A letter to Ed Markey

After the biggest oil disaster in US history, there was one man who relentlessly barked at both US and BP spokestrons. He is by no means a perfect politician (who is?), but Congressional Representative Ed Markey gave some comfort to those of us who watched in horror as our ocean and wildlife was assaulted, again, by reckless drilling practices. He relentlessly pursued BP to release the video showing the leak gusher at the bottom of the sea, and was seemingly The Lone Ranger in Washington, DC as he pushed for accountability from one of the largest corporations in the world.

Recently, he was at the forefront of an effort to require gas companies to disclose the chemicals they use during the practice of “fracking”. This report reveals dangerous carcinogens that are being injected into aquifers that supply drinking water to millions. (See our recent post: “What the Frack is Going On?” and read the Hydraulic Fracturing Report)

He also led a panel looking a nuclear safety in the US after the tragedy in Japan, which is still ongoing, and is a trauma that our friends in that island nation will have years, if not decades, to work through. (See our recent post: Dangers of Nuclear Fission Plants..)

But this sometime maverick, outspoken more than most about energy and the environment, has never spoken of the solution staring us right in the face – cold fusion and LENR technologies. Surely he must know. So why not speak out on this issue?

We can only speculate. But as we have learned in the past year of our existence, all the answers are complicated.

In the last year, we have written many letters to our elected officials in the US urging them to lend their support to low-energy nuclear reactions research, and find funding to fast-track the development of ultra-clean nuclear power from hydrogen.

Since we began our energy advocacy in the wake of the BP oil catastrophe, which is still not over, despite the lack of media coverage (See Project Gulf Impact and BP Oilslick), we have assimilated so much information on this topic of clean nuclear power.

And as we have learned more, we wonder now at the worth of sending letters to politicians. Does it really make a difference? Deep water permits for oil drilling in the Gulf, temporarily suspended, have been continued, and there is no evidence at all that multi-national corporations such as BP have developed any tools capable of responding to a similar disaster, which makes it only a matter of time before another one occurs. As the largest consumer of fossil fuels, the US has done little to create a clean energy policy.

Is it be better to throw our efforts at wealthy private individuals, angels, and venture capital firms, and direct that money towards the blossoming number of private companies who might rather stay under the radar of meddling politicians? Perhaps US officials get involved, they will ruin the opportunities that exist today for young scientists and start-up companies to create a new world?

We are conflicted.

In any case, though our letter writing has diminished in recent months (due to the demands of daily classroom activities), we have not stopped the activism.

We have spoken with colleagues who work at colleges and universities, educating them about the recent advances in LENR, most of whom knew nothing about it. We have spoken to our students, and showed them the papers and videos of these emerging technologies.

I have personally done math problems in algebra class adapted from this science. Yes, that’s right, energy out/in ratios, mass-to-energy equations, and many more LENR topics that I can simplify to basic algebra. And students loved it.

Today, we send Representative Ed Markey a letter thanking him for his accomplishments in holding Big Fossil accountable and pursuing justice for the environment. We also sent Representative Henry Waxman and House Energy and Environment Committee Chairman a letter as well. Each letter asks for support for LENR research and includes a Cold Fusion Now sticker.

As we mailed these few letters today, not knowing if it is helpful, or possibly hurtful, we continue to keep talking, and keep typing. (See archived post: Jan Marwan: “Start talking.”) And if your so inclined, and you feel it helps, copy and paste portions of this letter in a message to send to your Representative.

Worldwide, we must hold our leaders accountable, demanding action when they do wrong, and rewarding them when they do right. The fragile life that exists on this planet deserves no less from us.

Cold Fusion Now!

April 20, 2011

Representative Ed Markey
2108 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative Markey,

Thank you for continuing the fight to hold oil and gas companies accountable for the environmental damage done by reckless drilling practices. Your work on the Energy and Environment Subcommittee, including the recent hearings exposing, again, the dangers of radiation contamination, ranks you as one of the most respected supporters for our natural environment, admired around the country.

Now I ask you to put your powerful voice towards a truly clean energy, low-energy nuclear reactions, also called cold fusion, a type of ultra-clean nuclear power generated by hydrogen. If you have dismissed this research in the past, please do not miss this opportunity to get ahead of this two-decades-old science, just about to emerge as a technology. Research and engineering has been limping along with virtually zero federal support, other than military, yet the successes are increasing. It may be as soon as the end of this year that we will see a working device, manufactured in Florida, to be installed in a factory – in Greece.

Already there are numerous small businesses involved in LENR-related research and development around the country, several in your own state, each employing a handful of people. These companies need funding to hire more young scientists and increase productivity. Private investment has been inhibited by the United States Patent Office’s refusal to accept patents relating to this technology, a practice that should be reversed immediately.

LENR technology will create a renaissance of new businesses, jobs for young scientists, and more importantly, a clean energy to build a future on. We should make every effort to explore all avenues of clean energy quickly as possible to mitigate the effects of declining fossil fuels and aging nuclear fission power plants.

This technology will emerge eventually, with or without federal support, but public support means public ownership. Please sir, consider hearings on the state of the science and technology with the goal of funding research and development in this truly sustainable area of green nuclear power.

Thank you, and best wishes for continued success in the area of clean energy and the environment.


Your Name Here!

Letters and stickers also went to Rep. Waxman and Chairman Upton.
If you’re in their district, see if they sport em anywhere!
