew.

I really can’t wait to see this movie now. But first – who knows where I can contact Oliver Stone??? He needs some Cold Fusion Now stickers!

We don’t know what can’t be done

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it”.  That’s how Vinod Khosla, in quoting Alan Kay, perceives our energy unknowns.

A friend of mine sent me an audio file from the founder of Menlo Park venture capital firm Khosla Ventures.  It’s from a while ago, but still relevant as ever.  Download the .mp3 or listen online here.

Now we have only recently understood the difference between i) funding in basic research and ii) funding for engineering and product development.  And yes, this fellow’s portfolio is mostly on the development side.

BUT check out the Seed Fund page on the Khosla Ventures website.  There MUST exist cold fusion projects that can meet this criteria.

Here’s a quote from Vinod:

It may be hard to wrap a plan or even an application around a significant technology breakthrough or science experiment. But just because we cannot quantify an opportunity does not mean it is not a real or a large one. Big technical breakthroughs do not lend themselves to spreadsheet analysis or IRR calculations, but we will often take the risk if it feels right. Even a technology with 90 percent probability of failure may be worth doing if there is a 10 percent chance of massive impact in a large, important market.” 
Khosla Ventures

Do you have a scientific breakthrough?  YES.
Why is now the right time?  BECAUSE WE WON’T SURVIVE OTHERWISE.
Continue compelling argument….

From their Submit business plan page:

If your plan fits our investment criteria, we would like to hear from you.

The plan does not need to be fancy or long but should address the key points articulated in the seed and main fund sections. We like concise, 4-6 page summaries of the business plan or the presentation, addressing key questions. ……

….Every business plan within our investment areas will be reviewed. Due to the volume of plans and materials, we may take a few weeks to get back to you.

CF Scientists: There must be 4-6 pages floating on a hard drive somewhere, written during an earlier time, when energy was not so much on the front burner.

Cold Fusion Now has arrived on the scene 21 years late, and waltzed into a bog of politics and policy.  But we want this new technology (that’s not even developed yet!) and we want it yesterday.  We are on the ground writing letters, submitting requests, giving away copies of books AND talking cold fusion at every opportunity, to friends, artists, co-workers, at street fairs, flea markets, art shows, in the food store, at the pizza shop, and even just walking down the street. (Yes, we are VERY friendly!)

A little ignorance can be a good thing, because we at Cold Fusion Now don’t know what can’t be done, and we’re willing to go the distance and pound on doors trying. We hope our small blindness can open one of those doors.

Till then, o my peoples! how about contacting this fellow with a short proposal.  What do you have to lose?


Excerpt from essay at

While everyone else in the country is suffering, losing jobs, companies and businesses folding, Santa Monica is celebrating the grand opening of their 265 million dollar mall. Unreal, but it’s one for the “what were they thinking” history books, when they look back post collapse and try to put some pieces into place.

And that’s the excess that this place (Los Angeles) has. There’s so much wealth floating around, that it does just that, it floats around; the aimless shuffle of dollars back and forth. An area in America where at any given time there’s a handful of 50 million buck movies being pumped out factory style.

And technologies that can save the world, literally, struggle for 20 years to rack up a mere 100 million dollars in research and development funds. But 2 years and 250 million bones for a mall with a Nordstroms in it is cause for celebration.”

Cold fusion search: past and …future?

The search engine Time Explorer searches the past and …the future.

Here is a description of how they search articles from the New York Times for “predictions” or claims that earlier news stories had made.

Check out the Search: cold fusion – past.

On the Opinion panel to the right of the page, look at the Trend!
Well… is using the NYT…

Check out the Search: cold fusion – future.

This is still in testing stages. Read this for more about what this crew is doing.

Excerpt from “A Student’s Guide to …”

In honor of school starting, here’s Bob Neveritt reading the first part of Dr. Edmund StormsA Students Guide to Cold Fusion Chapter 4 Descriptions of the nuclear active environment. (minus a few technical symbols!)

Part I (1:02)
Bob reads Student’s Guide to Cold Fusion Chapter 4 part 1 by Cold Fusion Now

Part II (0.41)
Bob reads Student’s Guide to Cold Fusion Chapter 4 part 2 (sort of) by Cold Fusion Now
